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Dragon Mountain - Twin Forks


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"good to see you again, Vanger!! are you here for the diamond or the advenure itself this time?"

Rino walks to the barkeeper and pays him for the meal

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Someone said:
Telustiel greets the newcomers raising his glass of wine.

"And why do you want to know?" says the half-elf. "If the mountain really exists -and I´m not saying it doesn´t- would you help us to find it?"

"Ohhh" the blind man says lowering his head and looking a bit sad, "I can no longer travel, but the idea that someone is going to Dragon Mountain gives me a story to live for. I will help you all that I can from here...tell you all that I know. For in some way that makes me a part of your story and while I have the heart of a hero, my body does not compare..."

In discussing events with your characters a few things come up in conversation:

Vangar - you know that the first dwarven kingdom is rumored to have been in the nearby mountains...you don't know exactly where; Your bloodline may have started nearby (feat)

The Druid's town was destroyed by what many thought to be a dragon some 20 years ago...

Telustiel had an adventuring ancestor who was lost in this part of the continent some 200 years ago and nobody knows what happened

Argon has heard that a massive floating eye has been haunting the area and has been asked to track it and finish it. This is a very recent development.

And Rino, you only know that this part of the country is seldom talked about without the mentioning the word "riches" in your circle of influence.

Calim has been sent to look into the unrest in the area, it seems as though many towns and hamlets have been raided by unknown forces recently and no one knows why.

(Waiting patiently for a fashionably late entrance from a charismatic bard)

After exchanging information and hearing the old blind mans story (no one has thought to ask his name) he turns his ear in your direction as if to ask, do you have any questions about the mountain?



Telustiel had an adventuring ancestor who was lost in this part of the continent some 200 years ago and nobody knows what happened

[Ancestor from what side? father or mother?]

After exchanging information and hearing the old blind mans story (no one has thought to ask his name) he turns his ear in your direction as if to ask, do you have any questions about the mountain?

"Maybe" says Telustiel and takes a sip of wine. "But could you tell us how to get there, what dangers await and what could I find in it?"

"Forget it. Any reliable information would save a lot of work. And if you tell us, I know someone who would help you with your sight problem" ends, looking at Jeffrey.
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Someone said:

[Ancestor from what side? father or mother?]

From your father's side, An elven uncle who died before you were born. Perhaps you have been meaning to find out more, and that is why you are here, or perhaps you are here for other reasons and this just came to mind in you travels to this part of the continent...

"Maybe" says Telustiel and takes a sip of wine. "But could you tell us how to get there, what dangers await and what could I find in it?"

"Forget it. Any reliable information would save a lot of work. And if you tell us, I know someone who would help you with your sight problem" ends, looking at Jeffrey.

I could not tell you specifically where the mountain will return but I know that it is haunted by spiders and magical beasts...I have met many in pursuit of it's riches yet none have returned. It is trapped to preclude even the most cunning rogue from stealing it's treasure, it is as if the mountain itself was born when the lich and the dragon died. There are mazes and tunnels and dungeon cells; there are ghosts and goblins and ..." he stops because he is out of breath

"I am sorry. I am getting ahead of myself. People here joke about the mountain as if it is a fairy tale...it's treasures are real, real I tell you. "

The old man has finished his drink and motions to the barkeep for another ale.

When the barkeep walks over he is smiling and shaking his head at the ramblings of the old man. Sensing the barman's presence (and his sarcastic facial expression) he starts again. "its real and you know it, Braley; I know you're shakin' your head; I'm blind, not stupid" And with that he begins drinking his ale leaving enough time for more questions.


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"Ancient one, would you share your name with us?" asks Argon. "If we choose to undertake this venture, I would be pleased to include you as a silent partner. No reason why we couldn't agree on some portion our findings as a reward for one who provides invaluable information." He smiles at the oldster and hopes that his friends remain that way after hearing his extravagant offer.

A man sits down at one end of the bar, wrapped up in a light grey cloak with the hood over his head. He seems to go relatively unnoticed while judging the strengths and weaknesses of the adventurers in front of him.

There are few truths here between the tangled web of lies...It is hard picking out one from the other. With my guidance and their skills, that party may be able to uncover the real place. The mystery surrounds it warrants my time.

The man stands and then approaches the party, keeping his cloak about him, he says in an almost whispering tone.

"Excuse me, but if I hear correctly you are in search of Dragon Mountain. My name is Demitri, I am but a humble wizard who has taken an interest to this place and would like to accompany you on this," He pauses for the slightest second, choosing his next words, "adventure. I believe my talents may prove useful in finding this mythic place."


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The old man jumps to his feet "I am Fedric" and his voice gets louder so that the entire room can here him, "and I would be glad to be your partner noble adventurers. I can lead you to the mountain!" and it is easy to see he has imbibed heavily today when he falls back into his seat.

The room roars with laughter and a tall athletic looking man stands up. He has a short sword at his side and he begins walking toward the table with a reserved and friendly smile on his face...

Fedric motions for yet another ale.



Telustiel shakes his head with half a smile. "You´re too old for this, Fedric. Just tell us where to start searching and we´ll do the rest."

"After all, what could I lose? the ramblings of this old drunkard are as good as a source as anything I´ve found." thinks.

Vanger Thwakiron

Rino said:
"good to see you again, Vanger!! are you here for the diamond or the advenure itself this time?"

Rino walks to the barkeeper and pays him for the meal

"If i am to fulfill the promise i made my father and rebuild my clan i shall need a great deal more wealth then i have amassed thus far. For the honor of my ansestors i do seek this mountains riches."

After the old man finishes his tale Vanger walks over to him, "Do you be knowing of any dwarven delves here abouts, perhaps near the mountain we seek?"
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Re: Vanger Thwakiron

Sir Osis of Liver said:

After the old man finishes his tale Vanger walks over to him, "Do you be knowing of any dwarven delves here abouts, perhaps near the mountain we seek?"

Dwarves, why yes, it is said the the first dwarves in our world settled in a mountain range near here...but I don't recall where."

The man with the short sword diverts to the bar and has a couple of words with the barkeep.

Fedric continues, "So you will find it and bring back my share?"


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