City of the Spider Queen (mini-campaign)


Not spoil the role-playing fun or anything, but why don't you list the who, what, where, when, why, and how questions in one large post. Regardless of the answers received you will still ask them.

Then you can ask the follow-on questions one at a time. At the rate you are going, this could take the rest of the month and halfway through October RL and we might lose players in the mean time.

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perrinmiller said:
Not spoil the role-playing fun or anything, but why don't you list the who, what, where, when, why, and how questions in one large post. Regardless of the answers received you will still ask them.

Then you can ask the follow-on questions one at a time. At the rate you are going, this could take the rest of the month and halfway through October RL and we might lose players in the mean time.

Well, we've got 5 questions; 2 down and 3 to go. If you're bored, why don't you ask the next one?


First Post
This will take a long time anyway, City of the Spider Queen is a supermodule / small campaign -- I guess it occupies the same spot on the shelf as (Return to the) Temple of Elemental Evil or the GDQ Giants-Drow series.

So we (the players) should better be in this for the long run. I guess there will be similar situations, occasionally (such as vacation, heavy workload, etc. or in-game, such as one character having the necessary abilities and the others waiting for the result). IMO, rushing things will not help, only long-term commitment can keep the party together.

I think this situation is perfectly fine, as well, because Renard had invited the others to take part in the questioning -- due to whatever reason (online times, etc.), most did not, which is ok, because Hella_Tellah can finish the questioning on his own -- but I like that he invited us first. I mean, we're not only here for the combat, are we?


First Post
I hadn't piped in on questioning so far because I didn't have anything non-standard to ask at this point. So, I'm here, just trying to stay out of the way unless an answer makes me think of something better to ask. :)



First Post
Did we ever get an answer on the "Poison" question I asked earlier? As we are at the entrance, now would be the time to coat every weapon of those unopposed to its use. If it wasn't done before.


Thy wounds are healed!
You characters have been traveling as a group for a while so whoever wishes to have the poison can have it, BUT please post (starting now) whether you will take it or not. You have till the first combat to let me know or it will be to late.



Renard doesn't have a weapon that can be effectively coated in poison, and probably shouldn't get himself into a position where he'd be able to use it, in any case. So I'll decline. ;)


First Post
Dargun tends to use natural weapons, so it will do more arm to him then the enemy. So he will also decline.

There again, he could have it on the spikes of his armor but that sounds to me like there is too much risk of accidental exposure bot to him and the others.

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