D&D (2024) 4e style crits (sort of)

So the reason given for monsters to loose crits are 2 fold... 1 average damage DMs not wanting to add a step for damage, and monsters hitting WAY too hard in some cases.

My solution to both is to use 4e style base rule: Crits do max weapon die damage
so an orc that deals 7(1d8+3) today could be written as 7(1d8+3) crit 11 in this system... but the more I thought about it... make it a PC rule and say "Some monsters can crit and it is listed in there stat block) so maybe that orc is still just 7(1d8+3) no crit line... and it is case by case.

keep spells, smites, sneak attacks as not maxing... BUT some things/classes have riders... like eldritch blast maybe can crit... and maybe assassin rogues max sneak attack dice on a crit/assassinate

now where 4e went wrong all magic weapons added +xdy damage on a crit (in theory great) but I think we should limit that to SOME magic items and features... I also would take the barbarian extra weapon die when crit and make it +1d12 you roll when you crit and later 2d12

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Tales and Chronicles

Jewel of the North, formerly know as vincegetorix
Honestly, I kinda wish the whole ''conditional'' crit for assassins where removed and that they'd give them a boosted sneak attack instead, like a +2d6 added to the normal progression.

That, plus maybe an Initiative boost, advantage on first round and some kind of poison feature and you have yourself a nice, fun assassin not made entirely of ribbons and conditional features.


I think that crit only on weapon damage will get one of the lowest scores in survey.

As for assassin, simple rule, attacks that are under assassinate deal max damage.

I think if it were max damage + one extra roll, it would be nicer.

I also think, the rule won't get too many votes, but I think they are on the right track. But it depends how they implement weapons and martial classes in general.
I could imagine giving extra crit bonuses.

I think that crit only on weapon damage will get one of the lowest scores in survey.
I agree, but I don't think it'll be for legitimate, logical reasons, I'll be because of knee-jerking players who play casters primarily appalled than any tiny thing might be "taken away" from them.

Also the "only re-roll weapon damage" will eat it hard from all the people who play Rogues, Paladins, etc.

And monsters not doing crits is way too hard an idea to cope with for most people, so the knee-jerk status quo response will win.

There's a reason videogames literally never do anything like this. If they did, all the approved changes would be ones which made playable characters stronger, and all other proposed changes, no matter how sane or vital, would get it in the face. This is why I hope WotC treats this as an advisory at most.
My solution to both is to use 4e style base rule: Crits do max weapon die damage
I agree. This ensure all crits are at least as good as rolled damage and seem like a positive event rather than potentially being pretty mediocre.

There's a reason videogames literally never do anything like this. If they did, all the approved changes would be ones which made playable characters stronger, and all other proposed changes, no matter how sane or vital, would get it in the face. This is why I hope WotC treats this as an advisory at most.
I believe and hope that while they do listen this is more a audience response test and less a playtest

Voidrunner's Codex

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