The Long Journey Home

Reaper switches his knife back and forth. "Body shields? Oh come now, I am not even using your friend here. Oh I'm sorry I forget you don't face your enemy when you shoot them. I should turn around, best thing for a coward like you .. hahaha." He turns around and he stares down at Raymond.

"Go on, end this, if you can. Vixen couldn't ... haha, look at her now. Red suits her don't you think?" He places the knife to his cheek and cuts a little bit of it so you can see him bleed.

Sarah looks a little worried on Ghost's shoulder. "Should we be doing this...?"

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First Post
Don't you dare mention her name to me. You have no right to use it, she was a far better soldier then you'll ever be, a far better person then you'll ever be. Don't you dare turn your back on me, I want you to see the face that kills you. I know my shot will fire straight through you at this range and into anything behind you. Justify it any way you want you're still a coward hiding behind another person. Unlike you, I won't endanger the lives of those who have been entrusted to me, I'm better then that...Better then you.

The rifle is visibly shaking in his hands, though it's not due to nervousness.

Ray Ray

First Post
"Helmet buddies can be compromised just like any other tech! Goddamnit cap'n!" He sighed, realising that he just wasn't going to get through to .

"If you shoot that gun at my cranium right now Ghost I'm dead, whether hes infront of me or not. The velocity of that bullet would take out 2 targets easily. If youre going to fire at this 'reaper' then shoot to injure for the love of god. I trust you. I think I trust you. :):):):) it I dont trust you but Im giving you the benefit of the doubt here and so help me god if theres nothing hereim marching you straight to med bay soldier!"
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Arthur Campbell

First Post
Arthur started sifting through the stuff he'd found thinking: interesting, I guess I better familiarize myself with these traps if its the kind of thing I'm going to be disarming...

He then set about trying to get a rough idea of how these traps worked and how they could be disarmed.

He turned his attention to some kind of alien computer system, Captain, private Morrissette I may have found a serious amount of intel providing we can get at it somehow. Or our friend can.He returned to the group holding one of the data drive-like devices.
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OOC: There is something block comms to the two inside the boarded up building at the minute.

Boarded up building

"Oh I have the right to call her what I want. Heh, you think you were the only to lust over her? Hahah, we were a unit before you joined rookie, don't you think someone got there before you?" Reaper smiles. "and I knew it you are a coward, good for nothing. Can't even shoot your enemy when he's this close." He spits "Pathetic, why the higher ups gave you to us I will never know.

As Raymond shouts over Reaper " Maybe I should just kill your 'friend' here. He doesn't even trust you look at that, I'm so surprised." He brings his arm over his head dramatically. "Before I do, have you ever wandered why they gave me the codename reaper, huh? No you didn't did you? Hahah, oh that look on your face I love it!"
In your comms you hear something "Ghost! Ghost!? Finally got through, damn the jamming of this place. This is Carl, can you hear me? That man is an apparition, his abilities go beyond what your mind can see. Don't shoot him, take the hit. It will only hurt for a little bit. Trust me.

Reaper then darts forward towards Ghost and attacks him with his knife. The knife goes throw Ghost's ribs and a short moment later a red glow appears from one of Ghost's eyes. All Raymond sees is Ghost getting winded and falling down on one knee. Reaper gets shocked and he steps back, Reaper is now visible to Raymond.

Tch, damn protective robots. You got more paranoid? Hahaha, oh well hasn't stopped me completely. He turns to Raymond I will be back ... oh hey there pretty boy. Pity your coward captain here didn't shoot, would have blown your head clean off. Hahaha, might have gotten rid of his past though. Also speaking of pasts, 'project' boy .... watch your back. Hahahaha, oh might be sooner than you think. You idiots are loud." With that Reaper seems to disappear into thin air.

All around Ghost and Raymond they can hear shunting noises along the ground. Within only a few moments they are surrounded by aliens with humanoid torsos, Taur-shaped bodies and 6 legs with claws on the end of each. None of them are armed with much, some with what looks like guns, others with bits of glass, some with rock spears. Most of them have bits of armour on them instead of a full suit. One with a gun yells something in a strange language at the two soldiers.


Arthur has figured out how these explosives work, they seem to be ejected 'shotgun' shrapnel. Similar to a claymore but these seem a bit different, it doesn't have a remote detonation from what you can see. They seem to use very cheap infrared sensors on the front instead of tripwires. You can't tell exactly what was in the shells but they seem to be able to fire multiple times, reusable mines as long as there is ammo. Though the ones you find are exhausted of their shells.


First Post
He takes a moment to recover from the attack, holding his ribs but soon after lowering his arm. Lowering his rifle along with it,

He was right there, and I couldn't do it. Damn it ghost what the :):):):) is wrong with you, you had the shot, you could have took it. No amount of stealth can stop a bullet.
Thinking: What good is a sniper who hesitates at the moment of the kill?

A little voice creeping into the back of his mind. He regains his senses and realises that he's surrounded. he lowers his weapon with one hand, opening communications with the other.

I don't know who you are, but if you can hear me get a message to echo captain or private Zhukova of sierra squad, we're currently surrounded by XXXX number of hostiles in the boarded up building. Wielding what looks like haphazard weaponary and haphazard armour. Some look as though they are holding guns, others are equipped with slashing weaponary.

He then raises his weapon aiming towards the one who shouted the command..

I don't know if you can understand me but we have no intention of harming you, we've been sent to assist not to eliminate. Lower your weapons and we'll do the same.

Mikhail Zhukov

First Post
I said what?

Mikhail shakes his head slightly confused.

We should keep going, we can come back once we clear the place out.
Officially we were sent to Japan as "advisers" since Russia on paper was not involved in the conflicts.101 of proxy warfare. We did recon and sabotage, spec ops stuff. Supported ground recon teams as mobile anti air defense couple of times. But all that happened a long time and very far away, we are all one big happy family now.

So you are here not for gold but for glory then. Why not join one of the more glamorous trades? Like bomber pilots or navy interceptors? Or is that too much risk for a humble air jockey like yourself?

Aleksandra paused for a second, she decided to attribute Mikhail's vagueness to the excessive amount of flirting he seemed to do and got back to business.
"Definitely, I'll take point again. This room is clear for now, same pattern as before. Go."
With that she began to creep up the stairs to the second floor.

OOC: Do you want re-rolls on stealth checks etc.

Ray Ray

First Post
He was about to ask what the hell this 'Reaper' fellow was going on about calling him 'project boy'...when he dissapeared. The fact that he had appeared shocked Raymond somewhat, but the dissapearing shocked him even more.

Maybe someone laced -my- breakfast with weird crap... I swear... There was noone there... noone...

He jolted back to attention as the two of them were surrounded, but unlike Ghost, his rocket launcher was lowered. Right now he no longer trusted his perceptions.

"Ey, Cap'n Ghost... These guys are definitely real, right?"

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