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Falcon and winter solider


Good points all, but even if all the Avengers were alive and waiting by the phone . . . .

This is a common trope in superhero literature, why doesn't the Flash just call Superman when things get tough? Or just group-text the Justice League?

The simple answer is, this story is about the Falcon and the Winter Soldier. It isn't about the Avengers. Rhoadey made a cameo in episode one to help ground the series in the larger narrative, but this isn't "The Falcon, the Winter Soldier, and Warmachine".

If your ability to suspend disbelief ends when Sam and Bucky don't call in whatever remaining Avengers to save the day . . . . perhaps superhero shows are not the genre for you.
Yep, this is probably one of the number one assumptions you have to make to keep yourself sane while watching these shows and movies. You just have to assume there is always some good reason that the other superheroes don't come to join in.....because if this was "realistic", of course all of the superheroes would join in on these global level threats, it would be silly that they wouldn't.

So everytime the question in your head whispers "but why isn't XYZ not here", you just have to answer "because of ABC reason that's not spoken on camera". Its the requirement of disbelief to enjoy the genre.

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Mod Squad
Staff member
You just have to assume there is always some good reason that the other superheroes don't come to join in.....because if this was "realistic", of course all of the superheroes would join in on these global level threats, it would be silly that they wouldn't.

The Flag Smashers were not a "global level threat" in the way Ultron or Thanos were. The Flag Smashers might have had heavy political implications/repercussions, but the number of people they directly threatened was measured in handfulls, not globes.


Relaxed Intensity
I'd say the Avengers are pretty much in disarray during this time period.

Iron Man is dead.
Black Panther is dead.
Warmachine has whatever mess to deal with he's going to handle in Armor Wars.
The Scarlet Witch has gone off the reservation.
Spiderman's secret identity has been revealed to the world.
Thor is in space with the Guardians of the Galaxy.

I expect we'll find that Carol Danvers and Monica Rambeau are going to have their own issues to deal with.

Doctor Strange should have probably made an appearance in WandaVision, but there's a lot happening concurrently in the MCU right now.

Dire Bare

That's 100% NOT what I said....why does the internet have to be EXTREME? I said I noticed it, not like I normally do.....But sure, let's not have nuance in our discussions. I LITERALLY acknowledged that it was irrational of me to expect that in a super hero show, right in the post.
Oh relax. When someone quotes you, it doesn't mean they disagree with you. I was (attempting) to build on what you posted. We are in agreement. If I was unclear, well, sorry I guess.

EDIT: I was (attempting) to build on what @MarkB posted, not @Zaukrie, I myself missed a link in the chain here. But still . . . relax. It's a conversation, not a debate. We can disagree a lot, or a little, we can build on what others post, we can riff and the conversation can drift . . . or we can misunderstand each other. Chill dude.

Er, he was responding to @MarkB .
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Maybe it was subtle to you, I found the whole series extremely blunt, blatant and far from subtle. But again, it seems that as a non-American my views and experiences in this subject don't count.

I call it subtle, because up to the last episode, the show had stuck to subtext rather than text. To me the message was pretty clear, but my friend didn't realize what the boat scene was about until I pointed it out to her. Then she pointed out that the kids kept referring to Sam as Uncle Sam, and now I felt dumb for not picking up on THAT.

But I like this way of presenting a message about current social issues. Just as long as they don't have a character turn to the camera and give a lecture. I feel a show is more powerful when it makes you think about its message, rather than telling you what its message is.

Finished watching it. Predictable. Dramatic tension is very low. I feel like the series should have been 1-2 episodes longer to give more time to flesh out things. Still I give it a 4 on 5. Very watchable.

I have to agree. There weren't really many shocking moments and twists. And it felt like the Power Broker was severely under used. 1 or 2 extra episodes could have given her more screentime, and integrated her into the plot better. I would also have loved to see more conflict with US Agent and our heroes.

I didn't hate the show, but in retrospect it was a bit underwhelming. It didn't have the quality of writing that Wanda Vision had.

Yes, the ratings dropped very badly with Wittaker. But if you look at the ratings history, that was hardly assured to be because they cast a woman as the doctor. Same thing happened with Eccleston and to lesser extent Capaldi. Since the ratings spiked when Whittaker took over, it's more likely the ratings were due to other issues.

So, I don't watch Dr Who. It is not my thing. But I have watched the first two seasons of new Who. I thought Eccleston was alright. He made the role his own, and I feel his portrayal may be a bit underrated. He added a delightful upbeat attitude to the character. Tennant was superior though in my view. I can see why New Who fans adore his portrayal so much.

Of the other doctors I have only seen a little, so my opinion of them is based purely on the brief glimpses I had of them in the role.

Smith was alright, but overshadowed by his predecessor. Capaldi was kind of a wet blanket. With Whittaker I felt like she didn't understand the role at all. What little I've seen of her, I didn't enjoy. When people say that she didn't prepare for the role, I can see what they mean. The writing didn't help either, with dialogue pointing out her gender, as if a shape shifting eternal being would really care what body it is in.

Of course whenever you introduce an actress in a traditional male role, the worst of the internet immediately regurgitates their bile that they reserve for any gender swap. And thus honest criticism is drowned out by the vile misogynist mass. And that's a shame, because there are plenty of people who just hate her portrayal of the character, not her gender.

It reminds me of the previous Ghostbusters reboot. The loudest vilest voices of the internet were so vocal about the gender of the new lady Ghostbusters, that it became a defense for what was arguably just a terrible terrible reboot.

I like having ladies in my media. I want female Ghostbusters, a lady Dr Who, a female jedi and Mighty Thor. Provided that they do a good job in the role.
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