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The Untamed Wilds: Caravan Campaign

Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth
Merin mentions the following to both Sannit and Sheldon: "I think that once this tree business is resolved, we should get serious about collecting metals, minerals, and ores. I think we should organize 'expeditions' where we spend a week or two at a time collecting stuff. And judging by our recent attempts, I think we need to branch out, and leave the piney woods, maybe hiking up into the mountains, and then later, perhaps we should look for more wet, swampy environs. Of course, we'd need to talk to Giodavi about obtaining some sort of map, so as to prevent ourselves from becoming lost. What say you both?"

Tor Questions Merin: "What will we be looking for in the swamp?!?"

Merin smiles, and says, "Well, besides the fact that a variety of iron ore called 'bog iron' can be found in wet, swampy areas, I was also hoping to come across some more big lizards. We could definitely use more reptile skins, for armor. And even for selling at a profit. Did you see the way everyone in town was complimenting our armor? It won't be long before there is a high demand for reptile skins. And I know that reptiles like two things more than anything else: sun and water. And swamps have an abundance of both, hence they are the greenest, most wet areas in all the world."

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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 37: Evening Tasks, Part 3

Saemund looks at Sannit, a smirk comes across his face. "A woman once told me I needed to learn how to listen, if your expensive rocks have as much to say as this woman did we shouldn't have any problem finding them." Saemund returns to seriousness," Feel the rocks you say? Listen to them???", "Very well then, I'll attempt to listen for them, hopefully they will call out like dying men to their mothers." "And I like this idea of being a better warrior, I will need to become proficient in manipulating way, anything that will give me an advantage in battle. I think I can learn to listen for that.
Sheldon, listening to the discourse and explanation, decides to add to the information. Though different in his approach and more selective to the company, Sheldon also like to talk.
Perhaps the stone and metal will speak to you as they do to Sannit, but everyone has to find their own way. Stories tell that the Mhytre can smell the ore. For me, it is more of a feeling. It is like the ore reaches out from a distance and tugs at me leading me in the right direction. We only do this when we are away from town, and of course, we would never explain the process to another not already gifted with the talent to sense the way lines that flow through all things. Very few are born with this talent and there seems to be a tendency for those people to find one another.
GM: Starting in the same manner in which the rest of the party developed the skill. Sannit gets Saemund to close his eyes and guess which type of ingot he is holding. Once he is able to do so, Sannit explains that by holding one type of ingot assists in locating it in the area, otherwise it can take minutes to hours depending on the rarity of the material.

[sblock=Detect Mineral by Saemund alone]Range = Cohesion + Will = 17 strides (~51')
Effectiveness = Essence + Mind + Cohesion + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate = 50
Iron using ingot = 50 - 57 = -7: 7 seconds
Copper w/o ingot = 50 - 27 - 40(rarity) = -17: 1 minute, 7 seconds
Titanium w/o ingot = 50 - 49 - 100 = -99: 9 minutes, 9 seconds[/sblock]
GM: The results are the same as Merin's and Tor's search.

San-Bolo use the beetle carapace to try and find the others, hunting them if necessary to bring more carapaces back for Maeli.
[sblock=Detect Emerald Beetle]San-Bolo = 100 - 61 = 39: instantaneous[/sblock]
[sblock=Availability]88 - 50 = 38: normal[/sblock]
GM: San-Bolo instantly detect the presence of a few emerald beetles, but they are only the size of a man's thumb knuckle and not really worth collecting.

Sheldon and Indigo prepare the camp while the others detect various items. Seeing the disappointment at the results, Sheldon suggests that they split up into groups for hunting.
I believe that the ores will come. I believe we will be more successful the farther we get from well traveled areas. Since there are still a few hours of light, why don't we split up for hunting. We could certainly use more game than we have been finding thus far. Saemund, Indigo and I will head South away from the stream. Sannit, why don't you Bolo and Turtle try North across the stream, while Merin and Tor search upstream. I don't see any use in backtracking the way we have already come. We can all looks for suitable herbs while we hunt.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 37, Evening Tasks, Part 4

Merin mentions the following to both Sannit and Sheldon: "I think that once this tree business is resolved, we should get serious about collecting metals, minerals, and ores... What say you both?"
Sheldon -
You should understand me by now. I haven't thought that far ahead. I tend to take things one at the time.
[sblock=Hunting]Range = Cohesion + Will
Effectiveness = Essence + Mind + Cohesion + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Commercial + Aberrative + Academic + Theologic + Obscurative
Sheldon, Indigo, Saemund = 184 + 62 = 246 + 06 = 252
Sannit, Indigo, Turtle = 138 + 30(Turtle's sense of smell) + 82 = 250 + 25 = 275
Tor, Merin = 117 + 80 = 197+ 76 = 273[/sblock]
[sblock=GM Tip]This is the best task to use when looking for anything alive.[/sblock]
GM: After 2 hours of hunting, Sheldon, Indigo, and Saemund return with 1 rabbit, 1 large white beetle carapace, 1 game bird, and 2 soothe leaf.

