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Cave of the Spiders OOC


First Post
EDIT: We're full for now.

Ferrix - Sirius (Dwarf Fighter)
D20Dazza - Erethinol Shadowswyft (Elf Rogue)
Ranger Rick - Donnybrook Narion (Dwarf Ranger)
Jdvn1 - Girble (Halfling Cleric)
Lord_Raven88 - Lucas (Human Wizard)


Ok, I've played in several PbP games and they've been very cool. I'm ready to get my feet wet running one myself.

As a warm-up, I want to run a group through a tiny adventure from the WotC site: Cave of the Spiders. It's a mini-adventure (dungeon crawl, really) and I am not planning to continue the game after it's done, so be warned. :)

I will take the first four people who express an interest, plus two alternates. Once the players are selected I'll give everyone a few days to make up characters and we'll start.
I will be able to post at least once each week-day, but probably not at all on the week-ends for a while since my internet connection is down at the moment.

This is going to be a very vanilla game, so here's the deal:

9th-level characters
28 point stat buy (and don't forget your bumps at 4th and 8th level)
Standard PC wealth for 9th-level characters.
No Evil alignments
PHB races only
No psionics
Core books, Complete Warrior, Complete Arcane generally allowed, but no Frenzied Berserkers. I don't have the other "Complete" books and would rather not rely on typed info, so I'm afraid that's it.

Oh, and I've listed the name of the adventure so those who have read it can pass on this game. But since we all KNOW there will be spiders, I'd appreciate it if we didn't have anybody with incredibly convenient spell/item selections (no Cloak of Arachnida for example).

This is more of an exercise in online GMing that anything, so while I hope to run a fun game and have some good role-playing, don't kill yourself making up a complicated background for your character. We'll be starting at the dungeon door, killing a bunch of bad guys, and that's about it.

So now that I've set expectations nice and low, who's up for it? :)

Oh, one more thing. It's fairly late and I probably won't read this thread again until the morning (Eastern US time).
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First Post
I'm interested too, I would really like to play something unusual will you allow any templates (captured and experimented on by an evil Wizard) or any monster races from the DMG (Lycanthropes etc).

If not I'm still interested. :D


Erethinol Shadowswyft A.K.A Ery - Awaiting Final Approval

Count me in if a slot's still open. Elf rogue is on the way - but can we have until Monday (Friday night RL game, Saturday night won tickets to a corporate box at the footy, Sunday father's day - full weekend)??

[b]Name[/b] Erethinol Shadowswyft
[b]Rogue 9[/b] 
[b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Good
[b]Deity:[/b] Olidammara
[b]Sex:[/b] Male
[b]Height:[/b] 6 ’1”
[b]Weight:[/b] 175 lbs 
[b]Hair: [/b] flame red with blonde strips (at the moment)
[b]Skin:[/b] Weathered, tanned
[b]Eyes:[/b] Azure
[b]Age:[/b] 178
[b]Str:[/b]  14 (+2) [6 points] 
[b]Dex:[/b]  19 (+4) [8 points] 
[b]Con:[/b]  10 (+0) [4 points]
[b]Int:[/b]  12 (+1) [4 points] 
[b]Wis:[/b] 10 (+0) [2 points] 
[b]Cha:[/b]  10 (+0) [2 points] 
Racial: +2 Dex; -2 Con
Level: 2x Dex

[b]Racial Abilities[/b]
Immunity to sleep effects; +2 save versus enchantment spells or effects
Low-light vision
Weapon Proficiency (longsword, rapier, longbow, shortbow)
+2 Listen, Search, Spot

[b]Class Abilities[/b] 
Prof (simple; hand crossbow; rapier, shortbow; short sword)
Prof (light; no shields)
Sneak Attack +5d6
Evasion – avoid “half-damage” spell damage with successful Reflex save
Trap Sense +3
Improved Uncanny Dodge – retain Dex modifier to AC in most circumstances; can't be flanked

[b]Hit Dice:[/b]  9d6
[b]AC:[/b] 21 (24*) (+4 armour; +4 Dex; +3 magic) Touch – 14 (*), Flat-footed – n/a[SIZE=1]*Trap Sense (+3) – to avoid traps[/SIZE]
[b]ACP:[/b] 0 
[b]Init:[/b] +4 (+4Dex) 
[b]Speed:[/b] 30ft
Fortitude +6  [+3 base, + 0 Con, +3 magic] 
Reflex +13  (*) [+6 base, +4 Dex, +3 magic] [SIZE=1]*Trap Sense (+3) – to avoid damage from traps[/SIZE]
Will +6  [+3 base, +0 Wis, +3 magic] 
[b]BAB/Grapple:[/b] +6-+1/+8
[b]Melee Atk:[/b] Long Sword +10/+5 (1d8+5 19-20/X2) 
[b]Melee Atk:[/b] Short Sword +10/+5 (1d6+5 19-20/X2) 
[b]Class Skills:[/b] 8+1x4=36; 8+1x8= 72 total 108

