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  1. G

    Aristocrat as a PC class

    Aristocrat as a PC class Why we need it There are many reasons to need a PC class suitable for aristocracy or similar educated knights. There are many examples in fantasy novels: consider for instance those from King Arthur myths, or the nobles from Middle Earth like Aragorn, Faramir, Boromir...
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    Skill based rules for Elements of Magic ?

    while still waiting for the revised Elements of Magic to come out, an idea came to my mind: I have always tried to design a skill based magic system for D&D but the main problem was a good free system to create spells. But now Elements of Magic provides this, and so I only need a way to convert...
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    Knowledge: Arts and Literature

    I thought that especially the bards who focus on artistic performs needed a right knowledge skill for them. In the real middle-ages and renaissance usually the artists had a very good knowledge of preceding artists and artworks, and no other D&D skill could be used in substitution (IMHO bardic...
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    My pregenerated characters

    In these months I have made a long (32) list of pregenerated character templates (suitable both to PCs and to NPCs). For each character I give a statblock for the 1st, 2nd and 4th level stats. After some editing I decided to post it here (not sure if this is the right board, if it is not please...
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    Expanded domains (giving more focus to clerics)

    In the standard D&D clerics tend to ve very less focused, even with the domans: many times they will do always the same things, cast the same spell and the only difference is the shape of the holy simbol and a few spells a day. Now, here is my idea: the aim is to have a divine caster that is...
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    Spellcasting monsters ?

    I have a problem about having monsters with spellcaster class levels: - a kobold, with 8 sorcerer levels, is a CR 8 - a bugbear with 8 sorcerer levels is a CR 10 (maybe, but maybe only 9) - I don't think a Succubus with 8 sorcerer levels is comparable to a CR 17 ! If a creature is already...
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    Variant spellcasting (inspired by Ars Magica)

    I was working on a simple variant spellcasting system for a moderatly magic world. The system is partially inspired to Ars Magica, and the Dusk setting -------------------------------------------------- The Art This is a variant spellcasting system for D&D, to give...
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    Mana/Skill based spellcasting

    I'm working on a spellcasting system based on mana (of different colors) and skill checks, where casters will have a much greater freedom in what to cast (but, I hope, they won't get more power). Basically: When you want to cast a spell you decide what you want it to do (using the schemes and...
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    Free form spellcasting ?

    I was wondering if it could be possible to have a skill based spellcasting system with no fixed spells: the mage decides what kind of effect he wants to achieve, pays the mana (or something similar), rolls a skill checks and go. I know that this would be difficult, and probably at the end...
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    Angels as template/class

    I was considering a campaign where the main non-evil outsiders would be angels. Their allineament would vary bewteen good and neutral, and they would be dedicated to something. For example there will be angels of light, angels of fire, but also angels of death, darkness & so on. I've not...
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    New creature: Angel of Tragedy

    I was considering a new creature for a homebrew world where the world, that was once full of good and happiness, has been suddenly changed by some sort of cataclysm and now there are no gods, nearly no celestials (called angels) and some demons/devils have appeared (they weren't there before the...
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    Clerics without Turning ?

    I was considering the option of clerics that don't have turning/rebuking abilities in any of these circumstances: - world without undeads - clerics with no god and without a strong good vs evil philosophical ideas - neutral clerics of gods who really don't care about undeads (such as Boccob)...
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    Ideas for a James Bond Campaign

    I was thinking about running a short D20 Modern Intelligence campaign (a la James Bond / Mission Impossible) My main ideas where: - set in Europe (expecially in large turistic cities so that I can easily have maps, names of places & so on) - characters are spies from the English secret service...
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    Shrinking a box ??

    What happens if I put something inside a box (or a chest, a sack or any kind of container) and then shrink it ? I hope the content is shrinked too, but actually the spell description does not state it. If yes, then a permanencied shrink on a chest can be used as a bag of holding, I think. Is...
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    Simple skills house rule

    I've read some of the threads on possible house rulings for class skills and skill cost to provide more versatility while mantaining game balance. I've got this idea that while being simple might work: use the standard class skill list & rank cost, but don't half the maximum skill rank limit...
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    Herbalism [low magic] [long]

    Here is a simple herbalism system I created (possibly to use it in a very low magic setting). General ideas - This system is designed for low-magical worlds, where healing through divine magic is rare. - It allows a small amount of healing through natural means (herbs). - It is good for rangers...
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    Magic house rules [short]

    I was considering, to make spellcasters more versatile, to try the following house rules: Sorcerers: all as PHB except for the following: - instead of having Spell Slots per Day they use PP as psions (but of course they're not psionics). They use the Charisma as base ability modifier to get the...
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    Planes campaign: suggestions ?

    I'm writing a planes campaign (using the standard planes from MotP): The first levels are still on the material plane (but they will meet an increasing number of outsiders/elementals), then they'll go abroad. PCs will start at 7th level. A powerful (13th level) good old wizard gives them a...
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    Alternate Psionic Combat system

    Considering that I don't like the normal psionic combat rules (ineffective, it's mostly a waste of PP). I was thinking of a possible alternate psionic combat system using rules similar to those in the Skills & Powers: Psionics (a NetBook for the 2nd edition). Here is a very basic beta version...
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    A lone planeswalker ?

    I was wondering what could be the best build for a lone character in a plane-based campaign (starting about lvl 8). Considering for the "lone" I thought of a human cleric. Domains (from PHB only): travel (need teleport or when you plane:):):):) at 400km from your destination it's a hell) and...