Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

Hiya mate! :)

Evilmonkeygod said:
can anybody help me out with some epic/Immortal abilities for a Shadowcaster from Tome of Magic???

I don't have that book unfortunately.

I can't recall if there are any shadow related powers in Ascension - I suppose there are bardic things like mime ability that could maybe be adapted?

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First Post
can anybody help me out with some epic/Immortal abilities for a Shadowcaster from Tome of Magic???
I do have ToM, but I haven't made enough of a study of the Shadowcaster to recommend any abilities myself. However, since the class is primarily a caster of spells (the fact that the spells are called something other than "spells" is irrelevant), even if they are (effectively) of variable level, you should be able to adapt the magic-related abilities from Ascension. Stuff like Divine Wizardry, Divine Sorcery, and such.

I actually had a player of mine- in fact, I think it was Raithe the Dreamer- ask me if his character could take levels of Shadowcaster during the divine game. I said no, both because I felt I hadn't studied the class enough, and because he was really obviously going for the prestige class that gets really good counterspelling ability (and the character's existing powers would have totally broken that class). I haven't really looked at it since.

But on the subject of Tome of Magic, the concept of a divine Binder seems interesting. One wonders what divine-level Vestiges (or similar powers) would look like...

I actually had a player of mine- in fact, I think it was Raithe the Dreamer- ask me if his character could take levels of Shadowcaster during the divine game. I said no, both because I felt I hadn't studied the class enough, and because he was really obviously going for the prestige class that gets really good counterspelling ability (and the character's existing powers would have totally broken that class). I haven't really looked at it since.

Yes, that was me. You have to admit it would have been thematically appropriate! :p Bloody draconian DMs, strangling my character concept!!!!!!

Shadowcaster is a pretty strange class, but overall I agree--the best way to create DAs for them would be to duplicate the existing caster ones such that they work with the Shadowcaster mechanics.

There should probably be an Epic feat or Divine Ability to move a certain number of Mysteries up one "tier" (spell > spell-like ability > supernatural ability).

I could see an Epic feat allowing one such ability, and a Divine Ability perhaps allowing a number of mysteries to improve equal to divine rank. A Cosmic ability could simply make all Mysteries supernatural or something.

Hey Damien! :)

DamienWilacoth said:
Hmm... what would you say an ability that can restore a Constitution score to an entity that lost it would be? Cosmic or Transcendental?

Interesting question. An ability that regenerates ability scores would be nice.

Normal return is daily correct?

Feat = Hourly (one attribute)
Epic feat = Minute
Divine Ability = Round
Cosmic Ability = Divine Rank/Round

One rank greater, swop one attribute for all 6.

So Divine Ability = All scores regenerate 1/minute


First Post
I think he might have asking about things like Undead and Golems that have no Constitution score, and having an ability to restore that to them.

I could be wrong, though.


First Post
I think he might have asking about things like Undead and Golems that have no Constitution score, and having an ability to restore that to them.

I could be wrong, though.
That was how I read it. I'm thinking that's pretty close to an infinite aspect of reality, so probably Trans. But from a game balance perspective, a nonability really isn't worth anything near that, so probably a lot less- Divine or Cosmic? Dunno.


First Post
That was how I read it. I'm thinking that's pretty close to an infinite aspect of reality, so probably Trans. But from a game balance perspective, a nonability really isn't worth anything near that, so probably a lot less- Divine or Cosmic? Dunno.

That's pretty much the issue. The flavor of the ability is restoring that which is lost (or never possessed). It would probably be in the Cleric lineup, so having a prerequisite of being able to cast True Resurrection, Turn Undead, and either Wisdom 70 or 130. It's 'intended' as a firmly 'good' ability, as there's a lot more bad than good ones in IH. You could probably also create an ability that grants Intelligence to those who never had it, as a sort of pseudo-Awaken.


First Post
An ability to allow a person with a familar, animal companion or special mount, to gain the benefits of the other two at full class level would be what?? ex, a wizard with a familar takes this ability and his little buddy gains the benefits and powers of an animal companion and special mount, as if the wizard was a druid and paladin of level equal to his wizard levels

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