CERAMIC D.M. Final Judgements In- New Champion!


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48 hour deadline
4 illustrations to start
finishers only
no peeking

we have to save a spot for our last winner, but if anyone else is interested now would be the time to speak up, if we have interest i will gather up those who sign up first and we will start in the next couple of days.

good luck :)
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Wharg!!! I WANT to!!! But I can't :( Too much other stuff to write on me schedue for the next month. Sorry, Clay - slot me for the next one please..... (shucks)


RL problems may get in the way for me this time. My son is having some respiratory problems. We're going to the doctor today @1:30pm. If everything's okay with him, I'm set for go. If not, well... I'll post back and let everybody know what happened at the doc's.



First Post
Yeah, I have a lot on my plate, too, atm. Not sure I want to get into writing anything else or my brain may explode. I'd be happy to lend a hand as a judge, though


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mirthcard said:
RL problems may get in the way for me this time. My son is having some respiratory problems. We're going to the doctor today @1:30pm. If everything's okay with him, I'm set for go. If not, well... I'll post back and let everybody know what happened at the doc's.


do let us know mc, we all hope it goes well :)


Well, I'm good to go :D

Turns out my son Rohan (honestly not from LOTR at all, just a happy coincidence) almost certainly has asthma, so we're taking him to an asthma specialist soon (poor guy, he's only 13 months). Our doctor really helped us calm down about the situation (my wife was ready to take him to the hospital because he was having so much trouble breathing) but I'm still amazed that a little guy like him can handle as much medication as we have to throw at him now.

That coupled with the fact that I closed the retail business that I've had for the last five years for good on Sunday has made for a super busy and stressful week for me. I still have to sell off fixtures, get rid of remaining stock and clean the place up for the next tenant by March 15th but my schedule will be more flexible, so I should be able to squeeze Ceramic DM in there.

Not that anyone here needs to know any of that :)

I'm kind of surprised that there haven't been more signups by now. I expected to come back and see the roster full.

Come on people! Let's get WREADY TO WRITE!!!!!

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