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City of the Spider Queen (mini-campaign)

Fangor the Fierce

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1st Choice - Xander - Small Guy with Mace
Making up for his stature, Xander feels that the best way to get someone to understand your views is to beat it into them. Not one to shy away from a fight, he still likes to know his environment, take advantage of it, and keeps calm in almost all situations. Likes to fight fair, one on one, but isn't afraid to use tactics like traps and such to level the playing field. Opting to know as much about fighting, his skills are numerous and he is not afraid to use them...

2nd Choice - Krool - Big Guy with Shield
Never let a name fool you, for Krool is anything but. This gentle soul is best served as eye-candy to entice foes to think twice, yet his training says otherwise. Following in the ways of his faith, Krool keeps the confidence of the group going, preferring to use his spells in battle followed by his weapon as second choice. Healing, improving his allies and being their shield is his forte. Often one to forgive, he looks for atonement from others for their sins. This includes foes and has often left him debating with allies on letting the foes die, or to allow them to live...

3rd Choice - Trystan - Male Staff/Sword Wielder
Trystan is the religious zealot your mother warned you about. Often looking dazed, as if thinking of things that leave him mesmerized, he can easily be taken as an aloof nobleborn. Instead, his thoughts are contemplating the decision to skewer evil with a well placed thrust of his sword, or blast it with his powerful spells designed to root out and destroy evil. Balancing the two is his job, and he would like to think he does it well. He does not care to debate issues too much, preferring to take quick decisive actions. Charismatic enough to bring about the affection of the lone woman of the group, Trystan has a way of making people think twice before crossing him...

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So please if you have time follow Hella Tellah's example for character concept and do as many as you wish and I will divide the results into two groups. Sound like a plan?

Will do. Choice number one is still Talhia, probably beguiler after all the talk of it:

[sblock=original Talhia background post]
Talhia Shen was born a slave, raised to do whatever it took to keep herself and her family safe. Despite the squallor of her living conditions, she grew into what her master called "a comely wench." He promoted her from maid to his personal 'dancer.' His intentions seemed painfully clear.

What her master didn't realize, what Talhia herself was not fully aware of, was that her maturing body was also maturing into an untapped power. When she danced, her finger cymbols chiming and her lilting voice filling the room, she didn't just entertain: she enthralled. And so it was that, after each command performance, it was Talhia and not her master who gave the orders. In the wake of one of her dances, he was always a perfect gentlemen, though he was never quite sure why when he woke alone the next morning.

When she finally realized what powers she could channel, Talhia used them to arrange for the freedom of herself and her mother. Then she set off into the world, seeking to turn her powers into profit she could use to see that her mother's 'retirement' would be a comfortable one.

Ever the performer, it's often difficult to tell what the young woman is thinking, even when she tells you. She can be simultaneously the center of attention and absent the suspicious thoughts of everyone in a room. Forget a fly on the wall; if you want to know something, you want to put Talhia in the room.

As for the second choice, the more I look at him , the less he strikes me as a druid. He reall does seem more blasty with both the wand and the staff. And in looking up beguiler stuff, I ran across the warmage and warlock, both of whom might be fun to play. So:

Choice 2: Stane Bastal

Stane was a child of privilege, and spent much of his younger life growing spoiled and indulging in temper tantrums. As he grew, those tantrums took on a much more volatile aspect when the magic in his blood began to manifest: sparks literally flew when Stane let his anger get the better of him. And one night when he was fourteen, a fit of pique began a fire which destroyed half of the family manor. Several servants were badly burned, and Stane's younger sister actually died in the blaze.

Devastated, Stane fled his birthright and struck out on his own. He determined to tame and channel his magical fury or die in the attempt, but swore that no one else would die just from being close to him during this trial of will.

He's spent many years on his path to control. Though the simmering rage within him is always just below the surface, he has learned to keep it in check, unleashing it only on those he deems worthy of his magical wrath. Along the way, he's attempting to repent in some way for the sins of his youth: he tries to aid those who--like his sister--are the victims of violence they have done nothing to earn, and punishes those who inflict that violence.


Kind of a self-righteous type, obviously, with an intense presence and a rather focused view of the world. I see him as seeming very quiet and restrained outside of combat, but a bit frighteningly manic once he decides to let loose.


For the Big Guy:
Morrolan's full name is Morrolan e'Vargach mrith Sveargith. The appellation after his given name has been passed down through the generations on his mother's side. According to the stories his mother used to tell as part of her profession as a traveling bard, one of his ancestors was the daughter of a Lord Morrolan who ruled from a floating castle. Serena was cast out of her father's castle for becoming pregnant. Morrolan was a proud warrior and sorcerer but could not handle the shame. Serena was cast out into the world on her own and she made her way using her sorceress abilities and great singing voice. She was the one who started the family tradition of being traveling bards. Her child, a daughter, was born from the union of Serena and a half-dragon (Dragon type - Force Dragon), and thus all children from her daughter's lineage have some dragon blood running through their veins.

Morrolan's mother named him after the ancient lord, hoping he would make a better name for himself in the world. Morrolan has aspirations of becoming a great warrior, but not styled after the long dead lord, but rather his dragon ancestry. He has always had a great fascination about dragons and hopes to learn more about them. The dragon blood beckons him irresistibly. He has left home for a life of exploration along a path to further his goal of unlocking the power of his draconic heritage. He was raised by his mother and never met his father. He only begins his journey as an adventurer, more martial in nature, rather than being a bard the family tradition. In his life he tries to do his best that a good person can do and is quick to help others in need, according to their needs.

Build-wise: Duskblade to Dragon Disciple, he has already begun manifesting the dragon aspects, thus his appearance.

Busy weekend so it will take me longer for the Pyro-chick.


