D&D Movie/TV D&D: Honor Among Thieves Open Discussion [Full Spoilers]


Jedi Master
This thread is for discussing the D&D movie in its entirety, and contains heavy spoilers.

If you haven't seen the movie yet and wish to remain spoiler free, this thread isn't for you (yet)!


Finally got to see the film on opening day, and I was blown away! The film is just jam packed with D&D goodness, has a simple but captivating plot, and characters that you instantly grow to love and loathe. I already have tickets to see it again on Sunday, both to try and catch more of the easter eggs scattered through the film but also just to spend some more time with this merry band of adventurers.

I love that the plot is focused on Edgen & Holga working to reunite with their daughter, and that the Red Wizard plot emerges from that as a complication. By grounding the characters motivation, it humanizes the story in a way that so many 'save the world' plots of modern comic book movies fail to do. Simon's quest for self confidence is likewise relatable, and I love that the resolution of his arc ended up leading into a trap, but that the growth he experienced led to him being awesome in the final showdown with Sofina. I did find Doric's arc to be a bit thin, as I was never personally sold on her distrust of humans in the film (even having read her prequel story) and thought that she needed a moment where her distrust led to a negative consequence for the group. That said, her Druid was the definition of bada**

Sofina and Forge were likewise compelling and fun villains. Sofina though was incredible, the audience I saw the film with broken into applause when Doric finally took her out (temporarily? Xenk had mentioned that Theyans are hard to kill), which I think was earned after her Alter Selfing into Bug to trick Edgen.

And my goodness that final showdown with the BBEG was incredible. When the group comes together to take her on as a team, I swear the action unfolded in 3-4 real time rounds. I can't wait to see that set piece again, watching for initiative, actions, and legendary actions.

Now, let's talk about Xenk. The Paladin steals every moment he's on screen, and I was so disappointed when he left the group after the under dark (though not the way in which he left). I understand why the writers did it, as like any high level NPC a lower level party works with for a time, if he sticks around too long it would take away from the PCs, but I hope we get to see Xenk again in future movies or TV shows. My wife and I instantly gave each other hall passes for Page after the film ;)

Finally, Edgen's decision to resurrect Holga after the final battle was perfectly earned, and concluded his arc in the best possible way. I'll admit I teared up.

So let's discuss everything you saw, enjoyed, disliked and loved about the film here!
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My most minimal expectations were that it would be a passable adventure story set in the Forgotten Realms with recognizable D&D creatures and spells. I was hopeful after seeing the trailers that it would have great comedy and heart, too, which it did. But I’m in awe at how they captured the feel of playing Dungeons & Dragons. The side-quests, going from Plan A to Plan B to Plan C and Plan D (which are just Plans A and B again), the teeter-totter between moments of bathos and badass.

Like the whole plan to use the Hither Thither rod to break into the vault is such a PC kind of plan, brought about by having some random magic item.

Dire Bare

I saw the film Wednesday, and also really enjoyed it! I will probably see it again in the theatres at least once.

I agree Doric didn't get much character development in the film, but she was a badass, had some great lines . . . and I can understand why Simon is smitten with her! If you read the prequel novel "Druid's Call", it's all about Doric and her story before she meets up with the party . . . but, while I do think the novel is good and enhances the film, it's not an excuse for the lack of Doric's characterization in the film.

In other threads, we've been talking about movie merchandise . . . if you can see the film in an AMC theatre this weekend, they are offering neat d20 popcorn buckets, tankards, maps, and posters. You can also order MORE swag from AMC from their website, I decided to pick up the pin set for the Harper pin alone.


Jedi Master
Anyone else surprised that Forge didn't get a repdemption arc? Maybe it's just because I read the prequel before seeing the film, but I was convinced he'd turn on Sofina at the end (perhaps because he really did care for Bug).

Also, besides the D&D cartoon party in the maze, it seemed there was another party as well (there was a dwarf with a Battle Axe I thought might be Bruenor!?) but wondering if anyone else might have caught anything that would tie it in to other FR lore.

I haven't been in a cinema since the 2008, the last movies I have watched were Iron Man, the Increible Hulk (with Edward Norton and Liv Lyter) and the War of the Worlds (with Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanin being a child). I have just returned from the cinema.

My opinion is:


It is fun, more focused into action than comedy. Holga and Doric are more interesting than Carol Danvers(Captain Marvel) and Rey(Star Wars).

I hope it is not a true spoiler if I say the scene where Doric the druid uses animal shape to infiltrate and escape... will be remembered like Neo dodgin the bullets.

We could be in the year zero of the new D&D cinematographic universe. If Paramount doesn't make mistake, the franchise has got a great future in the cinemas.
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Jedi Master
I haven't been in a cinema since the 2008, the last movies I have watched were Iron Man, the Increible Hulk (with Edward Norton and Liv Lyter) and the War of the Worlds (with Tom Cruise and Dakota Fanin being a child). I have just returned from the cinema.

My opinion is:


It is fun, more focused into action than comedy. Holga and Doric are more interesting than Carol Danvers(Captain Marvel) and Rey(Star Wars).

I hope it is not a true spoiler if I say the scene where Doric the druid uses animal shape to infiltrate and escape... will be remembered like Neo dodgin the bullets.

We could be in the year zero of the new D&D cinematographic universe. If Paramount doesn't make mistake, the franchise has got a great future in the cinemas.
Speaking of Disney, that was a great little shot at the end that framed Neverwinter Castle and the fireworks like the Disney logo ;)

And no need to worry about discussing spoilers in this thread, that's the purpose of this thread!

Completely agree on Doric's escape being an incredible moment. The crowd I saw it with went NUTS during that sequence. But I'd put it pretty close to the escape from Thumberchad. Him rolling around the hanging city was the most delightful thing I've seen in years.

Memo to WotC - Are you really sure you want to take away tiny wildshapes from Druids till Tier III? Doric's escape is even more fun when it's a Tier I Druid doing it :)

My most minimal expectations were that it would be a passable adventure story set in the Forgotten Realms with recognizable D&D creatures and spells. I was hopeful after seeing the trailers that it would have great comedy and heart, too, which it did. But I’m in awe at how they captured the feel of playing Dungeons & Dragons. The side-quests, going from Plan A to Plan B to Plan C and Plan D (which are just Plans A and B again), the teeter-totter between moments of bathos and badass.

Like the whole plan to use the Hither Thither rod to break into the vault is such a PC kind of plan, brought about by having some random magic item.
That was my feeling too, especially in that sequence. You could almost hear the exasperated DM saying, " You're doing what?!?!", and then later cackling as the die showed that the painting landed upside down...
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