• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!


Archon Basileus

First Post

The impasse is short-lived. Having decided to continue down, the group splits and works on reassuring the chosen escape route.

Marius stretches his arm over the short abyss between the bridge and the column under the heavy statue. A swift twist of his hand puts pressure on an elaborate crux-like symbol. It sinks, releasing a plaque of stone with a click, springing it half-open to the interior of the column.

As the adventurers focus on false leads and watch the path behind them, the impacts against the stone wall grow and change in nature. The sheer strength of whatever rams that wall above vibrates through the halls, making them tremble under the pressure. Dust and chipping fall from the roof, revealing nooks and crannies under the unnatural light of the rod. Soon enough, the muffled sounds of dry impact are followed by the insidious gritting of cracks, the stone concealing the path above clearly giving way to the monstrosities on the other side.

Arvana turns a concerned face towards Morgrym. “By the Seven Crowns, what is that?" - The ramming sounds have now become thunderous as brittle bas-relieves crack and fall. Amidst noise and dust, a ragged howl can be heard, loud and furious.

Seconds fly by as Marius runs back and forth. The trail of black blood begins to gain shape, only to fade away as he simulates hurried steps in fair amounts towards the massive stone gate. The cardiac explosions of marble advise the monk to be quick.

As soon as the monk’s distraction is ready, a final, loud crack is heard from above, followed by ominous, brief silence. And then, an explosion! The discernible sound of stone boulders flying down the stairs echoes through the hall. Tremor envelops the hole area as several plaques plummet down with loud crashing. Statues shake in their pedestals, despite their huge weight. Two of them, near the walls, tumble down as trees cut from their roots, shattering as they bash against the floor. To the adventurer’s concern and horror, as the marble figures break a faint glowing mist ascends from them, almost as if a vaguely human shape arose from each image, suddenly freed from a long forgotten prison. Cries of agony and insane laughs can be heard from both statues, and soon enough the mists vanish in the air.

From the stairs, a sharp and thunderous roar comes, turning the passages behind the adventurers into maws of terror. As it interrupts itself, heavy steps can be heard as they descend the stairs above. At first, they are slow and calculated, as if to study the terrain they tread. Soon enough, though, they increase their cadency almost to a running pace, and another terrible roar can be heard! Whatever comes down is closing in fast!

A furious, horrid roar can be heard from the stairs in the back.


[You did a very good job with the trails. Survival is more than enough to do them. You manage to open the door to the secret path without further problems. A simple leap through the chasm will lead you all inside. No need for further tests…. For now.]


[As the statues break, Reynard sees, better than the others, as the gaseous forms rise from the broken images. Even though they’ve vanished, Reynard still feels as if they were being watched.]


[Considering distance and sound intensity, you’ll all escape by the skin of your teeth, or that’s what you calculate, at least. If anyone stalls for any reason whatsoever, odds are the thing that comes down will crash against you. You also counted the time it took to bring down a 15 inch’ stone door: about a minute, eleven series of strikes against the door.]


“I say the lassie walks up front where we can see ‘er.”

“Such a gentleman, you.” – Arvana responds, set on contesting the suggestion, but changes her mind as soon as the sounds from the passage gain intensity. She leaps swiftly into the dark passage, holding on to the threshold and reaching out for the others. “Damn it, hurry up, boys! – concern turned to fear as the beast approaches.

[Ok, time is scarce and you have a lot to cover!

1) Roll either acrobatics or stealth against CD 5 to take flight quickly enough. If anyone wishes to retrieve the sun rod or any other items, apply +3 to the difficulty. This test is only intended to determine if you will be able to reach the hidden path without delay and in secrecy.

Also, someone roll an additional 1D20, no modifiers – unless someone has a lucky charm or something like that. ;) This is for… Well, I’ll keep it a secret for now!]

MAP UPDATED - Two broken statues


@Trogdor1992 @Neurotic @KahlessNestor @Jago
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: I will just point you to my last post where I describe opening the passage BEFORE starting on the false trail. I was counting on others to get started while I work. This works fine IF we get out of this alive :)

"Go, go, go! I'll close it behind us!"

As soon as the last of his companions disappears into the darkness, Marius flips over landing at the edge of the pit, facing back toward the bridge and closing the door behind him checking one last time they didn't leave any obvious trail toward this statue.

Acrobatics; Luck roll: 1D20+8 = [13]+8 = 21
1D20 = [18] = 18

OOC: I hope this "luck" roll was to be as high as possible, otherwise I'm doomed :)

Archon Basileus

First Post
Sorry, I'll edit! Meditatation about the last post took me away from it for a sec!

EDIT: Done!

Enviado de meu GT-I9505 usando Tapatalk
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" Not good."

Something was in those statues, and whatever it was, it was not happy about having been trapped. Or released so violently.

" Not good at all."

