City of the Spider Queen (mini-campaign)


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I don't want to add years. I'd rather have you use leeway. That said, IMO, it is common sense to stay in the best tactical position -- of course, the tank needs to assess the situation in the room before deciding whether to enter or let the scout take the lead again. If he can assess the situation from the door, I guess most will do so. If he has to move, I guess there is no other way than to take a few steps.

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I agree, no need to add years to the game. I was asking for clarification on what exactly happened to analyze the SOP. I think there is a little difference on what was meant by clear the the room.

5. The fighers (tanks -- Morrolan, Platinus with Slash) will enter rooms first after the scout has cleared them

Probably my fault for not adding in more details for HM to work with. It isn't ambushes like the Lions I am worried about, it is the pit trap right on the inside of the doorway.

For the SOP:
Once Door is opened and by all appearances empty, whether the room is entirely visible or not, scouting recommences. That means the scouts and Fafnir look for hidden enemies and traps. Difference for a room versus corridor is that Morrolan will follow right behind in case there are hidden enemies. If the room is entirely visible and no enemies visible, don't see a reason for Morrolan to enter at all.

Also add in Fafnir to accompany Dargun on Scouting. (It eliminates Spot check failures and keeps everyone in communication with the scouts).

If opponents are visible, then SOP ends with either NPC interaction or Initiative rolls.


Thy wounds are healed!
Thank ye

I'm thinking of putting the SOP somewhere in the RG for easy finding as when I am in control and you all are in SOP mode I will need your characters for secert DM stuff LOL.



First Post
=> HM: Perhaps as a clarification:

Talhia's dispel dispatches caster level up to 7th (not spell level 7), i.e. maximum spell level 4.

If we are talking about enervation (4th), vampiric touch (3rd) or something below, this will suffice, but not dispel anything more powerful.

In case the trap is spell level 4 or below, Aden's search and disable device checks would probably have been sufficient.


Thy wounds are healed!
Search did succeed but I don't think it possible for you to get rid of a spell casted on a door. I'm not to sure on that I just went with the disable they had for the trap listed - DC30 and figured your 28 didn't make it so figured Aden saw the trap and figured there'd be no way to disarm it since there was nothing physical there to "pick" at with his tools.

Trying to keep it realistic which is hard with the RAW of D&D.




First Post
I don't mind this, HM, you're the DM, and it's your ruling. If my check was not good enough, that is fine with me.

But of course rogues can disable magic traps, including runes / glyphs etc. on doors. It's one of their prime uses of disable device at higher levels. See the SRD, for instance:

SRD said:
Rogues (and other characters with the trapfinding class feature) can disarm magic traps. A magic trap generally has a DC of 25 + the spell level of the magic used to create it.

The spells fire trap, glyph of warding, symbol, and teleportation circle also create traps that a rogue can disarm with a successful Disable Device check. Spike growth and spike stones, however, create magic traps against which Disable Device checks do not succeed. See the individual spell descriptions for details.

You'll also note the DMG has disable device DCs for magic traps.

Again, no issues with this specific situation, but I want to make sure I can use my class-features to full extent.

I wrote my first post mainly because of the possible misunderstanding of the dispel check (7th caster level, not 7th spell level). Thus, I was actually expecting the dispel check to fail:

I had expected a higher level spell, because my Search was 30 and my Disable Device 36 (see my post, the 28 you are referring to was actually the Listen check).
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Thy wounds are healed!
Well looks like we are at a majority for leaving the room. I will advance the thread WED nite (EST) unless someone wants to do something different.



Thy wounds are healed!
Sorry for the slight delay this "room" has thrown me off a little bit. It is more like an irregular sized like hallway.

To help speed things we have the SOP and for this type of area (and there will be alot in the underdark) I need to know who would be on watch and who would be starting to search areas already cleared of traps.

Or do you even search is a good question. You are looking for the drow and of course they are not set up in th ecurrent room so do we just continue on?

What I would like is after I give a description of a room - normally quoted out of the book from the "read this to players" box. I would like everyone to at least post something to let me know they are ready. Even if it is an OOC stating Following SOP or searching the south wall. At least I will know you are ready to continue. I know this trumps a little of the SOP but I don't want to advance without giving people a chances to respond to what is in the area.

Right now just need jkason and Hella_Tellha to post up their actions, thoughts, or an OOC to continue and we will be set. Thanks.


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