I think the things you assign a negative value to coming from the DMG - for example, story arcs etc - have been pretty common I feel in game design in the last twenty years.It's a fair call. Personally, I don't care whether D&D caters to my preferences. I don't like the kind of influence stuff like the (frankly, toxic) advice in the new DMG will have on RPG culture in general, though. It's also sad to see people who keep going back to WotC even though D&D clearly doesn't give them what they want.
I dare say any system that gives out XP starting with "One XP for attending the game session" lays the groundwork for that, and that starts back at least in my experience to Legend of the Five Rings 1e, which I believe is 1998(?). Maybe even older, with the old FASERIP Marvel system which rewarded Karma (which you used to learn new powers) in the 1980s.