Sannit, Bolo, and Turtle return with 1 rabbit, 2 game birds, and 2 soothe leaf.

Merin and Tor return with 1 rabbit, 1 game bird, and, on a lucky find, 1 rage leaf.

OOC: New Collections:
1 Emerald Beetle Carapace
1 Ivory Beetle Carapace

GM: When Sheldon paralyzes the first rabbit, Saemund is at first confused as to what just happened. Sheldon explains that he has been manipulating way long enough now to be able to do so at a distance, rather than by touch alone and that he has only put the rabbit to sleep. Waking the rabbit while Saemund is holding it, he tells him to listen for the echo of the lifeforce of the rabbit compared to his own and to concentrate on slowing the fluctuations of the way.

[sblock=Paralyze]Affect = Cohesion + Will = 17
Effectiveness = Essence + Mind + Cohesion + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate...
Saemund = 50 + 87 = 137
Rabbit = 14 + 53 = 67
Damage = 137 - 67 = 70% * 17 = 12
Mind = 2 - 12 = -10 stunned for 1 minute[/sblock]
Sheldon -
You are a natural. You got it on your first attempt.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Day 38: Hunting for the Haunted Tree, Day 3

The night was somewhat uneventful. Heavier rains than previously encountered make the pack animals nervous and force the Seekers to lose some sleep, but in the morning all is well, and after some drying, it is decided to go ahead across the stream the continue eastward.
[sblock=Random Encounter]94 + 60 + 100 (distance bonus) = 254[/sblock]
By mid morning, a covey of gamebirds is spooked allowing 3 of them to be captured for food for the midday break.
[sblock=Random Encounter]78 + 100 = 178[/sblock]
By late afternoon, 3 rabbits are collected, but that will not provide enough food for the evening meal. While the usual ores are being sought, Sheldon decides that he would also like to search for more augmenting stones, knowing that they too can be traded for value if they are not personally needed.
GM: Sheldon locates one Mottled Brown Stone and one Shiny Yellow Stone.
Merin-Tor locate one ingot of iron but do not detect any collectable nickel, carbone, pietrazulfo, or titanium.
San-Bolo locate one ingot of silver but do not detect any collectable copper or gold.

For hunting, Saemund goes with Merin and Tor this trip.
[sblock=Hunting]Sheldon-Indigo: 126 + 51 = 177 + 77 = 254
Merin-Tor-Saemund: 175 + 40 = 215 + 71 = 286
San-Bolo-Turtle: 168 + 82 = 250 + 86 = 336[/sblock]
GM: Sheldon and Indigo return with 1 rabbit, 1 game bird, 2 Mend Leaf, and 1 Mend Bark.
Merin, Tor, and Saemund return with 2 rabbits, 1 game bird, 1 Soothe leaf, 1 Rage Bark, 1 Bolster Root
Sannit, Bolo, and Turtle return with 1 Ivory Beetle Carapace, 1 game bird, 1 piney wood rooter, 1 Soothe Leaf, 1 Mend Bark, 1 Bolster Root

OOC: New Collection:
1 Emerald Beetle Carapace
2 Ivory Beetle Carapace
1 Mottled Brown Stone
1 Shiny Yellow Stone
1 Iron Ingot
1 Silver Ingot
80 Bricks of Pork
1 Pig Hide 40%

Sannit, Bolo, and Turtle having returned with a medium size wild pig lifts everyone's spirits for having the extra meat to prepare for transport will make the constant search for food less of a burden. Merin demonstrates for Saemund how to start a fire by manipulating way and later Sheldon and Sannit demonstrate how to dry and prepare the skin using way before coating it in some of the salt donated by Raven. While the evening meal is being prepared, Indigo decides to try to make a concoction of Mend Leaf.

[sblock=Brew Potion]Essence + Mind + Adhesion + Knowledge + Will + Collegiate + Aberrative + Academic + Theologic
Indigo = 47 + 87 - 80(Leaf Penalty) = 54: success[/sblock]
GM: Indigo is successfully able to make a concoction of mending.

