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[Adventure] Serpent's Skull: Souls for Smuggler's Shiv (DM: Mewness; Judge: THB)


Castile quickly catches her breath and allows herself to relax. She may have been close to death during the fighting, but she doesn't even feel any pain now. She chalks it up to her strong constitution and forgets about it.

In the tower, Castile looks thoroughly through the sleeping quarters. "This is way too good for any of the cannibals. I don't think any of them slept here; the bed doesn't looked lived-in at all." She looks to Kane, who is conveniently close by. "What do you think? Maybe someone with finer tastes was giving the cannibals orders from here?"

OOC: Perception ...
Castile will spend 2 surges to get to full. 7/13 surges remain.
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Kane nods. "M-m-maybe we have not k-k-killed them all?"
Kane does not recognise any of the gear from the Genivere obviously and his eyesight is not sharp enough to pick up any details as to the nature of the room. He is however quite a clever fellow. His coin goes spinning into the air. "T-t-trapdoor. Where does it go? M-maybe this is not over ... t-till we s-see what or who is d-down there. I w-won't sleep easy t-till we know."

He climbs up to the top of the lighthouse and sits and enjoys hearing Pezock potter away with the contraption as he studies the amulet he has found. The song played by Hú Lí drifts up towards him and he feels his strength return. He binds the wound from the axe as best he can, staunching the trickling blood and a short time later he is ready to move again. He looks down to the camp below checking if he can see the fey beast that suddenly appeared in his defense but there is no sign of it.

He returns to where his companions are gathered and shares the ideas that have come to his head during his rest.

"This is a g-good place for our c-camp. B-but it is n-not safe yet. W-we should m-make it s-safe. C-clean. M-maybe if P-pez f-fixes the l-light house ... m-maybe we can at-tract a b-boat."

[sblock=Healing] Kane gained 8 hp during the course of the fight as he hit the red head twice who was under the bard's daily. So he ended the fight on 17 hp. He spends 2 surges with Song of Rest bonus and is back to full HP. [/sblock]

Kane has appx. 1000 gp in time gold available. But there is also the undefined amount of gold we found down the ghoul shaft as well. Is that available to us to swap for treasure as well?

In any case Kane would like to buy/find a Siberys Shard of the Mage (680 gp); any refluff of that which enhances his sword as an implement that way would be cool.

If we can use the other treasure to swap out as well, then he'd also like to find/buy Gauntlets of Arcane Might (680 gp also); depending on when we next receive time gold Kane is only appx 200 gp away from being able to afford both with his available time gold. [/sblock]
[sblock=Kane Arcane]
PC:Kane Arcane (jbear1979) - L4W Wiki
Human Hybrid Swordmage | Wizard 4
Passive Perception/Insight 14
AC:22, Fort:17, Reflex:18, Will:18, Speed:6
HP:44/44, Bloodied:22, Surge Value:11, Surges left:8/10
Initiative +2
Action Points: 0 (encounter):


MBA: Dislocation Longsword +1, +7 vs AC, 1d8+2 damage
Freezing Burst, Phantasmal Assault, Sword Burst

Grasping Shadows:
Aegis of Shielding:
Channelling Shield:
Dimensional Vortex:
Second Wind

Flaming Sphere: USED
Dislocation Longsword: USED
Amulet of Psychic Interference:

Combat notes:
Kane makes a SThrow vs Charm, Fear and Psychic effects at the start of his turn; if he fails he does not get another SThrow to end them at the end of his turn

Feybeast HP 22/22; AC 17 F/R/W 19/15/19
Perception +6
MBA: Claw: +9 vs AC; 1d12+2 dmg
Aura +2 dmg to all allies vs enemies in Fey Beast Aura
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GM: The treasure from the chest in the well is not yet available to be "spent," but Kane can certainly spend time gold.

So, Kane spends 680 time gold for a siberys shard of the mage (he finds it in the witch's hut).

Edit: By my calculations, Kane can afford both things already. Did you miss a gold award somewhere? There are links to all of them on the first page if you want to check.

Kane should have 252 + 356 + 610 + 508 = 1726 time gold before purchases are made.

And oh yeah, I forgot that Kane hit the piñata a couple of times.
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The blood seeps from Takahaan's wounds across his body, staining his armor. He closes his eyes to Hu Li's soothing songs, and he immediately feels rested, the weariness of battle fading from his body. Within minutes, he is fresh and ready to follow beside Kane and Castile as they search through the ruins.

"I'd hate to ask our friends to move our camp so soon, but this place does seem to have the best potential we have found so far. I wonder how much the Irregulars could help out around here... They'd have a grand time scouring this place, cleaning it, finding rats for a feast, the like."