Balance 11 (5 ranks; +4 Dex; +2 Synergy)
Climb 7 (*9) (5 ranks; +2 Str) [SIZE=1]*synergy from Use Rope when climbing with a rope[/SIZE]
Decipher Script 6 (5 ranks; +1 Int)
Disable Device 10 (*12) (9 ranks; +1 Int) [SIZE=1]*+2 masterwork thieves tools[/SIZE]
Escape Artist 9 (11*)(5 ranks; +4 Dex) [SIZE=1]*synergy from Use Rope if check involves rope[/SIZE]
Hide 9 (9 ranks; +4 Dex)
Jump 9 (5 ranks; +2 Str; +2 Synergy)
Listen 7 (5 ranks; +0 Wis; +2 racial)
Move Silently 13 (9 ranks; +4 Dex)
Open Lock 13 (*15) (9 ranks; +4 Dex) [SIZE=1]*+2 masterwork thieves tools[/SIZE]
Search 12 (9 ranks; +1 Int; +2 Racial)
Spot 11 (9 ranks; +0 Wis; +2 Racial)
Tumble 15 (9 ranks; +4 Dex; +2 Synergy)
Use Magic Device 11 (*13) (10 ranks; +1 Int) [SIZE=1]*synergy from Decipher Script when using [/SIZE] scrolls
Use Rope 9 (*11) (5 ranks; +4 Dex) [SIZE=1]*synergy from Escape Artist with checks that involve [/SIZE] bindings

[B]Quick Draw[/B] - [SIZE=1]draw weapon as a free action[/SIZE]
[B]Close-Quarter Fighting[/B] - [SIZE=1]if grappled get an AoO even if the opponent doesn't normally allow one, if successful grapple fails, if creature has improved grapple then the grapple roll includes the damage dealt in the attack (CW 97)[/SIZE]
[B]Flick of the Wrist[/B] - [SIZE=1]Draw light weapon and make melee attack that round opponent is caught flat-footed; can only be used once per round and once per opponent per encounter (CW99)[/SIZE]
[B]Hamstring[/B] - [SIZE=1]Give up 2d6 sneak attack damage to cut an opponents speed in half (CW100) [/SIZE]

[b]Languages:[/b] Common; Elven; Giant

[I]carrying capacity:[/I] 58/116/175 lift 175/350 drag 875
[b][i]Wearing or carrying at hand[/i][/b] 
Cloak of Resistance (+3) - 9,000gp
Mithril Chain Shirt +3 - 10,250gp (25lb)
Short Sword +1 - 2,310gp (2lb)
Long Sword +2 - 8,315gp (4lb)

[b][i]In or on containers[/i][/b] 
masterwork thieves tools - 100gp (2lb)
Wand of Cure Light Wounds (50) - 750gp
Wand Magic Missiles (5th) (50) - 3,750gp (3x1d4+1)
Potion Darkvision x2 - 6,00gp
Scroll Spider Climbing (2nd) - 150gp
Scroll Gaseous Form (3rd) - 375gp

Total weight carried –  lbs, load. 
5,00 gp -sp -cp

Appearance, Personality, Background
Appearance: Ery is very plain for an elf, and she deliberately sets out to make herself that way. She isn't interested in fashion or being flashy. Her only indulgence is her hair, which she likes to keep clean, slashing parts of her natural red colour with different coloured dyes and bleaches. She has spent alot of time outdoors and her skin is tanned and weathered. Her hands have long, calloused fingers and her nails are short and raggedy from where she chews them when she is nervous. Her eyes are a startilingly bright azure colour and she has long, thick lashes and arched eyebrows. She generally dresses in dark colours.

Personality: Ery is generally in an indifferent to bad mood. She hasn't had many happy times in her life and this shows in her mood and manner. She can soemtimes be rude and is typical of the haughty elf. But this all masks a deep hurt, she lost her parents at a very early age and this has psychologically scarred her, she tends to be withdrawn and inward looking and this is often interpreted as being arrogant.

Background: Ery's parents were killed by bandits when they were travelling between cities, she was abrely 10. She was abducted by the bandits and grew up in their where she went from cleaning and cooking for the dirty men to eventually camp whore when she could no longer fight off the advances.

Eventually she ecaped and has since lived life on the road, travelling form place to place and earning what she needs to survive through theft and the occassional odd job.
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First Post
It looks like we have our players. Current roster is:

Ferrix - Dwarf Fighter
Jdvn1 - Unknown
Lord_Raven88 - Unknown
D20Dazza - Elf Rogue

AND although it probably means you'll walk all over the adventure I'll bump the party up to 5 to include:

Ranger Rick - Unknown

Welcome all. Anybody else who is interested can go onto an alternates list in case somebody drops out.

So Jdvn1, Lord_Raven88 and Ranger Rick need to stake out roles. We have a tank-y fighter and a rogue, so we need an arcane caster and a divine caster, I would think. Since it's a 5-member party there's room for a multi-class character or bard. Remember that the Prestige classes from the DMG, CA and CW are available (except Frenzied Berserker, of course!)

Lord_Raven88: As I said in my intro I'd like to keep this fairly generic. Please stick to PHB races. As far as templates go, I'm open to suggestion as long as it comes from one of the listed sources (so half-dragon or half-celestial is OK, but no Feral or anything else not in the listed books). Please tell me exactly what you have in mind before you go to the trouble of actually making the character.

D20Dazza: Yes, I thnk Monday is a fine deadline, though it looks like you don't need it. I'll review your character and let you know if I see anything wonky.

Thanks for joining everybody! Once I review D20Dazza's character I'll start a RG thread.

Voidrunner's Codex

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