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New DM seeks interest in PFRPG PBP - Crypt of the Everflame


Queen of Everything
first, welcome to Enworld!
Second it looks like you have a list of great players.
Third I just wanted to say hi.
Forth, special hi to Rhun, Queeny and Fenris.

Welcome to EN world and good luck!!

Hi Scott! I've been missing the old peg leg and Lola and Rovan lately...

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This is what I have so far.

Elandril male elf Wizard (Evoker)
Opposition schools: enchantment and necromancy
+1 dmg/CL evocation spells
Force bolt 1d4+1 6/day
Str 14 (5)
Dex 16 (5)
Con 12 (5)
Int 16 (5)
Wis 10
Cha 10

AC: 13 (17 w/mage armor)
HP: 8 (6+1con+1favored class)
Ref: +3
Will: +2

BAB +0
CMB +2

Storm: Longsword +3( Arcane Bond MW) 1-8+2 crit 19-20 x2 15 gp 4lb

Shortbow +3 1-6 Crit 20 x3 RI 60 30 gp 2lbs

Extend Spell

Gifted Adept: Your interest in magic was inspired by
witnessing a spell being cast in a particularly dramatic
method, perhaps even one that affected you physically
or spiritually. This early exposure to magic has made it
easier for you to work similar magic on your own. Pick
one spell when you choose this trait—from this point
on, whenever you cast that spell, its effects manifest at
+1 caster level. Shocking Grasp

Magical Lineage: One of your parents was a gifted
spellcaster who not only used metamagic often, but
developed many magical items and perhaps even a new
spell or two—and you have inherited a fragment of this
greatness. Pick one spell when you choose this trait.
When you apply metamagic feats to this spell, treat its
actual level as 1 lower for determining the spell’s f inal
adjusted level. Mage Armor

0: Detect Magic, Light, Read Magic

1: Mage Armor(extended), Shocking Grasp (2d6+1) Arcane Bond Sword, Magic Missle

Spellcraft:7 (9) to identify magic items
Knowledge, History: 7
Knowledge, Local 7
Knowledge Arcana 7

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Sylvan, Orc
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Broad Arrow Jack

First Post
rangerjohn, thanks for confirming your character as the party's wizard! Everyone is established now, except for ethandrew.

Here is some information about a likely mentor for your wizard. Please try to incorporate it into your background if at all possible.

[sblock=Suggested wizard mentor]Holgast: On the eastern edge of town is a single tower, leaning slightly to the south, made of bricks and timber. This is the home of Holgast, the town’s local sage and mystic. Although Holgast is very knowledgeable, he is old and quite forgetful, meaning that the townsfolk (the mayor in particular) only consult him if the need is truly great. Holgast spends most of his days wandering about his tower, reading books, smoking his pipe, and taking naps. Once a week, he wanders into town to purchase supplies and provisions with his seemingly inexhaustible reserve of perfect golden coins, which he claims came from an immense hoard some years ago. Holgast makes for a frustrating mentor. His lessons are erratic and old fashioned. His apprentices are required to do all manner of chores for the privilege of learning from him, while he sleeps the day away and teaches very little. Those who have learned anything from him have done so by sneaking into the wizard’s spellbooks while he is napping.[/sblock]

Broad Arrow Jack

First Post
I'd like to say a special thank you to renau1g, Theroc, HolyMan, and Scott DeWar for being so helpful and welcoming to a newcomer! I appreciate the hospitality!

Broad Arrow Jack

First Post
[sblock] I love the mentor and am working on my background and will have that posted today. I wanted to double check with you before proceeding: is it okay to be the daughter of the Seven Silvers Tavern and Inn? It would work well with her having learned her skills. [/sblock]


[sblock]I think that's a great idea! Here are two other NPCs detailed in the adventure who are important to the Seven Silvers Tavern.

Asina Silvers: Asina looks almost identical to her beautiful mother, a fact that causes her father Trelvar some pain since his wife’s unfortunate passing a year ago. This young girl helps her father run the Seven Silvers inn and tavern near the center of town. Asina is only 13 years old, but she is already known as the preeminent town gossip, collecting all sorts of rumors and tales to spread to those who stop by the inn for a pint. Asina works hard and has a pleasant smile, but she is secretly worried for her father. She wants to make him proud by taking over the inn, but this gets in the way of her true dream to move to the city (Tamran) and make a life for herself there.

Trelvar Silvers: Trelvar, along with his daughter, Asina, run the only tavern and inn located in Kassen, the Seven Silvers. Trelvar is middleaged and inherited the bar from his father over 10 years ago. Although Trelvar is a good man and honest with his customers (even if Jimes is not), he has fallen into a deep depression over the past year. His wife died giving birth to his only son, and the son did not last the winter. As a result, Trelvar is left without a wife or heir. While Asina has tried to brighten his mood and insists that she will take over the bar, Trelvar is unsure and would be just as likely to give the place over to a respectable employee after seeing to it that Asina was properly married. It seems like the only time Trelvar seems to cheer up is when a wealthy or affluent stranger rolls into town.