OOC: 1 Concoction of Mending (54%)
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
A Technicality Remedied

OOC: Of course since I love math, the method I had generated for healing was bothering me. Not that this has an effect on game play as far as the PCs go, but I thought to provide you the new information. I did not like the concept of miraculous healing, so I generated a new algorithm for augmented natural healing. The ability to manipulate way is now used to accelerate the natural process. This will change a little of the game dynamic for time will need to be allocated toward the process.

[sblock=Natural Mending]or heal body: Time = [Injury/(Health + Confluence)]10 days[/sblock]
[sblock=Natural Soothing]or heal mind: Time = [Loss/(Persona + Will + Cohesion)]1 minute[/sblock]
[sblock=Natural Restoration]or heal essence: Time = (Loss/Adhesion)1 hour[/sblock]
[sblock=Mending]Time = [Injury/(Health of victim + Confluence of victim + Essence of healer + Mind of healer + Confluence of healer + Knowledge of healer + Will of healer + Collegiate of healer + Aberrative of healer + Academic of healer + Theologic of healer + 1d100)]10 days[/sblock]
GM: Yes, I will gladly do the calculation and advise what skills to increase.

OOC: I also changed "Personality" to "Persona", but this is merely vocabulary.


Gamer Extraordinaire
OOC: Merin mentions the following to both Sannit and Sheldon:
OOC: "I think that once this tree business is resolved, we should get serious about collecting metals, minerals, and ores. I think we should organize 'expeditions' where we spend a week or two at a time collecting stuff. And judging by our recent attempts, I think we need to branch out, and leave the piney woods, maybe hiking up into the mountains, and then later, perhaps we should look for more wet, swampy environs. Of course, we'd need to talk to Giodavi about obtaining some sort of map, so as to prevent ourselves from becoming lost. What say you both?"

Sannit rubs his beard and says, "I'm all for hunting the lizards for armor, but I think we should prioritize collecting metal. Since I heard the blacksmith talking about it I've been interested to see how this titanium steel will cut. I like the idea of our own expeditions. We have enough money now to fund our trips, and then we'll be on our own schedule."

Bolo says, "Just be sure not to neglect your duties as Minister of Foreign Affairs." She gives an ostentatious bow mimicked by Turtle.

Sannit laughs at her mockery. "I was shocked that they wanted to give me a title, but some people take comfort in those things. I'm a Seeker, that's all."
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Tellerian Hawke

Defender of Oerth

So, let's say that the injured person took 8 points of damage to the body. That person has a Health of 10 and a Confluence of 6.

If Merin were to attempt to heal that person, it would be: (8 / (10+6+10+10+4+7+6+10+6))10 = (8/69)10 = (0.16)10 = 1.6 days. Is that correct?

If so, then Merin is already approaching the point of miraculous healing anyway, ha ha. A day and a half to heal a deep sword wound to the gut? Sounds miraculous to me :)

Of course, you're probably referring to instantaneous healing :) But if Merin gets his related stats to all 10's, it would be:

(8/ (110))10 = (0.07)10 = 0.7 days. (i.e., almost 17 hours)... so for instantaneous, you'd have to have 2, 3, or even more skilled healers.

GM: If the person Merin is trying to heal can also manipulate way, which means all of us, and that person is conscious you would also add all abilities and skills related to healing from the injured party as well.

If the 1.6 day seems long, look at the fact that the person sustained enough damage to cause 80% of his body to cease to function. In this light, 1.6 days is very fast.
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Creator of The Untamed Wilds
Sheldon Reluctantly Interjects

Sannit rubs his beard and says, "We have enough money now to fund our trips, and then we'll be on our own schedule."
Sheldon makes stammering noises as if gaging his words.
I don't want to cast dispersions upon the levity of your statement, but I am afraid, we are wearing our wealth. By my calculation we spent all of our credit during our last stay. On a good note we do have an offered income with regard to the copper mine, but we do not yet know what the value of its productivity will be.


Creator of The Untamed Wilds
OOC: GM Note:
Just as the effectiveness of manipulating way is additive when 2 or more people link, the effectiveness of potions stacks with that of other potions and with people.
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Gamer Extraordinaire
Sheldon says, "I don't want to cast dispersions upon the levity of your statement, but I am afraid, we are wearing our wealth. By my calculation we spent all of our credit during our last stay. On a good note we do have an offered income with regard to the copper mine, but we do not yet know what the value of its productivity will be."

Sannit replies, "But we've already spread the impression among the town that we bring back good stuff and we've increased our value every time. From watching caravaners all my life I've come to know that the perception of wealth can be just as potent as actual wealth. I'm sure we can fund our own expeditions."
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