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Clutches of Evil - IC: Chapter Two


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Byntrou, roguishly sorcerous barbarian

Nonlethal Force said:
The priest scans Keryth, and smiles. "I can detect no sign of disease on you, you seem to be lucky today. Perhaps Pelor and Bahamut have granted protection upon you, friend."

[Sblock=OOC]Darn clerics and their strong saves! :p [/Sblock]

The bous considers a moment, then steps forward. Somewhat reluctantly, he says, "It wasn't until after the half-orc passed, but I did come in contact with him in trying to determine the cause of death."

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Nonlethal Force

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[Sblock=Byntrou OOC]
Wow. I'm glad I went back and reread. I totally missed that you wanted Byntrou to pickpocket any valuables that he found. Byntrou does, and is able to find 2 Sardonyx, 1 Jade, and 1 Silver Pearl. He also finds a nicely engraved silvered dagger. It seems that he is able to pull off the attempt without drawing suspicion.[/Sblock]

The priest nods to Byntrou's confession and concentrates on Byntrou while he scans for any sign of disease. His face takes on a grim expression. "It would seem that you have contracted both, I am afraid. As with the others, I can cure of the the Filth Fever before it takes serious hold on you. I can do nothing about the brain difficulty, however."

Acknowledging Keryth's comments, the priest replies, "I not only do not know if it can be cured or not, but I also do not even know how it is spread. Those answers will have to wait until after I can research in the logs in my temple's library."


First Post
Keryth, Male Drakontos Cleric

“Well, I’d suggest contact is how it’s spread, though it could also be proximity, as Byntrou was not wounded by him,” Keryth replies, the worried look returning to his face. “Hmm, it seems Bahamut has indeed been watching over me closely, if that is the case. You might want to check that gentleman too, as he was near the body... though I don’t believe he touched it,” he adds, pointing towards Varius.


First Post
Byntrou, roguishly sorcerous bous barbarian

Nonlethal Force said:
[Sblock=Byntrou OOC]
Wow. I'm glad I went back and reread. I totally missed that you wanted Byntrou to pickpocket any valuables that he found. Byntrou does, and is able to find 2 Sardonyx, 1 Jade, and 1 Silver Pearl. He also finds a nicely engraved silvered dagger. It seems that he is able to pull off the attempt without drawing suspicion.[/Sblock]

The priest nods to Byntrou's confession and concentrates on Byntrou while he scans for any sign of disease. His face takes on a grim expression. "It would seem that you have contracted both, I am afraid. As with the others, I can cure of the the Filth Fever before it takes serious hold on you. I can do nothing about the brain difficulty, however."

[sblock=Nonlethal]Hooray for found loot, though I suppose this brain fever thing might taint the happy of extra cash for Byntrou... ;)[/sblock]

Byn's eyes widen as the priest delivers his news. He finds himself temporarily unable to speak, staring at the bloody mess of the half-orc who had just succumb to the disease. Then he shakes his head to clear his thoughts and re-focus.

"Do you suppose it would help your research if we could bring you the creature--or the corpse of the creature--who was the source of this ailment?"

Nonlethal Force

First Post
The priest nods knowingly at Byntrou's suggestion. "Well, that would depend on how the infection is spread. I had thought that the infection was spread through contact - like the Filth Fever. But if what your friend says - and you were not wounded by him in his delerium ... it may be more sinister than contact. If that is the case, then we could all be in danger. Even you and your men, inspector. Even the people who were already sent into the street. And if they have taken it to the street..." The priest seemed to not feel the need to further that sentence. The inspector's face suddenly appeared to take on a much more grave appearance.

The half-orc spoke. "I could lead a party into the sewers, if it would help. But if there is a cure to be found, I would be willing to help search for the necessary ingredients, too."

[Sblock=OOC Fenris, Rino]Varius and Eion continue to sit and eat while the news is being passed?[/Sblock]


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Keryth, Male Drakontos Cleric

“That would be appreciated of course,” Keryth says with a nod towards the remaining half-orc, “though it would be helpful to have an idea of what we’re looking for, before we rush off blindly... seeing as we have little time to waste.”


Nonlethal Force said:
The priest nods knowingly at Byntrou's suggestion. "Well, that would depend on how the infection is spread. I had thought that the infection was spread through contact - like the Filth Fever. But if what your friend says - and you were not wounded by him in his delerium ... it may be more sinister than contact. If that is the case, then we could all be in danger. Even you and your men, inspector. Even the people who were already sent into the street. And if they have taken it to the street..." The priest seemed to not feel the need to further that sentence. The inspector's face suddenly appeared to take on a much more grave appearance.