Now, the most obvious ways to adapt this info to include your PC would be:

1. Your rogue is Asina (possibly with a different first name), likely a bit older than described.

2. Your rogue is a second Silvers daughter, presumably Asina's older sister.

I could go either way, or I'd be open to other ideas as well. Let me know.[/sblock]


First Post
I'd like to say a special thank you to renau1g, Theroc, HolyMan, and Scott DeWar for being so helpful and welcoming to a newcomer! I appreciate the hospitality!

We like fresh blood here on the boards, BAJ. It seems sometimes that there are only a few of us really active players/DMs, and we all end up being the grandest of friends! :)


Queen of Everything
Work in progress (No peeking)

Mariana Silvers

Female Human Rogue 1st Level
NG medium humanoid
18 years old
5' 10", 136 pounds, raven black hair and blue eyes

Init +6 (+4 Dex, +2 Reactionary); Senses: Perception: +4

AC 16, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+2 armor, +4 Dex, +0 size, misc. mods)
HP 10 (max first level plus 1 from human bonus per level+ 1 Con)
Languages: Common, Elven, Halfling

Fort +1, Ref +6, Will +0
Spd 30 ft.
Base Atk +0; Grp +0; Melee +4; Ranged +4

Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 10, Cha 13


Weapon Finesse (Combat) (Pathfinder_OGC)
Two-Weapon Fighting (Combat) (Pathfinder_OGC)

Traits Charming, Reactionary


Acrobatics +8, Appraise +6, Bluff +5 (+6 vs opposite sex), Climb +0, Diplomacy +5, Disable Device +8, Escape Artist +4, Intimidate +1, Knowledge: Local +6, Perception +4, Ride +4, Sense Motive +4, Sleight of Hand +8, Stealth +8, Survival 0, Swim +0, Use Magic Device +5

Combat Gear
Rapier, +4 (1d6 DMG) (+0 BAB, +0 STR, +4 DEX, +0 size, +0 weapon quality, 0 feat)
Dagger, +4 (1d4 DMG) (+0 BAB, +0 Str, +4 DEX, +0 size, +0 weapon quality, 0 feat)
Two Weapon, +2/+2 (1d6/1d4)
Shortbow +4 (1d6 DMG) (+0 BAB, +4 Dex, +0 size, +0 weapon quality, +0 feat)

Possessions Leather Armor (10 gp), Rapier (20 gp), Dagger (2 gp), Shortbow (30 gp)
20 arrows (1 gp), Thieves Tools (30 gp), Backpack (2 gp), Crowbar (2 gp), Grappling Hook (1 gp), 50 ft Silk Rope (10 gp), Explorer's Outfit (Free), Belt pouch (1 gp), 2 sacks (2 sp), soap ( 1 sp), Small steel mirror (10 gp), 4 sunrods (8 gp), Caltrops (1 gp), 2 tindertwigs (2 gp), Bedroll (1 sp), Winter Blanket (5 sp), Waterskin (1 gp), Hunk of Cheese ( 1 sp), 2 Loaves of Bread ( 4 cp), 4 Days Trail Rations ( 2gp)

Coin: 5 gp 9 sp 6 cp

Background Info: Mariana is the oldest daughter of Trelvar Silvers, the Inn keeper of the Seven Silvers in Kassen. Mariana is just as beautiful as her younger sister Asina, but having reached maturity is that much more striking. Asina, the town gossip is very happy in Kassen, loves working in the Inn and would like to take it over some day. Mariana hates it, she is a talented young woman who feels Kassen is too small for her. She yearns for adventure and challenges. She hears at least as much gossip as Asina, but doesn't care to repeat it, preferring to deal with rumors herself.

One of her biggest influences growing up was the waiter at the Seven Silvers, Jimes “Short Change” Iggins. This affable halfling had light fingers and Mariana watched him carefully and saw what he was doing before trying it out on her own. A few missing coppers here and there gave Mariana a thrill she hadn't known before. Soon she had Iggins teaching her behind her father's back. Being a smart girl she quickly picked up on it and other tricks too. She got into trouble a few times not trying to do anything bad, just having some fun. Luckily either her father or this love-sick kid with a crush on her from the temple would come and intervene with the magistrate. Mariana was so excited come the opportunity to go retrieve the Eternal Flame, for her it meant leaving the town for a bit, some adventure and the beginning of getting out from under her father who only wanted to marry her off.

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Scott DeWar

Prof. Emeritus-Supernatural Events/Countermeasure
Hi Scott! I've been missing the old peg leg and Lola and Rovan lately...
lolYeah, that peg leg sailor if mine was a hoot, eh?

did I mis seeing that Eathan drew is here too? oops. sorry. I know we have been inb a game some where ......


BAJ any chance of making Holgast an elf and a family member? The traits seem to suggest they came from family. As for one of the traits and the arcane bond; lets say my character was rumaging among Holghast's many artifacts while he slept. He came across Storm and was zapped by the sword. From this incident they were bonded and he now has an affinity for lightning spells.

Voidrunner's Codex

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