[Adventure] Rhapsody Part 2 (Judge: renau1g)

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FLASHBACK: Amidst some of the crates you find bits of clothing, old boots, and empty purses. Perhaps these once belonged to people who came to close to the roots of Rhapsody, or fell ill from it's addictive effects. No owner claims them now and a few items stand out as quite useful.

OOC: Christina gets:
Parcel 6+2: Healers Brooch +2
Parcel 7+3: Healer's Sash

Cairn gets:
Parcel 7+3: Storm Gauntlets
Parcel 8+1: Goliath's Belt

Narvala gets:
Parcel 6+1: Veteran's Armor +2
Parcel 7: Gold
Parcel 8+2: Diamond Cinture

Notes on wrapping up: It's been three years since I wrote this adventure and I missed a good chunk of it's running. To answer one of Four Monos' questions:

How did we miss these Androse Marketh clues?

I don't know. I suppose part of it was you not looking where the DMs expecting you to look or both DMs forgetting to drop that clue. The Sky Nest and the Battle Pitt were both publicly owned by Androse. Certain NPCs could also have given up that info. Let's assume you know this and its part of the information you gathered.

The inspector comes out and greets the wizard with a smile and firm handshake."I heard you people were involved in busting that processing plant. Not too much damage all together so good job. Some adventures. . ." He says with a certain amount fo annoyance."Act like they want to take the whole city down every time they get in a brawl."

He invites you into his meager office and goes through the papers you've prepared. "I see. Androse Marketh is a pretty influential individual in the city. It's funny that you bring this to me. He just yesterday made a very substantial donation to assist in clean up effort of the marketplace you tussled in. Apparently, so he says, 'the terror of Rhapsody' has only just recently come to his attention. He commends you and your fellows and wishes to do his part to help."

[COLOR="#SlateGray"]"Worms always try to burrow deeper if you expose them to the light."[/COLOR] rumbles Cairn in response.

[COLOR="#SlateGray"]"You were good to Eberron, Eberron will be good to you. If you need assistance, I will be in the grove of the city, deep below where fire meets water."[/COLOR] he says to his companions and, not being interested in the cause of Rhapsody now that it's cleared, he leaves. Humans should clear their city as well as they can. He goes ever lower into the city until he finds that deep spot not yet despoiled and sinks into Eberron for some well deserved rest.

OOC: I will probably be re-making Cairn, he does too little damage to be effective defender, especially now that we're nearing paragon.

"I only wish I could do more to help." Narvala says. "Most of the time, I'm glad to be away from Flamekeep and church politics, but there are times when I miss what one word from an ir'Sarhain -- particularly one with my reputation -- would do with the authorities there."

FLASHBACK: Amidst some of the crates you find bits of clothing, old boots, and empty purses. Perhaps these once belonged to people who came to close to the roots of Rhapsody, or fell ill from it's addictive effects. No owner claims them now and a few items stand out as quite useful.

OOC: Christina gets:
Parcel 6+2: Healers Brooch +2
Parcel 7+3: Healer's Sash

Cairn gets:
Parcel 7+3: Storm Gauntlets
Parcel 8+1: Goliath's Belt

Narvala gets:
Parcel 6+1: Veteran's Armor +2
Parcel 7: Gold
Parcel 8+2: Diamond Cinture

Notes on wrapping up: It's been three years since I wrote this adventure and I missed a good chunk of it's running. To answer one of Four Monos' questions:

How did we miss these Androse Marketh clues?

I don't know. I suppose part of it was you not looking where the DMs expecting you to look or both DMs forgetting to drop that clue. The Sky Nest and the Battle Pitt were both publicly owned by Androse. Certain NPCs could also have given up that info. Let's assume you know this and its part of the information you gathered.

OOC: Does Christina get a level 5 parcel worth of gold? She did not get anything for level 5 :)

That was fun! Christina says happily. We got to beat up some bad guys, and explore stuff...super fun! I only wished I joined it sooner! She says to the party.

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