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[Adventure] Rhapsody Part 2 (Judge: renau1g)


"Lady priest, can you move me toward the leader, just a bit?" rumbles Cairn

Baern draws Tooth as well as Claw and steps towards the near Human, swinging both in a blur that bloodies the man.

"Oh that's cold. Narvala, can you spare an old man some space?"

"I believe I can manage that." Narvala says, responding to both requests. She points her staff at the floor near Nyar and the zombie, and while the undead creature is blasted by holy energy channeled from her guantlets, Nyar is wisked away. On the other side of the battlefield, Cairn is moved to where he had asked to be moved to.

Cairn rotates in place holding Ghalad'Zar above his head, whirling ever faster. The halberds blade is now obviously shining from the inside. After a second rotation, the weapon swings in a wide arc, catching cold zombies and the leader in it's reach.

"You cannot harm Eberron, human. You cannot even harm this little rock."

"My thanks, Lady Navala," Nyar shivers through his cold lips.

Nyar raises a tremoring hand, drinking the potion he had retrieved previously. The cold chilled the glass so that he had difficulty releasing the vial.

With a quiet, shaking wave of his wand, the cloud rolls down over the necromancer.

"Miss Christina, do you think that your bear would mind eating that zombie?" Indicating the one behind the group.

You got it! Pooh is good at eating things! Christina says laughing. Before she leaves she calls upon the powers of the earth, summoning a think bark-like crust around Cairn.

Next she and Pooh rush up to the flanking zombie. Christina manages to get in a hit, but Pooh is too excited at the potential kill and fumbles.

The human Baern attacked should be dead. He not only gets a counter attack when Baern hits him and punches Baern in the face, but he also manages to shake off the damage, and then pull out a potion. He then kicks Baern in the face, but it's a glancing blow.

The other two humans jump down easily from their tall perches, move around the cloud and fire slings at Baern up above. But, the one has crates in the way and the other has the cloud in the way, so they both miss.

The two remaining zombies continue to attack Cairn. One misses, but the other hits Cairn in his leg, again freezing him in place.

"Two can play that game mage." the Leader says as he moves out of the Stinking Cloud, down the crates, and back up the crates. An area of Darkness forms around him, blinding the team inside it and preventing the rest of the team from seeing inside. He then blasts Nyar in the chest. Christina's magic prevents some of the damage. "Why won't you just die?" he asks in frustration. "Kill the mage at all costs." he shouts.

Note: If you cannot see the maps well, you can look at an earlier map to see where the crates are and what color they are.

Note: PCs except for Baern are still down below the catwalk. If your PC is shown as on top of the catwalk on the map, s/he is really below the catwalk until you get up there.

Baern hits Human 1 for 32 and 18 and kills him. But, he doesn't die.

Human 1 immediate reaction hits Baern for 5.

16 hits for 5.

Narvala hits Zombie 1 for 9+5+5=19 radiant damage.

Note: centering Tide of the First Storm on square L6 would not have slid Nyar. I'll correct this, but pay attention to your powers people.

Cairn takes 5 cold damage from 2 auras, hits Zombie 2 for 9 and Leader for 9+4=13.

Nyar drinks a potion and moves the Stinking Cloud.

Christina gives Cairn Barkskin, moves her allies around, Pooh takes 5 cold damage for moving into the aura, Christina hits for 12 and 8 damage.

Zombie 1 blows up and hits Pooh for 12 cold damage. Pooh dies.

17 hits for 12 cold damage.

Human 1 hits Baern for 4.

13 hits for 4.

Human 2 and 4 miss Baern.

5 and -1 miss.

Zombie 4 hits Cairn for 11 - 5 = 6 cold damage and immobilizes him.

5 misses AC 26, 18 hits AC 26 for 11.

Stinking Cloud does 8 poison damage to Leader.

8 poison damage.

Leader double moves and puts up a zone of darkness. Cairn does not get an OA since his path was N14, O13, P12, O11, N11. AP: Leader hits Nyar for 9 - 4 temp hit points = 5 necrotic damage.