Whatever was coming for them was making the entire tomb reverberate, Reynard still not able to see the beast. He waited, and waited, and finally figured he had waited long enough.

“Damn it, hurry up, boys!he heard Arvana call behind him, and he honestly couldn't argue with the order. However.


He wasn't leaving without his damn sunrod.

" Just a second, sweetheart!" Reynard called back, finally deciding that even a bullet of his would not be enough to drop whatever was coming. Instead, he tore off after his magical torch, holstering the gun and drawing a sack from his backpack. When he was close, Reynard slid along the humid-slick stone, nabbing the rod, throwing it into the sack, and pushing back off with a reversal of his direction to make it towards the tunnel.

He stepped carefully, his boots soft on the stone and attempting not to interfere with the ruse set out by Marius, all while moving with all haste towards their avenue of escape.

[sblock=Acrobatics Roll][roll0] vs. DC 8[/sblock]

[sblock=Reynard's Stats]Character Sheet
HP: 25/25
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +6
Perception: +9
In Hand: Pistol, Cosim Camman Denoctusd
[sblock=Defenses]AC: 18 Flat: 13 Touch: 18
Fort: 7 Reflex: 10 Will: 7[/sblock]
[sblock=Offenses]Pistol (Mwk): +7, 1d8/x4
Chakrams: +6, 1d8/x2
- Flurry of Throws: +4/+4
Unarmed Strike: +6, 1d6

Paper Cartridges: 66/70
Entangling Shot: 5/5
Flare Cartridges: 5/5[/sblock]
Grit: 3/3
Gunslinger's Dodge
Quick Clear
Up Close And Deadly

[sblock=Adventure Notes]Game Info:
We have a dagger and apparently lizards want it. But they can't have it.

Arvana supposedly knows a mythical oracle-like creature called The Lady. Reynard is intrigued and wants to go spelunking with her.[/sblock][/sblock]


Maran/Helen’s Fortune/Cellars
Round 0

Morgrym grumped about how one shouldn’t hurry a dwarf, but he scampered quickly into the secret entrance after Arvana, watching that popinjay Reynard scuttle across the floor after his sunrod.

Acrobatics and Stealth: 1D20-1 = [15]-1 = 14http://roll.coyotecode.net/lookup.php?rollid=145327
1D20-1 = [18]-1 = 17

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)(Barkskin: +2)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7

Conditions: Barkskin 29m, Fog Cloud 29m

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Shillelagh, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain)*, Barkskin,* Flaming Sphere, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]


Archon Basileus

First Post

The door closes with a soft click, leaving no trace whatsoever of it’s true purpose. As the adventurers descend into the darkness, the strenuous advent of their enemy resounds through the room, only to be greeted by distant chains of incorporeal screams and laughs. They gain distance while the sounds of battle take shape, only to fade in the distance. Reassurance of their success in a subtle escape comes as no one seems to follow them this time.

[You can gather additional info about the enemies through perception, as you try to devise their shapes and strengths as you descend. Any other tests you might want can be applied as well.]

The stairs are made of polished stone steps that accompany the squared format of the tower. There is nothing but an empty space in the center, and no guards separate the hole from the steps. Two men could go down side by side, even though it seems safer to just lean against the wall for guidance. As the companions follow the way, they see a strange species of ivy growing through the walls, thickening its branches the further they go. The black thing shares space with the gleam of wetness over the stone. At some point, the walls become covered in thin veins of water that reflect the emanations of the sunrod.

Once they reach the last step, they are greeted into a natural pavement, made of stones and dark land. The origins of the ivy are made clear: they have been planted in the middle of the steps, perhaps as decoration, perhaps for their bloated, dark fruits, pending from the boughs that irradiate from the vigorous trunk, now entirely visible. A few steps from the last of the stairs a passage with a broken stone door divides the area from a huge exterior.

As the four wanderers venture forth, they are surprised by a set of stone pyres placed carefully around the door. As they set foot in this new room, the pieces suddenly light up, blue flames exploding silently and sustaining a strange light that reaches the furthest areas of the room. But what’s most peculiar in here is the nature of this place...

The huge cave seems to be a closed subterranean garden. The irregular terrain is crowded with species that resemble trees and bushes, sprawling against a selection of fungi of all sizes. Running water can be heard as it makes its way through brooks hidden among the foliage and descends from thin cascades on the walls and roof. The hole place is a kaleidoscope, broken in pieces by the vitric distortions of water lines that descend everywhere. The bustling sound of unknown fauna completes this living terrarium, buried underground for who-knows-low-long. The hole area seems to have been agitated by the involuntary lighting of the pyres, noise rising from the canopies around.

Arvana breaks the silence, twisting a jesting glance at Morgrym: “Sorry to mule you around, short-legs – she clearly heard his remark on how to not hurry a dwarf. Almost immediately she turns to Marius, nods in approval, and finally looks at Reynard. “A rod… Really? How much did it cost?” – she speaks with ease as she scouts the area with attentive eyes.

