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[4e] The Dustbowl (IC)


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Jossled but not any less determined, Roithe heard the voices of his companions catching up to him but did not consider what they said. He was more so consumed with with the idea of charring the remains of what could have been a once honorable man. Rising to his feet, cursing the unknown name of the necromancer responsable, and with the last sound of his last foot clanking upon the floor, he let out a final shout in an attempt to rattle the bones of the, in fact, rattling bones.


Move: Gtf up.
Minor: Warlocks Curse
Standard: Dreadful word Roll Lookup (26)
Hit: Roll Lookup (18) -1 Will



Roithe, Eladrin Warlock/Rogue
Initiative: +5; Passive Perception: 12 Passive, Insight: 12
AC: 18* --Fort: 12--Ref: 17--Will: 15--Speed: 6
*Note: Concealment (+2), Shadow Walk (Move at least 3 squares)
HP: 33/45--Bloodied: 22--Surge: 11--Surges remaining: 6/6
Action Points: 1--Second wind: Not used
Eldritch Blast
Eye Bite

Dreadful Word
Setup Strike
Sneak Attack
Fey Step
Ethereal Stride

Curse Of The Dark Dream
Hunger Of Hadar


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The skeleton looks around as it’s companion falls and crumples to the earth. Shrieking wildly, it looks as though it is about to lunge after Stick when suddenly Caden, Rashka, and Stick notice that the skeleton pauses for a split second. Looking past the skeletons lobbing flaming orbs at the party, it suddenly burrows into the ground, and passes beneath Stick and Roithe once more.

[sblock=BN1 Attack]

Bone Furrow on Stick. 17 vs. Fortitude. Miss.

Bone Furrow on Roithe. 10 vs. Fortitude. Miss as well. [/sblock]

The skeleton appears above the ground next to the dead body, but on the opposite side of Stick. It begins furiously clawing at the already maimed body, as if looking for something.

Undeterred, the monsters behind the wall (still with partial cover) continue to hurl flaming fireballs at the party. One targets the already ailing Stick, while the other can see Caden sneaking up on it’s ally.

[sblock=BS1 and BS2 Attack]

BS1: Fire Orb on Caden. 9 vs. Reflex. Horrible miss.

BS2: Fire Orb on Stick. 17 vs. Reflex. 7 Fire Damage , and ongoing 5 fire damage (save ends). [/sblock]

Caden nimbly steps aside, dodging the fire orb as it flies past and impacts the dust wall behind him. Stick, however, is not so lucky. The fire orb impacts him squarely in the chest, charring skin slightly and producing a magical flame that burns dimly around his body, continuing to burn.

[sblock=Combat Setup after Round 2]


At the end of Round 2, something peculiar happened. Using passive perception, Caden, Rashka and Stick noticed some odd behavior in the skeleton. Unfortunately, the skeletons throwing the flaming orbs didn’t seem to care. Stick, at the beginning of your turn you take 5 fire damage, and roll a d20 and post the result for your save. If you roll a 10 or higher the effect ends on you. You still must take the initial five fire damage. Remember you are bloodied and a dragonborn (wink wink). Have fun with Round 3![/sblock]

[sblock=Current Status]
Caden(+6) - HP:44 Status = None
Mialucus(+2) - HP:55 Status = None
Rashka (+2) - HP:43 Status = None
Roithe(+5) -HP:33 Status = None
Stick(+3) - HP:27 (Bloodied) Status = Ongoing 5 Fire Damage

BN1 Damage:49 Status = -1 Will
BN2 Damage:86 Status = DEAD

BS1 Damage:0 Status = None
BS2 Damage:0 Status = None

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
eblue562 said:
The skeleton appears above the ground next to the dead body, but on the opposite side of Stick. It begins furiously clawing at the already maimed body, as if looking for something.

"THIEF!" mocks Mialucus as he charges the assemblage of loose bones. He slides in the last few feet and *thrusts up* two-handed from his crouched position, driving the whole of his scimitar through the thing's ribcage. "Enjoy!"

[sblock=actions]Move= Charge to K7 and use Blazing Lunge on BN1. Int vs Reflex 1d20+12=30, 2d8+6=13. A hit! A palpable hit!

Immediate Reaction= if any new attack hits Stick in the coming round, use Channeling Shield to slice it apart/deflect it as it goes past. -8 damage on that attack. Thanks.[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stat]
Mialucus, Elven Swordmage
Initiative: +2; Passive Perception: 17 Passive Insight: 13
AC: 23--Fort: 15--Ref: 16--Will: 15--Speed: 7
HP: 55/55--Bloodied: 27--Surge: 13--Surges remaining: 11/11
Action Points: 1--Second wind: Not used
Luring Strike (AP)
Sword Burst (FRPG)

Racial: Elven Accuracy (PHB)
Falcon's Mark (AP)
Blazing Lunge (AP)
Channeling Shield (AP)
Frost Backlash (FRPG)
Lingering Lightning (FRPG)
Item: Wounding Weapon (AV)
Binder Fred, who thought the maimed body was going to be a mini-boss.
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First Post
Caden's instinct twitches as he notes the odd behaviour of the badly damaged skeleton. He hasn't lived this long through lack of a suspicious mind. 'Is something controlling that abomination?' he wonders privately.

Confident that the others can deal with the remaining skeleton without his help, Cade maneuvers to a position between the three remaining skeletons and quickly scans the area looking for something else suspicious.

