Custom divine abilities, portfolios, etc.

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Is anyone interested in a series of divine abilities similar to Iron Body, Adamantine Body, Orichalcum Body, ect.

I was thinking of doing it for each of the elements from the periodic table of elements.


Sound like a lot of work. But currently as it is, most of thoses Metal Body abilities are worthless as you lose often more than what you get taking that. The loss of constitution with minimal gain in Hit Point is a Huge factor as most people who will take the metal body chain will be tank and will thus have not enough hit point to survive long enough.

Hmmm, is there any ability out there akin to "density manipulation", namely that it lets you alter the Strength score of yourself, your allies, or your opponents? I was looking for something Transcendental, but Cosmic or Divine work too.

Hmmm, I was thinking of a new addition to the [Effect] abilities, "Burst", a variant of Storm. As a standard action, you inflict X damage to all targets within your divine aura. Now what should X be: equal to Beam damage, 2/3rds Beam damage, 1/2 Beam damage, or 1/3rd Beam damage?


I kinda see Pain and Revenge as not being the same thing at all. Pain more or less causes the desire for revenge. It's like saying that wood, metal, mountain, and fire are one and the same.

Secrets on the other hand is far to prohibitive to apply to ancient ruins. I think the preservation portfolio is more akin to what I'm looking for. But at the same time it is similarly too restrictive.

I guess for that one I'm looking for a portfolio that fits someone who guards over ancient ruins, but allows for their inevitable decay, provided said decay is completely natural. Time might be appropriate, but said guardian wouldn't give a rats --- about time.

The guardian would also have to be tied to the ancient ruins somehow and have power over them. And they would have to be able to function in a dead magic zone.

Voidrunner's Codex

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