D&D 5E Deck of Many Things manufacturing issue from review to delay to dndbeyond article.

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Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
He raps the bottom of the cards on the table at least once and I made sure to grab a pic just after that.
Yes, and when he does, it’s clear that he’s struggling to hold them in a neat stack (because about half the stack is warped and doesn’t properly line up with the un-warped half). It’s definitely the case that the cards are no longer the same size, I’m just saying that the way he’s holding them is making them look like they were manufactured at different sizes, which is not what’s going on.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Hmmm...from the OP I was expecting something more dramatic. These look great, from my perspective of using them as a game aid, and I suspect most folks who buy this product won't have such issues.
Based on my experience with foil magic cards, it’s likely to be a very common problem. But certainly a lot of people won’t experience it, a lot won’t notice, and a lot won’t care.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
So, lesson for WotC: next time, don't use foil.
Nah; foiled cards curling is a known problem and they have surely accounted for the cost of replacing defective product into the MSRP. Plus, they know the number of people who will actually contact customer service for replacements is much smaller than the number who will receive defective products.


Heretic of The Seventh Circle
This seems pretty unfair. There are RPGs where everything runs off of the cards, which is definitely more in-depth than what WotC is doing here. And there are plenty of decks as attractive or more attractive than this one (the new Hit Point Press one on Kickstarter, for instance). This is a very pretty deck, but that doesn't mean everything else pales in comparison.

It's weird. I could have sworn I literally said "few" which objectively does not mean the same thing as "none".

It's almost like I literally took into account everything you're misguidedly trying to "correct" me on in the statement that you are quoting. Wild!


Ultimately, this is a manufacturing defect, and customer service should be able to replace the defective product for you. But if you live in a very humid place or store your cards in a damp place, it may take a few tries.

Yes, I'm on the Canadian West Coast, so you can imagine how well the 'new foils' worked out for me. :D

Oddly (not oddly) the old foiling/cardboard from MtG didnt have these issues. Its not an insurmountable issue, but its a cost/manufacturing one.


Goblin Queen (She/Her/Hers)
Yes, I'm on the Canadian West Coast, so you can imagine how well the 'new foils' worked out for me. :D

Oddly (not oddly) the old foiling/cardboard from MtG didnt have these issues. Its not an insurmountable issue, but its a cost/manufacturing one.
Yeah, I’m not sure if it’s the foil or the cardboard, but something in the manufacturing process changed that made the curling problem much more significant.


This is disappointing but not quite a dealbreaker for me. Auckland is a damp, humid city so I expect even a replacement from WotC would end up with the same issue.

I received, long ago now, one of those special products that came in foil, all of them curled right out of the pack.

I tried to dry them, I put them under books, I left them with the little silica packs, and then I sleeved them. It didnt matter.

Wizards eventually started to offer those special sets in non-foil, after the outcry went on long enough.

I get tilted just writing it up now...

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