D&D Movie/TV D&D Movie Hit or Flop?


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
It’s really weird that the movie is getting lots of praise, both from critics and audiences, and is still not more profitable. I think the marketing maybe failed to capture the heart of the film?
DADHAT is in a weird spot sandwiched between two super franchises. Wick is eating up the adults, and Mario is eating up the families. DADHAT is in-between capturing teens and up. Also, despite any marketing at all, folks mostly have no idea what the hell D&D is about exactly. Even after seeing HAT, I cant say its distinct and obvious how it brands itself in the fantasy genre. 🤷‍♂️

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DADHAT is in a weird spot sandwiched between two super franchises. Wick is eating up the adults, and Mario is eating up the families. DADHAT is in-between capturing teens and up. Also, despite any marketing at all, folks mostly have no idea what the hell D&D is about exactly. Even after seeing HAT, I cant say its distinct and obvious how it brands itself in the fantasy genre. 🤷‍♂️
Maybe Simon should have been a Dragonborn? :p


Character motivation is what I'm talking about.

The trailer says they stole something for someone they shouldn't have and now are trying to get it back.

In the actual film, the party didn't even steal the item, didn't notice it being stolen, and actually never even saw the item again (seriously; none of the part lay eyes on this thing after the first ten minutes). And the person they 'stole' it for? They think they're kind of a jerk and care so little about them for most of the movie, they say their name like three times.
Did you enjoy the movie? If you're lied to, and you enjoyed the movie, enough so that you'd recommend it to friends, it doesn't really matter if they lied to you or not.

If on the other hand, you didn't even go to the movie at all, because the advertising seemed bad — that maze arena as an example? wut? why are people running into a maze to mostly die? If something seems really stupid without the explanation in the movie, don't show it as a commercial — they really should have just basically copied the Guardians of the Galaxy advertisements straight up and set a scene in the movie to identify the characters in just the same way that Guardians of the Galaxy advertised what each character could do. Short, simple, nothing complicated.

The problem that D&DHAT is having is enough people aren't going to the movie theater to watch it in the first place. They're not recommending it to their friends even if they'd love it because they never saw it.


Did you enjoy the movie? If you're lied to, and you enjoyed the movie, enough so that you'd recommend it to friends, it doesn't really matter if they lied to you or not.
It kind of matters for any future movies trying to get my butt into a seat for another movie.

I went to this one because Michelle Rodriguez. That was the only power strong enough to get me in over the OGL crap (though I find it hilarious that Hasbro completed to the stalking horse turn by completely removing any mention of WotC from the branding in the movie). But next time they might not be so lucky as to feature and actor who I feel doesn't get enough work who needs the box tick more than the corrupt corp needs a lack of one.

And that's not adding in that they got lucky in that the only thing I love more than heist movies is well written found family. If this had been some roaring revenge plot or sadboy story, or even just a not good movie in the switch portion of the bait and switch, things would be different.


Did you enjoy the movie? If you're lied to, and you enjoyed the movie, enough so that you'd recommend it to friends, it doesn't really matter if they lied to you or not.

If on the other hand, you didn't even go to the movie at all, because the advertising seemed bad — that maze arena as an example? wut? why are people running into a maze to mostly die? If something seems really stupid without the explanation in the movie, don't show it as a commercial — they really should have just basically copied the Guardians of the Galaxy advertisements straight up and set a scene in the movie to identify the characters in just the same way that Guardians of the Galaxy advertised what each character could do. Short, simple, nothing complicated.

The problem that D&DHAT is having is enough people aren't going to the movie theater to watch it in the first place. They're not recommending it to their friends even if they'd love it because they never saw it.
The should have released an edited down version of the opening exposition. I think that would have worked better than the Speak with Dead sequence they released.


Did you enjoy the movie? If you're lied to, and you enjoyed the movie, enough so that you'd recommend it to friends, it doesn't really matter if they lied to you or not.
I disagree, I still should not be lied to. Just because something outside the liar's control made the lie not matter all that much does not mean it is ok to.


That someone better
You still haven't linked one.
You have made an unsupported claim, while asserting that I declared ScreenRant reputable.

No I didn't.

You are just pouting that you got caught in a Lie falsely claiming that I said this:
The individual claimed that there are industry insiders saying that the movie failed/flopped.

And you know you lied, as you are slyly trying to move the goal posts by going back to an even older post of mine trying to score 'gotcha' points again.

But I'll come back to that.

You say that this was an unsupported claim:
There are already a few articles declaring D&D to be a flop.

I confess that it didn't occur to me that holding people's hand because they might be completely incapable of doing a simple search on the D&D film with the word 'Flop" in it was a requirement.

That quote you are using wasn't in reply to you, but nevertheless:

Here's one about D&D Flopping in China:

Any claim of what articles are, or are not, 'reputable' are irrelevant.

As that would be a Textbook Appeal to Authority Logical fallacy.

You have made an unsupported claim, while asserting that I declared ScreenRant reputable.

I made no such assertation.

Please quote where I specifically said that you declared; "ScreenRant was reputable..."

Oh, wait. You Can't.

Because it is obvious to anyone reading our exchange that I did not.

So you are lying and making false claims again.

You are completely unable to refute any of the factual points I have made. You are a one note singer continually circling around trying for a rhetorical 'gotcha'.

This is now the second time you got busted making demonstrably false claims about things I posted.

But getting busted the first time didn't seem to stop you, so I fully expect the trend to continue.

Quite frankly, I'm curious which post of mine you are going to try and twist for a 'gotcha' quote this time...
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Maybe it could happen like "the Bride Princess". In the begining it was a bomb, a flop, but later thanks the "mouth to mouth" it was a succes in the video rent, and today is a cult movie.

And we can't measure or cuantify with numbers the increase of popularity.

I reject to believe it was a flop. It was a fun movie, I enjoyed. It is only eclipsed by Mario Bros. It needs more time, when audience tells others it is a fun movie.

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