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[Adventure!] Daunton's Dead Past DM: FourMonos. Judge: Peer Committee


Mikara struggles hard against the temptation to shift her aim to the arrogant human.

"Speak your mind only therein,
holding back your tongue
until such time your task is done,
talking only then.

Unlike you we do not mind
people's diverse skills."

At this Mikara takes her own advice, recognizing that she in many ways envies the wizards craft.

All of us cannot be
studied in the arts of
science and of magic,
having spent their talent
on other pursuits, the
least of which you'll miss if
ever you are needy.

[sblock=OOC Background on Mikara]Mikara often speaks in verse that takes the form of blank verse, quick couplets, or syllabic structures. It comes naturally, most times without intending it. Other times she takes the time to construct careful responses that compress layers of meaning into short, simple statements.

Mikara's home was ruined by deforestation being pursued by human colonies. Because of this, she has a hard time overcoming prejudice toward humans, and being insulted by one often causes a defensive reaction that she tries very hard to keep subtle. It never (almost) comes to blows, and she would never put someone in danger as a result.[/sblock]

[sblock=Mikara Stats]
Mikara Li Mesadh - Female elf ranger (medium elfhumanoid) Level 7
Languages: Elven, Allarian

Passive Perception: 24
Vision: Low Light
Passive Insight: 16

Acrobatics: +12
Athletics: +9
Nature: +12
Stealth: +15

AC: 21
Fort: 15
Ref: 19
Will: 16
Speed: 7

HP: 54/54
Surge Value: 13
Surges Left: 7/7

Action Points: 1
Second Wind: 1/1

+6, 1d4
+12, 1d12+7
Nimble Strike (SA) +12, 1d12+7 (Shift 1 before or after attack)
Twin Strike (SA) +6, 1d4 (2 attacks)
Twin Strike (SA) +12 1d12+2 (2 attacks)
Agile Recovery (MA) (Stand Up)

Evasive Strike (SA) +6, 2d4+5 (Can shift up to 4 before or after attack)
Evasive Strike (SA) +12, 2d12+7 (Can shift up to 4 before or after attack)
Cut and Run (SA) +6, 1d4 (2 Attacks, Can shift up to 4 after first or second attack)
Cut and Run (SA) +12, 1d12+7 (2 Attacks, Can shift up to 4 after first or second attack)
Pinning Shot (SA) +12, 1d12+7 (Hit: Target and 1 enemy adjacent to target are immobilized TEONT)
Elven Accuracy (MA) (Reroll attack roll)
Weave Through Fray (II) Can shift up to 3 when enemy moves adjacent

Hunter's Bear Trap (SA) +6, 2d4 (Hit: OG, Slowed 5 SEB, Miss: 1/2dmg, Slowed SE)
Hunter's Bear Trap (SA) +12, 2d12+7 (Hit: OG, Slowed 5 SEB, Miss: 1/2dmg, Slowed SE)
Close Combat Shot (IR) +12, 3d12+7 (Trigger: enemy enters adjacent square. No OA. Miss: 1/2dmg)

Daggers: 111

Targeting Greatbow +2: ((FA) On hit, Mik and allies can roll twice to hit TEONT, Crit: 2d6 & TGCA TEONT)
Arrows: 11111 11111 11111 11111 11111 111
Firestorm Arrows +2: 11111 11111 11111 1111 (+1d6 fire to target and adjacents)

Elixir of Dragon Breath: 11111

Sylvan Leather Armor +1

Lucky Charm (Add d6 to appropriate d20 roll)
Restful Bedroll (1d8 thp after extended rest)
Razor Bracers (+2 to escape, grabber takes 1d10)
Stag Helm (+2 to passive perception, can take MA when surprised)
Caustic Gauntlets (Attack deals acid. Adjacents get 1d6 acid dmg, +1 acid on all attacks TEOE)
Window of Escape (No fall damage when jumping through window)

Treasure on this adventure:


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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
"Be of some use wizard and spare us your arrogance. I would be able to decipher them...if I could see them. Now stop wasting our time and giving time to the guardians to activate and speak what you need. I assume you cannot open them by yourself or you would already have done it to show your superiority.

Next time when we have to track something, we'll put Mikara on guard and you'll follow the tracks as you're so good with everything!"

The fact that he didn't immediately grasp the meaning of the runes (not that he tried) causes the sorcerer to speak sharper then he usually does.

