D&D 5E Deck of Many Things manufacturing issue from review to delay to dndbeyond article.


I crit!
I received, long ago now, one of those special products that came in foil, all of them curled right out of the pack.

I tried to dry them, I put them under books, I left them with the little silica packs, and then I sleeved them. It didnt matter.

Wizards eventually started to offer those special sets in non-foil, after the outcry went on long enough.

I get tilted just writing it up now...
Yea. I’ve never had luck trying to fix curled foil cards. I didn’t get many though.

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Whizbang Dustyboots

Gnometown Hero
I believe I read that we all have about a credit cards worth of plastic floating around in our blood.
I expect the next few decades are going to be full of medical horror stories as we reckon with what that means for our health and what it means especially for children's development, to say nothing of how it's going to impact life in the oceans.


I expect the next few decades are going to be full of medical horror stories as we reckon with what that means for our health and what it means especially for children's development, to say nothing of how it's going to impact life in the oceans.

I think its just one more of those creeping horrors that folks are somewhat aware of, or unconsciously understand is absolutely insanity, but that we just compartmentalize away so that we can get on with our day.

Then again, I'm a raging pessimist, so I just have to do that with everything. ;)


CR 1/8
It would actually be kind of interesting if the card size difference was real rather than a defect: one size for the original DoMT and the other for the new cards. Since there's no game where the size would matter, having two slightly different sizes would make it quick and easy to separate the two decks.
But I suppose that's unlikely, given this sort of defect is apparently common with other cards.


Hmmm...from the OP I was expecting something more dramatic. These look great, from my perspective of using them as a game aid, and I suspect most folks who buy this product won't have such issues.

This is ONE report, but title makes it seem like all sets will have this issue. The person in the video seems to have some professional knowledge on the subject, so perhaps it will be, but I am skeptical.


It would actually be kind of interesting if the card size difference was real rather than a defect: one size for the original DoMT and the other for the new cards. Since there's no game where the size would matter, having two slightly different sizes would make it quick and easy to separate the two decks.
But I suppose that's unlikely, given this sort of defect is apparently common with other cards.

This is what I meant by 'different decks'. I would be bewildered if this was 1 deck with mismatched sizes.

Voidrunner's Codex

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