[Adventure] Rhapsody Part 2 (Judge: renau1g)


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Scrambling over, or through as the case may be, some crates the party finds a not quite closed trap door. Forcing their way through they enter a new chamber, nearly as big as the previous warehouse. Rows of metal racks line the area, each with three large shelves. On each shelf lay a man, though none moved and many seemed withered, even to the point that they soon me dust.

Towards one end sat an apparatus of tubes and glass vials, and at another crates and a desk with papers. Five men and women were scrambling to grab vials, and papers. Their screams bounced off the walls, as Nyar's lightning marks your entrance.

[sblock=ooc]No initiative, just describe your actions. Ask questions and make skill checks as needed.[/sblock]

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Ohh look at these! Christina says, examining the bodies. I wander what they are for? Meanwhile Pooh and Rabberta comes through the hole. Rabberta blocks the exists while Pooh leaps on the nearest enemy and emits a low growl.

OOC: Christina Perception = Perception check =22

Minor: Summon Pooh.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Cairn eyes the apparatus and the bodies:
"We found the source of the abominable drug. These remains may be human addicts...or source of the drug. Enough proof for the guards."
Nature (1d20+9=18)

Soon, he returns his attention to those inside. His volume increases, avalanche in coming:
"This operation is over. Surrender now or join those above in Khyber."


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Nyar takes in the grotesque scene with an appraising eye. In all his years of pursuing fighting off demons, had he never witnessed such utter and base disregard for humanity. His anger rising as he takes in each defiled body, he glares at the scrambling people, daring them to oppose the stone elemental's command.

[sblock=arcana 20] 1d20+13 → [7,13] = (20) Roll Lookup [/sblock]


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Pooh comes down on the closest person snarling, causing vials to spills out from arms and roll all over the floor. Cairn's echoing voice is enough to drop another man to his knees, but it sends two more even faster toward the back.

The fifth human, in a seeming act of panicked desperation quickly pops open several vials and pours them down his throat, the yellow-green liquid spilling down his chin and chest.

[sblock=Luinnar]You notice a small door towards the back near the desk and crates. Some of these bodies seem to have small discs attached to them. Requires a close look[/sblock]


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Hey a door! I wonder where that leads? Christina says. Pooh go have a look and see what is there while I look at these disc things. Pooh stalks over and sits next to the door, effectively blocking off the only other exit.

OOC: Passive perception=21, please let me know if you want me to roll again :)


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The men and women in this room are clearly in some kind of irrational state, with the parties actions just spurring them further along.

Nyar's whirlwind prevents any immediate escape. One of the flee-ers looks around in panic, and begins stripping bodies off of one rack, as if there was a hidden door behind (a door you see no sign of). The other just staggers backwards and seems locked in indecision. Once Pooh lumbers off his victim and over to the backdoor, prompting Nyar to end his whirlwind, he shoots forward. Even with the great bear clearly blocking his path he tries to get through, by climbing over the beast.

This leaves the man pooh was on top to start scrambling to gather up his dropped vials.

The human who had drunk several vials suddenly charges Cairn, giving a battle cry of "Black Mooooooon". He slams his fists into Cairn's earthy hide. While he's stronger than he looks, its not a significant threat to the earthen giant.

[sblock=Pooh] Pooh sees a street! You must be in the adjacent warehouse.[/sblock]


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Raar raor raahor. Pooh mumbles, watching the humans.

Oh Pooh says a street is outside! Christina says.

So what do we do to these people? I'm not very hungry, so we could always dump them somewhere and save them for later.
Christina says. She was never taught how canniblism was frowned upon in most cultures.

OOC: Intimidate=5

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