D&D Movie/TV D&D Movie Hit or Flop?


Crusty Old Meatwad (he/him)
D&D cost around 150m to make.

The general rule of thumb is 1/2 of the production budget will be spent on distribution and marketing - in some cases even more.
(Shazam2 cost 125m to make, and reportedly had a distribution and marketing budget of 100m.)

To get a baseline of what D&D has to do just to break even: 150+75 = 225 x2 for 450 million to break even.
(The 75mil for distribution and marketing is erring on the conservative side - it could easily be tens of millions more.)
Now YOU are jumping in with that outdated pre-pandemic formula?

Man. The internet experts on this message board are really depressing me these days.

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Now YOU are jumping in with that outdated pre-pandemic formula?

Man. The internet experts on this message board are really depressing me these days.

If I'm reading that post right I think they're adding $75mil for advertising and distribution and doubling that number, which to my understanding is done to account for advertising and distribution costs as well. Really overdoing the advertising budget I guess

Took the family to see D&D Saturday. The first showing was sold out but we did get tickets for the second showing. It was packed out. At least in my area it appears to be doing well surprisingly (I'm in the deep south). Overall we enjoyed it a lot and it was way better than I was expecting. I feel like it has enough legs to try for a 2nd movie.


If I'm reading that post right I think they're adding $75mil for advertising and distribution and doubling that number, which to my understanding is done to account for advertising and distribution costs as well. Really overdoing the advertising budget I guess

Well around 300 million is just for the production costs. 75 million advertising budget would be 450 million, 25 million 350, 50 million 400.

Might not make its actual budget by week 3 if it drops off similar to thus weekends performance.

And as I said multiple tines thus thread us purely about the box office. No one can prove anything one way or another about the other income streams. I'm not denying that the other income streams exist they're just irrelevant for this thread.

Will D&D flop or be a hit at the box office is the only thing that matters for
this thread. It makes no predictions for any sequels or not .


In the pre-pandemic era that was true. In the post-pandemic era that is false. But we've been through that discussion already, which ended with you saying you don't have enough data for the new formula the industry uses.

This is also false. Known to be false. Again, that's the pre-pandemic formula before streaming and international sales took off. Again, you knew this.

It's being reported as a hit. You dismissed those reports, and yet they were from industry professionals. We know perception already and you're substituting your own.

Those reports saying it's a hit date from over a week ago. I've Google Variety, Hollywood Reporter etc for updates.

Box-officemojo updates daily and the information is sourced from third party that the theaters report their numbers to.

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
So I have been thinking about how well the D&D Movie will go financially. This thread is purely about the financial results of the movie not its quality.
These statements don't match
Will D&D flop or be a hit at the box office is the only thing that matters for this thread.

There's much more to financials than just box office. And everytime someone brings that up you say this thread is for box office only.
But, you started the thread with interest in broader financial discussion.

So international, streaming, merch and licensing do matter.


These statements don't match

There's much more to financials than just box office. And everytime someone brings that up you say this thread is for box office only.
But, you started the thread with interest in broader financial discussion.

So international, streaming, merch and licensing do matter.

They do but they could be flopping as well or being a big hit.
. Do you have any numbers whatsoever for anything outside the box office?

bedir than

Full Moon Storyteller
They do but they could be flopping as well or being a big hit.
. Do you have any numbers whatsoever for anything outside the box office?
We have the international numbers which went up from weekend 1 to weekend 2, to include drawing the international share up to 49% from its previous 40%, back when you called it a failure internationally.

You haven't adjusted your statements or predictions when presented with that data.

We also know that the "no legs" people keep insisting that Honor Among Thieves is cratering, without context. What we do know is that on Sunday it was the #2 movie. Which means that Air and John Wick are not competition for the coming week.

Voidrunner's Codex

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