City of the Spider Queen (mini-campaign)

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First Post
HM; Let me know if you want some help with the maps. You got the jpegs, I can put them quickly into grids.

Excellent suggestion!

I have done a token of Aden.

If you can provide me with character jpegs, I can do that for all of us, so we can put the PCs on the maps, as well.


Thy wounds are healed!
Trying to update but running out of time (need to catch the bus home) will finish tonight.

Also I don't like the EnWorld dice roller for multiple attacks it doesn't let you do two or more that I see. Will IC full attacks and such from here on out.

Gtg but will finish tonight.



First Post
HM, taking up what perrinmiller suggested, I guess it must be a lot of work for you to do the coded maps of the locations.

As the adventure comes with maps, if you could scan them, we could work right within the original maps. If you can't scan them, the link to the WOTC website could be of help.

With free software, jpgs can easily be transformed into battle maps, and we could put player counters (tokens) and monster tokens on them. This can conveniently be done with GIMP (basically free photoshop) and the Maptool of RP-Tools. There are many other possibilities, of course, such as DunDjinni etc. Any picture-editing software will probably be a good start.

See here or here for an example how this can be used in actual PbP play.

I think this will save you some time and effort and at the same time create an enhanced gaming experience.
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Speaking up for HM;
He and I have actually had this conversation through PMs already for another game. He has the link for RPTools, but it is not so easy to just figure out on the fly. I have tried GIMP too and it isn't easy either. There are other methods easier actually, but still requires software he doesn't have.

I imagine if he actually had the jpeg files he could email them to me and I would have a decent tactical map up and running fairly quickly. That's the same arrangement we have in another game. So if you have them, HM, I can do the same thing, putting them into a grid and overlaying tokens over it.

If I have time later tonight I can try to create an Excel grid to match what he has put up already and share it through goggle Docs.
Other issues:
Not arguing this encounter's start nor asking for anything to be changed.

But, I do have a question for clarification. How was Morrolan surprised? Is it the nature of the encounter or does our SOP have something wrong? Or was it not really surprise, but readied actions? (Based on these clarifications we might have some SOP revisions)

So for future door openings, Morrolan does NOT open doors and walk right in, ever. If there are opponents on the other side, then he remains right where he is until his turn comes up in Initiative. If the room looks empty, then Fafnir and the scouts do their thing. He doesn't enter a room to walk into ambushes and soak up a bunch of attacks. If there are opponents right on the other side of the door, he will keep them bottled up by making them come through the door to reach him instead.

Morrolan Initiative: Initiative (1d20+2=3)
Fafnir Initiative: Initiative (1d20+5=11)


First Post
HM, I am working with the GIMP and it took me 15 min to figure out how to do an easy map with tokens on it. The time-consuming task is creating or scanning the maps -- but we would have those already (see the link to WOTC). Scaling the maps and putting tokens on it is straightforward. That said, I don't want to push anybody here into using software they don't feel comfortable using -- I just wanted to point out that there are many tools you can use (I am also using tokentool from RP-Tools and it is really fast and easy-to-use -- you just drag the picture into the tool and resize it. When you are done, you save the token, and that's it). I think overall it would save you a lot of time.

Perrinmiller, if HM would be ok with sending you the maps, that is a good solution, as well (the maps in the WOTC seem to be a good start, because the text said they are non-keyed, so they would not be complete spoilers -- I have not looked closely at them, of course :) )

I've attached a token for Aden.


  • Adentoken.png
    33.6 KB · Views: 49


First Post
So for future door openings, Morrolan does NOT open doors and walk right in, ever. If there are opponents on the other side, then he remains right where he is until his turn comes up in Initiative. If the room looks empty, then Fafnir and the scouts do their thing. He doesn't enter a room to walk into ambushes and soak up a bunch of attacks. If there are opponents right on the other side of the door, he will keep them bottled up by making them come through the door to reach him instead.

I thought that was what the SOP implies: Aden looks for traps, opens locks and steps aside, with weapon in hand, to provide cover fire for the fighter opening the door -- that's it. I guess there is no need to charge / walk right in. I have no issues whatsoever with the encounter, and perhaps there have been some dice rolls by HM that we are not aware of -- I just wanted to point out the way I interpret the SOP.


Thy wounds are healed!
General Movement SOP (draft)

1. The scout (Aden) goes first.
2. Those of the party who are unable to sneak / move silently stay approximately 30 ft. - 60 ft. behind
3. Dargun sneaks along with the Aden. While Aden searches for traps, for instance, Dargun will act as sentry, keeping an eye on the surroundings.
4. We will use no light while scouting and exploring (i.e. normally, we will use light only in combat)
5. The fighers (tanks -- Morrolan, Platinus with Slash) will enter rooms first after the scout has cleared them[/sblock]

I also like the token style maps, like the way he took the picture of the lions and made them tokens. That wasn't an actual picture from the module but something I found and sort of looked like two lions being summoned out of nothing. One day I will master rptools and then watch out LOL.

Ok as to the quote it says the fighters enter the room after rogues have cleared it. And that is what I did. Are we now saying a fighter opens the door and if nothing jumps out at them they hang back while the rogues advance inside searching? Not all rooms are standard open door and see everything inside. As with this one I figured Morrolan would proceed to the corner and take a look around then wave everyone in from there.

If you don't wish for me to use some leeway then we will have to go back to eveyone telling me everything you do and in pbp that will add years to the game. :p


Voidrunner's Codex

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