First Post
She might just be a charming dancer LOL. Please just keep your builds to the picture as I think I have a way to get everyone in. :cool:

'Ah, there you are, you naughty brain. Right, back in the box you go; you know you only get yourself into trouble when you start thinking outside of it...'

Looks like you've got lots of interest now HM so I'll keep my powder dry for your WotBS game (haven't noticed a recruiting thread for that one - waiting for a while?).


Thy wounds are healed!
Was going to wait for my copy of the APG so when people started refering to it I knew what they are talking about. Your interest would give us three possibles. So that means an recuritment thread can be started let me think on what I want to do for character gene in that one LOL. Should be straight forward but you never know :devil:



First Post
The Big Guy:

Platinus, while truly a mountain of a man, would much rather hold light conversation with the bird on his windowsill than crush skulls together. Being dragonborn was a great calling for a goliath druid, and he accepted the calling with a glad heart. Even though it meant a life standing directly in the path of danger against the forces of Tiamat and all manner of poison dripping evil, a chance to see far more of the vast world beyond the forest at the base of his tribe's mountain had a strange appeal.

When the goliath tribes united to destroy an ancient black dragon that had moved into the area, it was Platinus who was honored with the beasts hide, once it was killed, to protect the blessed protector of the people from harm. During the fight he met several other heroes as well who told him such strange tales of distant lands and an evil rising from deep within the earth. So fashioning a suit of armor from the hide, he picked up his blade and began his great adventure.

His platinum gray-green skin with the slightest hint of a scaled pattern, along with his back-swept, reptilian legs and heavy tail are a testament to the pact made by this defender of the natural world. When not running through the trees and hills in the form of a dinosaur he can be found in meditative communion with nature.

The Little Guy:

This little bruiser calls himself Fragheart. Completely unaware that he stands a mere 3 feet tall, this air goblin brawler likes to start trouble wherever he goes. Whether sitting in a pub, crawling through sewers or exploring caves, he manages to find the biggest baddest thing he can and spits right in its eye. A crafty and steadfast warrior, he fights with a variety of light weapons with the ferocity of a rabid wolverine.

The fact that he doesn't breath has saved his life more times than he can count, especially when the other guys hands find there way around his throat. When the mood strikes him, he can even sprout fur and claws lending even more credence to that end.

Fragheart has been traveling with most of this group for years, getting into and out of one scrape or another since before they had found their first magic item. They seem to complement each others talents well and the fact that they are all nuts helps too.


First Post
HM. As you are thinking of running two groups, I'll throw my hat into the ring. Looking at the little guy as some kind of dwarven monk. As for the girl definitely an elf with a succubus bloodline, probably a wizard.

How does this sound?


2nd Choice: The Chick with Cleavage (But after making this background, I kinda like her and could consider her a tie for first at this point.)

Celeste grew up in a small city, the daughter of a whore who had been knocked up by a visiting adventurer. Given no other choice she was raised in her mother’s profession, being quite pretty. But more unusual was that she began manifesting abilities that she inherited from her father apparently. After keeping them secret while growing up, she found them useful when it came to providing a little trick for her clients. She even developed a technique to deliver an electrical shock at just the right moment for her more perverted clientele.

One night things got out of hand and a customer got too abusive, and the ensuing argument turned into a minor conflagration. Losing her temper, Celeste lashed out unleashing some of her newer arcane energies that she hadn’t even realized she possessed. The result was the brothel being burned to the ground along with the rest of the city block. Celeste fled the city to escape repercussions with authorities, however most people believed her dead anyway, and decided a new career would be a good idea.

On finding that her powers were stronger than she thought, Celeste set about on a path of self discovery. She attached herself to adventurous sorts of people, trying to follow in her unknown father’s footsteps in a fashion. As her powers increased with experience, she became a more useful companion and came to enjoy what she could do. Particularly since it sure beat working on her back for a living.

Build-wise: Depends on what's allowed, but arcane caster obviously


First Post
Small Guy

The direction of Dargun's whole life has been determined by the fact that he hates bullies. Not just dislikes but actively hates. It all started when he was 26 (equivalent to 10 human years), when his twin sister was been terrorised by an older boy. His defence of his sister did turn out well, as Dargun ended up being badly beaten up. Determined not to let anything like that happen again, Dargun started to search for someone who would teach him how to defend himself. He found and eventually befriended Argear; a retired army unarmed combat instructor. Argear liked Dargun's spirit and agreed to teach him.

Dargun's rematch with the bully, who had continued to terrorise Dargun's sister, turned out equally as badly as their first encounter. Only this time the bully was nearly killed and Dargun ended up in prison. There he also learnt, just different lessons. Once released, Dargun decided that he had no future with the dwarven community and left to seek his fortune.


It wasn't actually Kylistra's fault. She just happened to be a throwback from an encounter one of her ancestor's had with a succubus. Consequently, she was the black sheep of her, prominent, elven family even before she could walk. Her parents never visited but left her in the care of her tutors. Likewise, her tutors were frightened of her even though she had never done anything to harm them and, in fact, loved them in her own way. Has a result she reached maturity with the finest elven education money could buy, estranged from her family and with absolutely no friends.

One night Kylistra simply disappeared much to her families relief. After myriad adventures, during which she converted the theoretical knowledge she had been taught to sound practical experience, she join up a group of outcasts like herself.
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Thy wounds are healed!
Heads up everyone tommorrow night at this time I will be posting up the groups (I hope for two, but :().

So any one interested and still lurking, (yes I'm speaking to you Voda Vosa ;)) please post your interest and concepts.

Right now there are 6 definites, and 1 strong possible, and 1 possible.

If I get 8 I will make two groups of 4 with one NPC/later PC for each group. And use an unused concept for the NPC.

If not I will be forced to drop one person. Something I wish not to do at all.


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