City of the Spider Queen (mini-campaign)

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HolyMan said:
And I am waiting on a final SOP so I can tell everyone this masoleum is empty.


I thought there was one...? I really don't care about these kinds of decisions, so whatever you guys like is fine. I'm here for the story more than the tactics.


First Post
Just one thing about the Marching Order. Since Slash needs light and Platinus doesn't lets switch their order and move me to the back. We move at 60ft anyways so can make our leaping charges from up to 120ft back.

And for light source I'd say only the person at the exact middle of the marching order should light up a magic item somewhere on their person.


Move Action: Holding my finger to my nose
Free Action: Says, "Not it"
Standard Action: Look around the table to spot who hasn't approved the SOP yet. Rolled a 1, failed.

SOP is fine by me and I agree with skipping empty rooms if we can. If we need to have a standard direction to turn, "Right". But only if there are no other pieces of information to assist in the decision. For example: we hear or see something to the left and the right corridor clearly ends in a door, then we would probably want to go left first, or at least be able to discuss the decision.

One thing not addressed yet. Decision making. With 6 players things can get long and drawn out. If we have 4 people that agree on something, that should be enough to act as long as the other 2 have had ample opportunity to object (at least 24 hours RL particularly since some of us are halfway around the world from each other). We could even go with 3 people and 1 abstention (or vote of 'makes no difference to me') for a majority.


First Post
SOP is fine by me and I agree with skipping empty rooms if we can. If we need to have a standard direction to turn, "Right". But only if there are no other pieces of information to assist in the decision. For example: we hear or see something to the left and the right corridor clearly ends in a door, then we would probably want to go left first, or at least be able to discuss the decision.

One thing not addressed yet. Decision making. With 6 players things can get long and drawn out. If we have 4 people that agree on something, that should be enough to act as long as the other 2 have had ample opportunity to object (at least 24 hours RL particularly since some of us are halfway around the world from each other). We could even go with 3 people and 1 abstention (or vote of 'makes no difference to me') for a majority.

This all works for me, if I didn't post that before.


First Post
I agree.

Well need some general tactics and SOP and party rules, but I'd love to focus on the gaming and just have the necessary metagaming done along the way. My impression is, we're probably all experienced in this, and I hope we'll know when a decision has to be general consensus, and when a decision can be just taken by a majority or even a single player. For example, if one is scouting ahead, taking a left or right turn will probably not require a big OOC discussion. If, however, we know that left is a beholder, and right is a strike team of drow, we would definitely want to discuss where to go. Facing a tough challenge or hard decision could even mean we should wait or PM people not currently on, but that is HM's decision then.

From my point of view, the SOP is pretty much complete, and we might change marching order along the way, so I'd say let's go...

... and rock.

HM, please indicate if there's any specifics you are missing from the SOP that you would need to go.


First Post
Okay, apologies for my latest IC post. I got myself turned around about which doors were which, and convinced myself that the sealed doors were in the hillside, not the tomb (it's been a long day). I edited the post with the assumption that Talhia wouldn't be confused because she's actually there looking at the doors even though I'm not.


Thy wounds are healed!
So are we going to try the new ENWorld dice roller or stick with IC?

I don't want to use the die roller for alot of my games but I think for this one it will be alright.

So please everyone let's give the die roller a whirl. I know you can't know if you hit or not till you post but you can just post a placeholder than roll then go back and edit your post.



Thy wounds are healed!
Okay, apologies for my latest IC post. I got myself turned around about which doors were which, and convinced myself that the sealed doors were in the hillside, not the tomb (it's been a long day). I edited the post with the assumption that Talhia wouldn't be confused because she's actually there looking at the doors even though I'm not.

And not having a long day? LOL She is just out hunting drow. :p


Voidrunner's Codex

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