A. (sees something new): Seeing a fresh target, Caden tosses his sharp dagger at it and retreats behind the wall again, alerting the others.[sblock=ooc A]Standard Action: Deft Strike (at will) - move 3 squares to O7 via M8 Attack (1d20+13=25, for 1d4+9=11 damage)
Minor Action: Perception check (1d20+9=11)
Move Action: reverse of previous move (depending if new target) and attempts to hide from BS2 (or BS1 if needs to be behind the other wall) Stealth check at -5 for moving more than 2 squares (1d20+11-5=22)[/sblock]B. (sees nothing new): Still suspcious of the searching skeleton, he tosses his dagger at it's back to make sure before moving to close with the orb-tossing skeletons.[sblock=ooc B]Standard Action: Deft Strike (at will) - move 3 squares to O7 via M8 Attack v BN1 (1d20+13=25, for 1d4+9=11 damage)
Minor Action: Perception check (1d20+9=11)
Move Action: move 6 squares to O10 without provoking opportunity attacks.[/sblock]


First Post
Never friendly, why can't it be undead who want to start trade routes? I'm sure it doesn't help that Somone keeps attacking first, and asking questions later... Another divine rune appears upon the forehead of BN1, marking the skeleton for disaster. Would someone explain to me why they are always evil? The kalashtar circles round the hut, not trusting the building, and mutters something under his breath, Stick feels the blessing of Sune wash over him, relieving him of his pain and suffering.

eblue562, slip these actions in wherever, let me know where Rashka ends up in Initiative.

Astral Seal on BN1 30 vs Reflex BN1 takes a -2 penalty to all defenses. The next ally who hits BN1 before the end of my next turn regains 9 HP.

Move G11->H10->I9->J10->K11

Minor Healing Word on Stick, Stick can spend a healing surge and if he does regains an additional 18 HP, and can roll a saving throw.
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
Never friendly, why can't it be undead who want to start trade routes? I'm sure it doesn't help that Somone keeps attacking first, and asking questions later... Another divine rune appears upon the forehead of BN1, marking the skeleton for disaster. Would someone explain to me why they are always evil?

"Yeah, Roithe, why is that?" taunts Mialucus over the skeleton's head.

OOC: From the various comments, I figure Roithe has some history with dead ones. ;)


First Post
Rashka's hood twists up as the kalashtar snaps his head to laugh at Mialucus, There Somone goes, asking questions after attacking, Ha, Mialucus you know Roithe is lucky enough just remembering our names...


First Post
Mialucus' attack seems to visibly shake the skeleton, and he seems refreshed by his attack due to Rashka’s spell (regain’s 9 HP). Caden moves boldly between the two skeletons and gazes beyond the dust, seeing a small doorway almost 20 feet in front of him. It seems as though there are stairs going down into the earth. Whirling around, he tosses another dagger into the back of the skeleton, and it shakes forward growling and screeching in pain. It stands up, giving up it’s search on the body and snarls.

Rashka healing power flows through Stick, and he feels very revitalized. Moving forward, Rashka closes the distance between him and the rest of the party, ready to move on anything that would harm his allies.


CaBana, you can now post your actions for Round 3. Stick, I’ve assumed you are going to spend a healing surge and you regain HP. You’ve also saved from the fire damage and are now back to full! [/sblock]

[sblock=Current Status]
Caden(+6) - HP:44 Status = None
Mialucus(+2) - HP:55 Status = None
Rashka (+2) - HP:43 Status = None
Roithe(+5) -HP:33 Status = None
Stick(+3) - HP:58 (Bloodied) Status = 1 Surge Used / Channeling Shield

BN1 Damage:73 Status = -1 Will
BN2 Damage:86 Status = DEAD

BS1 Damage:0 Status = None
BS2 Damage:0 Status = None
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First Post
Regaining his strength from the words of his kalashtar ally and whispers a brief thanks to Sune. His armour off, the dragonborn is free to strike. He unleashes a gout of cold on the skeleton, calling upon his natural weapons, but they seem to fail him. Fortunately, the cosmic energy he controls is much more effective as more and more tiny meteors fall on the skeleton.

Move: Switch to minor, use dragon's breath on BN1 vs ref; cold damage (1d20+9=13, 1d6=4) Guessing that misses
Standard: Blazing Starfall centered on L6
vs ref; radiant dmg (1d20+9=27, 1d4+11=13) Hits BN1 Ref 27 for 13 radiant damage.
Creates a zone of burning ground, that if one of them leave the zone they take 5 fire damage.
Minor: Activate the armour, summon armour

*I'll set the Cosmic bonus to be The Phase of The Moon: Granting Resist 5 psychic, and a bonus to AC = to number of enemies surrounding Stick.

[sblock=Mini Stat]
Stick , Dragonborn Sorceror|Warden
Initiative: +3; Passive Perception: 17 Passive Insight: 12
AC: 23* (17 w/o plate)--Fort: 18--Ref: 14*--Will: 19--Speed: 5 (mount is 7)
*Note: Ranged attack rolls from farther than 5 squares away take a -5 penalty to them
HP: 58/58--Bloodied: 29--Surge: 14--Surges remaining: 6/7
Action Points: 1--Second wind: Not used
Blazing Starfall
Earth Shield Strike

Hungry Earth
Ice Dragon's Teeth
Dragon's Breath
Form of Winter's Herald
Glacial Armour
Nature's Abundance


First Post
The real question, is 'Why do I keep letting you drag me into these prophecies...' Says Rashka, gauging the situation. Although I have to say, since being assigned to you Mialucus, every day has been an adventure. That and my status in the Faith has grown tremendously! Strutting forward, and taking a knee by the body, Rashka gives a good search, while keeping an eye out for trouble.

Invisible Castle is back up!!

Move adjacent to Dead Body

Minor 19 Perception (searching the body, checking for signs of life)

Standard - Readied Action Healer's Mercy, if two or more bloodied allies are in range. (close burst 5)


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