[Ok, we've got a taste of it. Now you're on your own, lol. The world is your sandbox. Anything goes.]

[Also, sorry for the delay. Since this is the opening movement on the free-decision - and soon enough, free-roaming - game, I had to consider carefully how to write the overture]

@Trogdor1992 @Neurotic @KahlessNestor @Jago
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" I don't leave my things behind, Sweetheart" the Gunslinger answered simply in reply, " How much in gold I paid for them doesn't matter."

Reynard held the sunrod aloft in the strange cavern, feeling at once curious and yet hesitant about their new environment. New was definitely the correct word: this place felt massively large and yet the sailor still knew they were underground. The fires sparking to life as they entered did little to assure him that this place was safe, either: that had to have been some magical trick, or maybe some type of alarm.

" Underground trees ... that's certainly new. Wonder how they even grow ..?" he asked aloud, exploring the area, " This place is incredible. Like some deity just carved a slice out of the topsoil and stuck her below the dirt."

Impressed as he was, Reynard was clearly searching for an exit, even as his mind raced with the events from above and the dangers they had escaped from.

" Still, we oughtn't dawdle. We've someone expecting us."

Maybe it was just a tick, but Reynard did pat down his backpack to make sure the Dagger was still safely inside.

[sblock=Perception of Enemies from Above][roll0][/sblock]

[sblock=Reynard's Stats]Character Sheet
HP: 25/25
Condition: Normal
Initiative: +6
Perception: +9
In Hand: Sunrod
[sblock=Defenses]AC: 18 Flat: 13 Touch: 18
Fort: 7 Reflex: 10 Will: 7[/sblock]
[sblock=Offenses]Pistol (Mwk): +7, 1d8/x4
Chakrams: +6, 1d8/x2
- Flurry of Throws: +4/+4
Unarmed Strike: +6, 1d6

Paper Cartridges: 66/70
Entangling Shot: 5/5
Flare Cartridges: 5/5[/sblock]
Grit: 3/3
Gunslinger's Dodge
Quick Clear
Up Close And Deadly

[sblock=Adventure Notes]Game Info:
We have a dagger and apparently lizards want it. But they can't have it.

Arvana supposedly knows a mythical oracle-like creature called The Lady. Reynard is intrigued and wants to go spelunking with her.[/sblock][/sblock]


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
With all the noise his companions were making and the hurry of his own descent, Marius couldn't really concentrate on the sounds of fighting.

When they arrived, he stopped in wonder; marvelous, improbable garden in the depths of the earth. He ran quickly through his limited knowledge of underground and magic. Without some deep insights into how, he shrugged internally and advanced cautiously into the cave. Rather than touching strange plant set at the stairs, he jumped over the trunk, landing softly behind it, his senses straining for any sign of danger.

He looks for discarded stick, fallen branch or any length of wood that could be used to prod things from distance.
"Come on, the exit will not find itself. You can wonder while we search. Don't disturb anything more than you have to. It seems safe, but...I've ever seen anything like this. Did anyone?"
Move: jump over the plant and enter the cave

Knowledges: Perception for above; Dungeoneering; Arcana: 1D20+10 = [6]+10 = 16
1D20+2 = [5]+2 = 7
1D20+5 = [8]+5 = 13

Curiosity: Perception for danger in the cave: 1D20+10 = [15]+10 = 25



Underground garden
Round 0

Morgrym didn’t hurry as he descended the stairs. He knew good stonework when he saw it. He did listen, though, to the sounds coming from the crypts above, trying to ascertain just what it might have been that was after them.

Perception: 1D20+10 = [6]+10 = 16

The dwarf eyed the ivy as they descended, and took in the surprise of the others as they entered the subterranean garden. “Interestin’,” the dwarf muttered.

Perception, Geography, Nature: 1D20+10 = [3]+10 = 13
1D20+6 = [11]+6 = 17
1D20+8 = [20]+8 = 28

[sblock=Actions and Rolls]

HP: 39/39 NL: 0
AC: 17 FF: 11 T: 16 (+4 vs Giants)(Barkskin: +2)
CMD: 15 (+2 vs bull rush, trip)
Fort: 7 Ref: 2 Will: 7 (+2 vs poisons, spells, SLA)
Armed: MW Cold Iron Battleaxe
Ammunition: 10/10 bullets
Storm Burst 7/7

Conditions: Barkskin 28m

Spells Prepared
0: Create Water, Detect Magic, Light, Stabilize
1. Obscuring Mist (Domain), Cure Light Wounds, Produce Flame, Shillelagh, [Summon Nature’s Ally 1 (Spontaneous)]
2: Fog Cloud (Domain)*, Barkskin,* Flaming Sphere, [Summon Nature’s Ally II (Spontaneous)]

Voidrunner's Codex

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