20 hits Reflex for 9 damage.

Note: did not use Shield spell as it wouldn't have helped.

8/41 Nyar, bloodied, 5 ongoing cold damage (save ends)
28/84 Cairn, bloodied, resist cold 5 and 2 squares around Cairn are difficult terrain for the enemies, immobilized UENT Z4, regeneration 5 while bloodied, +4 power bonus to AC UENT Christina, blind while in darkness
29/45 Christina
-6/22 Pooh, dead
12/12 Rabberta, blind while in darkness
32, Human 1 (on catwalk up 4), bloodied
Human 2 (on yellow crates up 1)
12 Human 4
74 Zombie 1 (aura 1), dead
55 Zombie 2 (aura 1), bloodied, marked UENT Cairn, blind while in darkness
27 Zombie 4 (aura 1), marked UENT Cairn, blind while in darkness
65 Leader, (on red crates up 2), bloodied
36/50 Narvala, blind while in darkness
34/62 Baern, blind while in darkness

Stinking Cloud (2 squares up), green square
darkness zone (2 squares up), black square

Special note: if a PC enters a Zombie Aura, s/he will take damage as if starting in the aura (5 in one aura, 10 in two auras, etc.).

Cairn take 5 cold damage in the aura at the start of his turn and Nyar takes 5 ongoing cold damage.

It's the PC's turn.

Ceiling: The ceiling is 35 feet overhead.

Catwalks: These metallic walkways, standing 20 feet above the floor, aid in the movement and placement of crates. A sequence of chains and pulleys runs across the underside of the catwalks. This enables a character to climb, hand-over-hand, along the underside of these catwalks with a DC 20 Acrobatics or Athletics check, at normal climbing speed. Except where the ladders stand, the catwalk has a railing all the way around. Anyone wishing to deliberately climb or leap over the railing must spend an extra square of movement to do so, and any push, pull, or slide effect that would drag a creature over that railing must also spend an extra square to do so.

Crates: Each individual crate is roughly 5 feet (1 square) high, but they are often stacked two or three crates (that is, 10 or 15 feet, or 2 or 3 squares) in height, as marked on the map. Stepping up on a single crate requires an extra square of movement, while moving down a single crate does not cost any additional movement. Climbing two or three crates requires a DC 18 Athletics check. So, climbing from a height of zero to one crate to two crates to three crates is two squares for the first, two for the second and two for the third without a check. But climbing straight up two crates is an Athletics check.

Ladders: The ladders are all 20 feet (4 squares) in height, but count as 8 squares of movement. A DC 12 Acrobatics or Athletics check allows a character to climb them at the normal 4 squares of movement if the player declares as part of the comment on Invisible Castle that s/he is doing a fast climb.

Stairs: The stairs to the south count as difficult terrain.

The yellow crates are one square high.
The red crates are two squares high.
The green crates are three squares high.

Entire room except columns 27, 28, and 29 are fully lit up.


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First Post
Narvala ir'Sarhain, female human invoker 7 (Silver Flame)

Narvala channels another blast of divine energy where she last saw the leader and the two remaining zombies, then tries to move out of the darkness, feeling her way along the crates until she exits the darkness.[sblock=actions]standard: Shining Symbol from M11-O13 (close blast 3) atk Z2 vs WILL; atk Z4 vs WILL; dmg (1d20+12=31, 1d20+12=22, 1d8+9=11) atk vs Leader (1d20+12=29), almost certainly hits Z2 and the leader and may hit Z4 for 11 radiant damage (close and area effects aren't affected by blindness); any enemies hit take a -2 to attack rolls until end of Narvala's next turn (atk on leader rolled separately because I initially forgot Shining Symbol doesn't just target undead)
move: move to N8, via L10->L8->N8[/sblock][sblock=Narvala]Narvala—Female Human Invoker 7 (Ordained Priest)
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 27
AC: 19, Fort: 17, Reflex: 20, Will: 22; (ranged attacks from >5 sq take a -1 penalty) — Speed: 6
HP: 36/50: Bloodied: 25, Surge: 12, Surges left: 0/6;
Action Points: 1, Second Wind: Not Used
Powers -
Sun Strike
Hand of Radiance
Vanguard's Lightning
Chains of Carceri
Shinning Symbol
Forceful Denunciation
Tide of the First Storm