Arcana to decipher the runes (1d20+10=17)

Voda Vosa

First Post
"Cunning" Vermitrax replies to the elf. "But my words were aimed at our arcane inclined party members. It seems patience and careful thinking is not within your own pursuits, elf." He then glances with a hard to miss distasteful expression on his face. "Silence, you need not see the arcane markings, you can sense them. I won't be held responsible for your incompetence. Now do not bother me while I work."

OOC: I know he's an ass.


[sblock=OOC Voda Vosa]I realize, now, that the jab I had Mikara take is rather deep. No offense was intended, so much as to set up Mik's character. She can be quite an ass herself. We can have them jab at each other back and forth through the adventure, or I can keep her tongue in check if you prefer. [/sblock]


First Post
She then turns her attention to the gargoyles focussing on the one in front of her. As she does so her mind flashes back to a time when she and her father sat by a warm fire talking about many things, including the strange magical beasts the gargoyle and their secrets. As she attempts to put pieces of the conversation together the memory fades away and is replaced by the verbal jabs being thrown at each other by her party members. She sighs and shakes her head. Calm down everyone. It hard to concentrate with this negative banter going on. We are all beautiful people. Let's work together to figure this out.
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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: Vermitrax is always fun to have around. :) My action is Detect Magic which takes a minute, so...if the guardians attack, Illarion stops concentrating...if he manages to finish the action, he will use Blazing Starfall on light rune :)

"Now I'm not an arcane caster. Great. I'll just wait until you wizards solve the problem for us and when you fail, I'll blast the guardians into the next week."

Illarion withdraws from the gargoyle he was talking at and stands behind and to the side of Vermitrax, still trying to sense the runes and magic lines in general to try connecting the pieces.

In his inner eye, he sees the runes, finally connecting magical lines from the institute, gragoyles and runes into coherent whole. He actually smiles to the wizard.
"Amazing how you saw it at once. Now to unravel it."

Detect Magic (Arcana) (1d20+10=28)

Drew returns from his rounds.
"There is no other way in. Can you casters open it or we fight?"

He stands aside leaving casters to their work, guarding against attacks by awakening gargoyles.

Voda Vosa

First Post
OOC: I like the exchange of jabs, on his last adventure Vermitrax and Drew were at odds and the discussions were interesting, it would be fun to have such a feature in this adventure, if no one disagrees.

Vermitrax smiles back at Illarion "You see? Now you've done it yourself, you'll be able to see it easier next time you encounter such guarding glyphs. That's what I was trying to teach you."


First Post
[sblock=Vermitrax, Ilarion, Lilli] Vermitrax's magical energies upon the runes now clarifies the meaning. The runes are (from left to right) Light, Force, Sound, Manipulation. Vermitrax tried to activate or influence the runes through pure magical energy, but it appears the runes need a direct application of magic of the appropriate type to de-activate the gargoyles. [/sblock]

[sblock=Lilli] You realize that Meincroft (the Igor) would have made this a passable entry to even the lowest members of the IAC. Even a fledgling new apprentice should have the knowledge or spells to deactivate the runes. (hint hint!) [/sblock]

The effect of the necromancer upon the runes slows the monsters. The already slow moving stone creatures move even slower now, as if the arcane effect dipped them in molasses. In the least, he has bought some time.


First Post
"OK, think I see friend Meincroft's trick, thanks to Vermitrax," says Lilli in an even voice.

The Gnomish wizard starts with the leftmost gargoyle, and casts her Light cantrip on the creature's rune; the shadowy confines of the door are brightened when the beast suddenly broadcasts a radius of illumination.

Moving to the next grotesque along, she cups her left hand and blows something towards its rune; a smaller duplicate of Lotte lands there to cling to the gargoyle's head, the spider's eye clusters looking back at the small woman before it.

With the next stone creature's rune, Lilli waves her hand towards it; "It is I, Lilli, Sapient member of The Institute for Arcane Ciphers. Open up the door, please," she says magically from afar into the gargoyle's ear.

Finally, with the rightmost construct, Lilli summons a ghostly hand next to the last gargoyle's rune, which then gives the monster a series of friendly soothing strokes on its forehead.

[sblock=actions]Moving left to right:

1.) Light = Light cantrip
2.) Force = Prestidigitation cantrip
3.) Sound = Ghost Sound cantrip
4.) Manipulation = Mage Hand cantrip [/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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