As Kane and the dragonborn search the room that is cleaner than most, he bends down to pick up a wine case that has a familiar engraving. "Look here. The stuff in this room is from the Jenivere. Perhaps the Captain and his mistress came through here? I don't understand how they wouldn't have been eaten by the cannibals though. Well, unless our mark worked her devious magic on the red-haired human. What do you think, Lady Castile?"

[sblock=Shopping]I'd like to spend 1800gp of Time Gold to buy Iron Armbands of Power. Is this alright? Is it okay for me to buy a level 6 item if I am only level 4?[/sblock]

[sblock=Healing]Spending one surge to go from 23/39 to 37/39 HP.[/sblock]

[sblock=Mechanics]Perception roll: 1d20+1=17[/sblock]


First Post
"This is a g-good place for our c-camp. B-but it is n-not safe yet. W-we should m-make it s-safe. C-clean. M-maybe if P-pez f-fixes the l-light house ... m-maybe we can at-tract a b-boat."

"A boat?" asks Pezock, as though the idea of using the lighthouse to actually leave the Shiv had not occurred to him. "Hmm. It's certainly possible." Oddly, he seems only mildly interested in the possibility. "Well, first things first. Got to get this clean, and maybe tomorrow go back to the crab for parts...." he is soon absorbed in his work again.


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"There may indeed be someone else behind these cannibals," Hú Lí says. "At the hut of bones, it appeared that people had come to it without going inside, perhaps leaving the bones of their victims as offerings. These creatures' language was a type of Allarian. Perhaps there is a connection to that journal we found. That still does not tell us what or who they follow, but it is something to think about."[sblock=ooc]Use the last Majestic Word on myself, and 1 surge w/song of rest, and that gets me to 37/39 with 4 surges left.

Perception: 1(1d20) +10 = 11[/sblock][sblock=Hú Lí]The Black Fox Fox Spirit (Changeling) Bard 4
Initiative: +3, Passive Perception: 18, Passive Insight: 20
AC:21, Fort:14, Reflex:18, Will:19
:bmelee: +4 vs. AC, 1d6-1 damage

HP:37/39, Bloodied:19, Surge Value:9, Surges left:4/8
Action Points: 0, Second Wind: used
Powers: Fox Spirit Disguise, Wild Shape, Staggering Note, Vicious Mockery, Changeling's Armor
Blunder, Dissonant Strain, Fox Spirit Trick, Grasping Claws, Majestic Word x2, Words of Friendship, Noble Presence, Painted Drum
Stirring Shout, Canon of Avoidance, Amulet of Seduction

Virtue of Cunning: Once per round, when an enemy misses an ally within 9 squares of the Black Fox, the Fox may slide the ally 1 square as a free action.



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The adventurers lower a rope into the hole revealed by the trapdoor. Kane’s light cantrip reveals what appears to be a natural cave complex below.

Leaving Pezock still tinkering with the lighthouse, the group climbs down into the cave. There is no sound except for trickling water, and, more distant, the ocean. Nevertheless it is clear from the bones strewn about that something is living--or at least eating--down here. From the first cave, the party follows passages through a number of irregular caverns. An underground stream runs through one, and the clear water is wonderfully refreshing after slogging along steamy jungle paths for hours in order to fight a camp full of cannibals. Another passage leads to a vast cavern that is open to the sea. It is mostly flooded, as the tide is high.

Going through another passage, the group arrives in a cave with a pool of stagnant water containing various detritus. Lying against a wall, well away from the pool, is a large piece of leather, somewhat decayed, that was probably once some sort of cloak. Scratched onto its surface is writing, in Allarian.

[sblock=Scratched onto the leather]”I am Alizandru Kovack, once captain of the good ship Jenivere, later her destroyer. I am a betrayer and a murderer. That I did these things while in thrall to a demon in human form cannot excuse me; for had I the wisdom to see the strangeness in her from the start, I might later have found the strength to resist her magic. I poisoned my crew and my passengers at her behest; Alton, the one person who did not eat that last meal, the one man who might have saved so many others’ lives, I ran through with my sword. Now Ieana has discarded me. I belong to someone else, I know not who, but even now I undergo a terrible transformation inside and out. Soon, there will be nothing of me left.

”In my final moments, I despair. Not at my own prospects, which are no worse than I deserve, but that Ieana still lives. She has gone to Red Mountain, to the east. What she wants I do not know, but it has been her purpose all along, and it cannot be to the good. O Reader, slay her if you can, and fear her if you cannot! And if you be a soul whose mercy extends to the very least deserving, find what I have become and destroy me. I am most truly sorry for the lives I have taken. While yet I have a mind, I pray; while I have tears, I weep.”
The passage that leads out of this room has a worked finish, unlike the others.


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OOC: I would like to buy Iron Armbands as well.

Also, I have updated my wiki page with the phat lewts and expees, and updated my wish list. The list is pretty boring, though, until Paragon tier, I mainly want upgrades to my existing gear.

Voidrunner's Codex

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