Purging Flame
Wall of Light
Grasping Chains of the Justicar
Astral Step
Rebuke Undead
Preserver's Rebuke
Potion of Healing
Holy Gauntlets


First Post
Hey no fair! Christina says seeing the zone of darkness. I'll have to blast you with my nature magic and stuff! True to her word, Christina raises her staff calling upon primal her powers (and stuff), an explosion of water appears inside the darkness, blasting the leader and binding him in place.
Standard: Grasping tide burst 1 at N 11 centered on leader.
Crit vs Leader 12+7=19 damage. if target leaves burst area, make OA.
OA:+8 vs ref, target is knocked prone.

Z4: (not sure if it is within the burst 1)22 vs fort 12 damage.
If hit:if target leaves burst area, make OA.
OA:+8 vs ref, target is knocked prone.
Minor: Spend a surge and summon Pooh in L5 with 11 HP.

Move:pooh L10-M10
[sblock=Christina Robins]
Christina Robins—Female Human Sentinel Druid 4
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 21, Passive Insight: 21
AC: 20+2, Fort: 20+2, Reflex: 15+2, Will: 18+2
Speed: 6
HP: 29/45, Bloodied: 22, Surge: 11, Surges left: 8/11;
Action Points: 0
Powers -
Tending Strike
Grasping Tide
Call Bear Animal Companion (Pooh)
Call Bear Spirit Companion (Rabberta)

Healing Word 0/2
Healing Spirit
Combined Attack 0/2
World Speaker's Command
Sudden Call

Speak With Spirits
Summon Giant Toad

[sblock=Pooh the Animal Companion]
Pooh Chaotic Evil Bear Animal Companion:

HP:11/22 AC:17 Fort:19 Ref:15 Will:19

Perception 23 Speed 6

MBA:Melee 1:+9 vs AC, 1d12+8 damage.

Guardian Companion Aura 1:+2 power bonus to allies defenses.

Note:Moves whenever Christina takes a move action.

[sblock=Pooh Aura Reminder]
Guardian Companion Aura 1:+2 power bonus to allies defenses.
[sblock=Rabberta the Spirit Companion]
Rabberta Lawful Good Spirit Bear:

HP:22+2 AC:17+2 Fort:19+2 Ref:15+2 Will:19+2

Perception 23 Speed 6

[sblock=Spirit Companion notes]
The spirit companion is treated as a conjuration with some exceptions.
  • It occupies 1 square like an ally does.
  • It is only affected by melee or ranged attacks (not close/area attacks or zones).
  • It is dispersed if it takes 12 or more damage from a single blow, and Christina takes 7 damage. It is otherwise unaffected by attacks. It uses Christina's defenses.
  • It cannot be flanked and it does not grant flanking.
  • The companion can move 6 squares whenever Christina takes a move action. It is not affected by difficult terrain.


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[MENTION=2011]KarinsDad[/MENTION], N14 and O13 are adjacent to Cairn and would provoke unless he put down the darkness first. Did you maybe think of P14 and Q13? P12 would require athletics check unless they move more freely then we do.

[MENTION=360]drothgery[/MENTION], is that encounter power? Can you move me again, back to M12?

"Lady priest, I know this will sound repetitive, but I'm still stuck to this place. Could you return me so I get to hit that human?"


First Post
Not a fan of other people manipulating the battle field, Nyar tries to break through the Necromancer's darkness.

Seeing the humans slip around the cloud, he sends the cloud rolling over to cover one of them.

Start: Take 5 ongoing cold damage, down to 3 hp.

Minor: Sustain Stinking Cloud (The cloud blocks line of sight to people inside and creatures entering or starting their turn there take 1d10+6 additional poison damage.)

