[Adventure] Rhapsody Part 2 (Judge: renau1g)

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First Post
OOC: Ha! I started writing this post, must be 3 times now only for the site to go down after I started and needed to reference a roll or something. I should have time this afternoon to continue.


First Post
OOC: Ha! I started writing this post, must be 3 times now only for the site to go down after I started and needed to reference a roll or something. I should have time this afternoon to continue.
OOC: FWIW, in games I run here, I usually write major DM posts in a text editor and roll on invisible castle or with actual dice.


First Post
OOC: Ok, lets see if we (I) can get some momentum again.

Cairn closes in again and slams Ghalad'Zhar with such force that stone holding the troll cracks and weakens. Frost crackles around the troll and wound freezes over as frost rimes everything around it.

Cairn's gravel-rolling voice rumbles even deeper then normal, the sound reverberating between the houses and almost felt through the boots on the ground.
"Eberron abhors rhapsody. You are punished. World is made safer for it's cargo of fleshy things and plants nourished by dragons body."

Interrupt: Guardian Counter MBA with CA and WF tactics; damage with bonus from bloodied and aura (1d20+11+2+1=21, 1d10+5+4+2=15) - hit for 15

Move: shift to K7, gain +1 AC & Ref

Standard:Weight of Earth vs Troll AC; damage (1d20+11+2+1=34, 1d10+5+4+2=13) - CRIT

Hit for 21 + Extra damage (1d10=7)

Free: MARK Troll

End of turn, troll MAY, but doesn't have to stand up

Christina plants her staff on the ground and calls up her primal powers to cause plants to grow up it with astounding speed. Next she takes her staff and slams it against the troll's side, which dislodges some of the berries attached to the vines. Pooh leaps up into the air, gobbling the berries in the process.
Move:Owlotta, shift 1 square up.

Pooh:J7 around OA.

Standard:Tending Strike vs troll

27 vs AC 20 damage
On hit:pooh gains 4THP.

Without a great shot at the other targets the remaining sniper takes up aim against the mighty Cairn! Two arrows go slamming into the giant.

Troll growls at Cairn from it's half-burred state, and as it rips itself free it shouts back one of Cair's own words "RHAPSODY". IT smashes into Cairn with a giant fist.


You can target the sniper. They have concealment.

Sniper 2 vs Cairn Both hit for 6 + 5 damage

Troll does not regenerate. Troll stands. Troll takes 18 damage. Troll is now bloodied.

Troll vs Cairn. 29 vs AC, 10 damage

Better than 5 = You Guys (You may act in any order)
Narvalla 45/50 hp 5 thp
Christina 41/45 hp
Pooh 11/22 +4 thp
Rabberta 22/22 +5 thp
Owlotta 22/22
Nyar 25/41 hp +1 thp
Cairn 53/84 hp

5 = Bad Guys
Sniper 1 29/63 hp, R 18 Bloodied, Ran Away
Sniper 2 38/63 hp, R 18
Troll - 190/400 hp, AC 21, F 22, R 18, Marked by Cairn, Bloodied


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[MENTION=41601]ScorpiusRisk[/MENTION], how did the troll attacked and got back from Cairn if he spent his move action to get up? Glad to see you back is saddle :)

[sblock=Cairn Stats]

Initiative +5; Senses Passive Insight 15, Passive Perception 19
HP 53/84, Bloodied 42, Surge Value 21, Surges 13/13
AC 22; Fortitude 20, Reflex 19, Will 19
AC 22; Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 18

MBA: +11 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage (+1 to hit if ally is adjacent to the enemy1 +4 cold damage if Cairn is bloodied)

AP 1
Saving Throws:
+2 vs ongoing damage, take 10 or roll on death saves;
+2 item bonus vs. poison, weakened, slowed, immobilized, charm, fear and psychic effects
Resist 5 psychic

An ally that makes saving throw after Cairn succeeds on his gains +4 to the roll

Speed 6

Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Weight of Earth
Thorn Strike

Warforged Resolve
Second Wind
Thunder Ram Assault
Form of Winter Herald Attack
Earthgrasp Strike
Guiding Strike
Guardian Defense
Guardian Counter

Form of Winter's Herald
Wellspring Strike

Boots of the fencing master: encounter minor: shift 2

Last edited:


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
OOC: The troll used his move action to stand up and his standard action to attack. He has Reach 2.
On the map, he should have reach 3 to attack. Either Cairn position is wrong (I checked, I moved into K7, but I'm not sure where Pooh was when Guardian Counter triggered. Pooh should be in K7 and Cairn at Poohs location
[MENTION=44459]Luinnar[/MENTION], help?


First Post
OOC: It's alright. I don't want to trace back a month and twenty posts at this point. THe troll burns his last action point to move five feet.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Two colossi trade blows, but Cairn seems to do better, his stony hide deflecting some damage while wildly hacking with shinning halberd rimed in frost.

Move: shift to L6 (gain +1 AC & Ref)
Standard: Thorn Strike vs Troll AC; damage (1d20+11=31, 1d10+5=15) - another CRIT, troll is pulled to K4-L5 and MARKED
Damage: 15 + Crit damage (1d6=1) cold damage

[sblock=Cairn Stats]

Initiative +5; Senses Passive Insight 15, Passive Perception 19
HP 53/84, Bloodied 42, Surge Value 21, Surges 13/13
AC 22; Fortitude 20, Reflex 19, Will 19
AC 22; Fortitude 20, Reflex 18, Will 18

MBA: +11 vs AC; 1d10+5 damage (+1 to hit if ally is adjacent to the enemy1 +4 cold damage if Cairn is bloodied)

AP 1
Saving Throws:
+2 vs ongoing damage, take 10 or roll on death saves;
+2 item bonus vs. poison, weakened, slowed, immobilized, charm, fear and psychic effects
Resist 5 psychic

An ally that makes saving throw after Cairn succeeds on his gains +4 to the roll

Speed 6

Warden's Fury
Warden's Grasp
Weight of Earth
Thorn Strike

Warforged Resolve
Second Wind
Thunder Ram Assault
Form of Winter Herald Attack
Earthgrasp Strike
Guiding Strike
Guardian Defense
Guardian Counter

Form of Winter's Herald
Wellspring Strike

Boots of the fencing master: encounter minor: shift 2



First Post
Narvala maintains the wall to give her allies a slight refuge, then steps back into it. She points her staff at the sniper's location, and sends a burst of divine energy his way.[sblock=actions]minor: maintain wall of light
move: shift to J10
standard: Vanguard's Lightinging centered at N2 vs REF (area attack, so concealment doesn't help)[/sblock][sblock=Narvala]Narvala—Female Human Invoker 7 (Ordained Priest)
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 27
AC: 19 (20 while in wall), Fort: 17, Reflex: 20, Will: 22; (ranged attacks from >5 sq take a -1 penalty) — Speed: 6
HP: 45/50 (5 THP), Bloodied: 25, Surge: 12, Surges left: 6/6;
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Not Used
Powers -
Sun Strike
Hand of Radiance
Vanguard's Lightning
Shinning Symbol
Forceful Denunciation
Chains of Carceri

Tide of the First Storm
Purging Flame
Wall of Light
Grasping Chains of the Justicar

Astral Step
Rebuke Undead
Preserver's Rebuke
Potion of Healing
Holy Gauntlets[/sblock]

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