Check Out This Preview of the Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game

On April 20th, the 120-page softcover playtest book for the new Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game by Matt Forbeck will be available to purchase for $9.99; the final game is due to be released next year, in 2023. Marvel has revealed some of the playtest book, in which you use the new d616 system and profiles for Spider-Man, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Wolverine and more, in an...

On April 20th, the 120-page softcover playtest book for the new Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game by Matt Forbeck will be available to purchase for $9.99; the final game is due to be released next year, in 2023.

Marvel has revealed some of the playtest book, in which you use the new d616 system and profiles for Spider-Man, Captain America, Captain Marvel, Wolverine and more, in an introductory scenario called Enter: Hydra. The scenario involves a hostage situation at the Howard & Maria Stark Center for Galactic History.

The d616 system uses three d6s. Designer Matt Forbeck says "If you get a 1 on the Marvel die, you get a fantastic result and something amazing happens. If you get 6 on both of the other dice—or a 6-1-6 result—that’s an ultimate fantastic roll, which is even better."


The words MARVEL contains initials for the game's six ability scores -- Might, Agility, Resilience, Vigilance, Ego, and Logic. Each character has an archetype, such as a striker or blaster, and the archetype combines with the abilities to give bigger attack rolls.

Here's a quick look at Spider-Man! For reference a normal human stat is between -4 and +4.



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That's what they've said. In that linked preview no less. 3d6 is the standard resolution mechanic. One die is the Marvel die. If you roll double sixes on the regular dice and a 1 on the Marvel die, something amazing happens. Hence the "d616 System".

I did not see a reference to 3d6 anywhere, but rather using 3 six-sided dice. I am now thinking it is a roll of 2d6 and a separate roll of the Marvel die for something special to happen, which would cover 2 sixes and a Marvel 1 being the best possible outcome of a roll. Otherwise, 2 sixes and a one are only 13, when a max of 18 is possible when adding all three together.

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The article linked to has some more information. Normal human stat ranges are between -4 and +4.
I'm an old, old man and I was making a feeble joke referencing the names of attributes from TSR's version of Marvel Superheroes from the 1980s. Attributes from lowest to highest were Feeble, Poor, Typical, Good, Excellent, Remarkable, Incredible, Amazing, Monstrous, Unearthly, Shift X, Shift Y, Shift Z, Class 1000, Class 3000, and Class 5000. At least that's what I think it was. Spider-Man had an Amazing Agility and an Incredible Strength. I think Captain America had a Remarkable Strength which was considered peak human.


The Elephant in the Room (she/her)
Why assume that something like an intro character exists?

Most folks play superhero games to be superheroes. Either to be Spider-man or to make up their own characters who are on the level of spider-man. Superhero games aren't usually level progression games because of that - even Mutants and Masterminds which started as a d20 based system had character power levels as a dial to turn not a level to attain.

The superhero games that tried to ape D&D with some kind of progression from low power to high power have never caught on. Because they're a bad fit for the genre. The genre is that one day you could get bit by a radioactive mongoose and suddenly become a hero who is at the same power level as Spider-man or Iron man right from the start. I'd assume that just about any character you make would be as complex as Spider-man.
The superhero genre, more than almost any other, is defined by its extremely variable tiers of power and complexity. Defenders vs Avengers. Street level supes aren't going to be nearly as complex and broad in power level as one of the biggest faces of the franchise

"The d616 system uses three d6s. Designer Matt Forbeck says "If you get a 1 on the Marvel die, you get a fantastic result and something amazing happens. If you get 6 on both of the other dice—or a 6-1-6 result—that’s an ultimate fantastic roll, which is even better."

Unless rerolls etc are handed out pretty generously, personally I'd find it a bit tricky to get excited about an 'ultimate fantastic' mechanic which triggers on average once every 216 rolls. 5e, for instance, is very generous with its critical hit mechanism that triggers once every 20 rolls on average, but in our game at least, you rarely see more than a couple a session unless the dice are being particularly generous. I suppose it depends on the pace your group sets and the number of rolls the GM calls for, but with those sort of odds you could easily go entire sessions without seeing a 616. Hard to build a system where one of the big selling points happens so infrequently.

Khelon Testudo

Cleric of Stronmaus
It seems you get a bonus of some type every time you get a 1 on the 'Marvel' die. That's one in six. That seems more than generous enough. The "616" result is a super bonus.
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Guide of Modos
On April 20th, the 120-page softcover playtest book for the new Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game by Matt Forbeck will be available to purchase for $9.99; the final game is due to be released next year, in 2023.
. . .

The words MARVEL contains initials for the game's six ability scores -- Might, Agility, Resilience, Vigilance, Ego, and Logic. Each character has an archetype, such as a striker or blaster, and the archetype combines with the abilities to give bigger attack rolls.

Here's a quick look at Spider-Man! For reference a normal human stat is between -4 and +4.

Yay, a playtest! That means they want feedback. On that note...

  • I see six abilities, succeed/fail, and "core mechanics." They just forgot the 5e-compatible logo on the front.
  • Skin color as an attribute? Really? That's ballsy.
  • And maybe selling an unfinished softcover of 120 pages isn't the best idea, two days before Earth Day. I hope there's a pdf.
  • On a minor note: assuming that Hydra agents identify as male. Let's get more inclusivity in this playtest.

Now if someone could direct me toward the suggestion box...


B/X Known World
Skin color as an attribute? Really? That's ballsy.
It’s listed on the sheet in the biography section along with gender, height, weight, hair, and eyes. It’s not listed at the bottom under traits as in it might give a bonus.

Though you could argue some supers main power is being a rich white man. It’s the only reason Batman gets to do what he does.


I did not see a reference to 3d6 anywhere, but rather using 3 six-sided dice. I am now thinking it is a roll of 2d6 and a separate roll of the Marvel die for something special to happen, which would cover 2 sixes and a Marvel 1 being the best possible outcome of a roll. Otherwise, 2 sixes and a one are only 13, when a max of 18 is possible when adding all three together.
The defenses are exactly 11 + modifier. 11 is the average result on a 3d6. As such, I expect that the core dice system is that you roll 3d6 and add your modifier. If the Marvel dice rolls a 1, you get a special result.

And maybe selling an unfinished softcover of 120 pages isn't the best idea, two days before Earth Day. I hope there's a pdf.

Not that I have seen anywhere yet. So far just Kindle, Nook, and Google Play Books app that I can find for digital.

Now if someone could direct me toward the suggestion box...

I have a feeling, from the way I am reading between the lines, that official playtest reporting on the Marvel website for the game may only be available if you have bought a copy. Not sure how they would make that work, though, if they do that, rather than just registering on their site first before being allowed to submit a report and/or feedback.

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