Standard: Dispel Magic: 1d20+9 → [7,9] = (16) Roll Lookup I only included intel bonus, level bonus and implement bonus. If it uses all the standard attack modifiers (and I have no idea if dispel magic does) it would have been +11 to the attack, total roll 18. This is against the necromancers Will.

Movement: Move Stinking Cloud three squares south to location O-S 14-18 two squares up. That should cover human 4.

Save: 1d20 → [20] = (20) Roll Lookup

Nyar Harbor, Level 6 Wizard
Status: bloodied
Init: +6 Speed: 6 Perception:14 Insight: 19
AC: 18 NAD: F: 14 R:19 W:17 (+2 vs. Illusion Attacks/Perception)
HP: 3/41 Surges: 1/6 Surge Value: 10 AP: 0
Languages: Common, Primordial
Str:8 Dex:16 Wis:12 Con:11 Int:20 Cha:10

At-Will: Ghost Sound, Light, Mage Hand, Prestidigitation, Phantasmal Assault, Storm Pillar, Scorching Burst
Encounter: Empowering Lightning, Fire Shroud, Second Wind, Wand of Accuracy, Shield, Dispel Magic
Daily: Bracers of Escape, Stinking Cloud, Flaming Sphere
Item: Potion of Healing x1
Full Character Sheet: http://leb.wikia.com/wiki/LEB:pC:Nyar_Harbor_(FourMonos)#Summary [/sblock]

OOC: Interrupt: Nyar will use Shield if appropriate if attacked and the bonus would make the attack miss


[MENTION=2011]KarinsDad[/MENTION], N14 and O13 are adjacent to Cairn and would provoke unless he put down the darkness first. Did you maybe think of P14 and Q13? P12 would require athletics check unless they move more freely then we do.

OOC: [MENTION=24380]Neurotic[/MENTION]. N14 is in the Stinking Cloud where Cairn cannot see. No OAs where a character cannot see. O13 is 10 feet up on the red crates, so not adjacent. OAs are against adjacent squares, not reach squares.

"Lady priest, I know this will sound repetitive, but I'm still stuck to this place. Could you return me so I get to hit that human?"

OOC: Just FYI. Players have a lot of advantages in PBP because of waiting until another person posts. As an example, in a table game, PC 1 is not hurt and takes his turn. PC 2 takes his turn. NPC puts ongoing damage on PC 1. PC 1 takes the ongoing damage on his turn. In PBP, PC 2 could grant a saving throw on his turn by posting first and PC 1 never takes the damage. This couldn't happen in a table game. Because of advantages like this, I don't allow players to retcon their actions unless they are illegal. That's a disadvantage that I impose in PBP due to the advantages of switching turns.

No different than retconing anything else because the player had actions remaining. If one retcon is allowed, than a different player would want to retcon because the field has changed since his turn, and then he changes actions and that changes the action of the next player posting, etc. It's just simpler and less headaches if we have no retcons, no matter how little they change the outcome.
Last edited:


I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
[MENTION=2011]KarinsDad[/MENTION], I knew I was missing something since you're usually careful about such things. Thanks for the explanation.

I'm not asking about last round move change, but for new change and I'm asking it in-game as you instructed. For current round. What would you say if Narvala just announced that first one to call it could move on her power?

I'll wait with my post to see if darkness disappears...


Baern spins twin blades but can't tell if they strike...

[sblock=actions]Standard: Twin Strike at Human 1 would hit AC 15 and 20 (with -5 penalty)
Waiting for KarinsDad on results. Neurotic, he said that dispel failed.


First Post
@drothgery , is that encounter power? Can you move me again, back to M12?
OOC: It's a class feature of a preserving invoker; whenever Narvala uses a divine encounter or daily attack power (and although Shining Symbol is from a theme, it's a divine encounter attack power), she can slide one ally within 10 squares one square. I almost moved Cairn back a bit because he may very well get caught in the blast radius of an exploding ice zombie.

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