FLASHBACK: Amidst some of the crates you find bits of clothing, old boots, and empty purses. Perhaps these once belonged to people who came to close to the roots of Rhapsody, or fell ill from it's addictive effects. No owner claims them now and a few items stand out as quite useful.
Christina gets:
Parcel 6+2: Healers Brooch +2
Parcel 7+3: Healer's Sash
Cairn gets:
Parcel 7+3: Storm Gauntlets
Parcel 8+1: Goliath's Belt
Narvala gets:
Parcel 6+1: Veteran's Armor +2
Parcel 7: Gold
Parcel 8+2: Diamond Cinture
Notes on wrapping up: It's been three years since I wrote this adventure and I missed a good chunk of it's running. To answer one of Four Monos' questions:
How did we miss these Androse Marketh clues?
I don't know. I suppose part of it was you not looking where the DMs expecting you to look or both DMs forgetting to drop that clue. The Sky Nest and the Battle Pitt were both publicly owned by Androse. Certain NPCs could also have given up that info. Let's assume you know this and its part of the information you gathered.