Varius chokes on a chunk of meat hearing this and says to the priest, "Well you'd better scan us too pater" as he washes down the meat with the rest of his ale. Turning to Eion he gives a wink to the Elf, "I guess the old adage is true eh, be careful what you wish for" says Varius with a grin.

Nonlethal Force said:
The half-orc spoke. "I could lead a party into the sewers, if it would help. But if there is a cure to be found, I would be willing to help search for the necessary ingredients, too."

Varius turns to the inspector. "Seems you have a pretty wicked pandemic brewing here inspector. Seems like you might need to hire some capable men to ensure that the city is not quarantined, much less depleted of its populace. I and my friend here are available for such work. We can provide exellence references, from right here in Theropa. That is of course if the pay were sufficient to cover the obviously dangerous and life threatening conditions"

Nonlethal Force

First Post
The priest turns and checks out Varius and Eion. "No sign of the Fever in either of you. But you, sir," he nods to Eion, "are already showing signs of the infection."

The inspector turns to Varius. "Ah, yes. Always a sword for hire who is willing to lay his life on the line for the proper sum of money. Of course, we in the city guard also are smart enough to realize that mercenaries always follow the biggest purse strings. It is only a matter of time before mercenaries find someone with a bigger purse string and betray the original agreement. I'd rather trust my city guards to maintain a quarantine."

He looks out of the corner of his eye to Eion. "Besides, your friend here isn't leaving the city without special dispensation until a cure can be found or we are all dead. Given that he apparently has only three days to live, I would suspect that finding a cure might be his own motivation. If he takes the stance that he is only working if a proper sum of money is offered, he'll find himself sitting in Theropa hoping to the gods that other people are successful in finding the cure - if there is even one that can be found."

The inspector nods to one of his guards. "That reminds me. Sound the alarm to shut up the gates and lock down the sewers. If we all have to die, that's one thing. But I'll not have this spread throughout Barghost on my watch."


First Post
Byntrou, roguishly sorcerous barbarian

Byntrou cocks his head as if listening to something, then nods to something no one else hears. He holds his hand out, saying, "Pater, there's one more I'd like you to scan." As he speaks, Delcoi makes her way onto the bous' palm. "This is Delcoi. Her life and mine are linked."


Nonlethal Force said:
The priest turns and checks out Varius and Eion. "No sign of the Fever in either of you. But you, sir," he nods to Eion, "are already showing signs of the infection."

The inspector turns to Varius. "Ah, yes. Always a sword for hire who is willing to lay his life on the line for the proper sum of money. Of course, we in the city guard also are smart enough to realize that mercenaries always follow the biggest purse strings. It is only a matter of time before mercenaries find someone with a bigger purse string and betray the original agreement. I'd rather trust my city guards to maintain a quarantine."

He looks out of the corner of his eye to Eion. "Besides, your friend here isn't leaving the city without special dispensation until a cure can be found or we are all dead. Given that he apparently has only three days to live, I would suspect that finding a cure might be his own motivation. If he takes the stance that he is only working if a proper sum of money is offered, he'll find himself sitting in Theropa hoping to the gods that other people are successful in finding the cure - if there is even one that can be found."

The inspector nods to one of his guards. "That reminds me. Sound the alarm to shut up the gates and lock down the sewers. If we all have to die, that's one thing. But I'll not have this spread throughout Barghost on my watch."

Varius rolls his eyes at Eion and mutters something profane about sickly elves.

"Well Eion you could go cough on the inspector here, might loosen his purse and clear his head" says Varius with a grin to Eion. "No, Inspector we'll go along to help find the cure. And when we do, perhaps we'll sell it to you for a fair price. As for pay, well sir, I take great offence to the term mercenary, and I will not stand by if you speak to me in such terms or tone again. My friend and I will join the expedition to find the cure. Of course I do have a bit of a glib tongue. I sure hope no one overhears me on the way to the sewers. Might cause a bit of a disturbance. People do imagine the strangest things when they only hear part of a story, and rumors travel faster than facts. I hope you and your stalwart city guard are able to maintain order, especially once you've sounded the alarm sealing everyone inside with no perceived threat outside the walls" trails off Varius.

Varius downs the rest of his ale and says "Well, no one's getting any healthier, let's go amucking"

Voidrunner's Codex

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