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Dwimmermount IC:


OOC: I'm going to post now since Gargrim hasn't made an appearance yet.

At your mention of dwarves you hear a howl from within the room. "Dwarves!! Cut em! Gut em! Crush em when they're dead!" and 4 twisted looking humanoids wearing rags and carrying clubs made of iron rods rush towards you.

OOC: There is no option to hold an action in LL so that means you loose the attack unless you actually take it on your turn.

As the Kobolds rush you both shots from Klyman and Jimi fly wide and before you know it they are among you swinging their clubs. They seem to be focusing mostly on the two dwarves each one getting attacked twice.

Midgrim: Attack [1d20] = 14 damage with mace [1d6] = 1
Attack [1d20] = 18 damage with mace [1d6] = 4
The first Kobold bashes his club against your shield knocking it to the side, giving the second an opening and he hammers his own weapon into your hip for 3 damage.

Gargrim: Attack [1d20] = 5 damage with mace [1d6] = 6
Attack [1d20] = 12 damage with mace [1d6] = 6
The first Kobold's attack meets nothing but air as you deftly step to one side, while the second bashes a glancing blow against the plates of your armour.

Round 2 initiative:
Party [1d6] = 3
kobolds [1d6] = 1

You guys have the initiative.

*Edit* Forgot that Kobolds suffer a -1 penalty to damage. Midgrim you only take 3 points, not 4.
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Dinna fil hat!" strongly asserts the chunkier of the two through his bread -- although his pained expression and lack of anything resembling a serious counter-attack makes him a bloody liar!

Forsaken Gods that hurt!

OOC: 1d20=3. I think that missed the cavern entirely. :.-(

Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Jimi drops his sling and reaches for his flail, cautiously wading into the melee and taking a strike at the kobold currently engaged with Midgrim.

Attack 1d20+1, damage 1d6+1 = attack 3, damage 3


For the first time in his life, he's facing real foes that want him dead, and although he tries his best to recall his combat training his nerves get the better of him...

Tyche, don't leave me now...!


Klyman Sylar

Klyman, following Jimi's example against his better judgment, will strike the twisted little foe battling Gargrim.


OOC: Screwed up the syntax for the damage roll, but it's a miss anyway. Natural 1, ouch!
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Piston Honda

First Post
Gargrim takes a swing with his hammer against the Kobold Klyman is attacking, hoping the thief’s attack at least distracted it for a good bashing.

[sblock=Rolls]To Hit: Attack (1d20+1=15)
Damage: Attack (1d6+1=3)[/sblock]

[sblock=OOC]Will be out of town for the next week or so, Gargrim can be NPCd to not hold things up for that time.[/sblock]

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Cursed! We are cursed!" cries Midgrim as nobody can seem to even graze- And then his brother drives one of the kobolds into the ground like a squishy nail... "Never mind then: KILL THOSE SCALY VERMIN, FRIENDS!"

OOC: Have a good trip, PH.

EDIT: He's even dropped his bread in shock. :)


Climent joins in the fray stabbing at one of the Kobolds with a dagger.

to hit [1d20] = 10 Damage [1d4] = 2

Gargrim's axe bites into the Kobold he is fighting and opens a deep gash in its arm. The twisted looking dwarf lets out a howl and strikes back.

Gargrim's Kobolds:
to hit [1d20] = 4 Damage [1d6-1] = 4-1 = 3
to hit [1d20] = 19 Damage [1d6-1] = 2-1 = 1
The second Kobold continues to hammer away at the same armour plate denting it in and brusing the flesh underneath. 1HP damage

Midgrim's Kobolds:
to hit [1d20] = 9 Damage [1d6-1] = 6-1 = 5
to hit [1d20] = 18 Damage [1d6-1] = 6-1 = 5
A second fierce blow from the Kobold hammers into Midgrim's leg causing him to drop to one knee in pain as he tries to fend off the attack from the other one. 5HP damage

Party [1d6] = 5
kobolds [1d6] = 6

Knocked off balance by the fierceness of the Kobolds assault the party hesitates surrendering the initiative to them. Seeing that the fight is rapidly turning sideways Clemit begins to chant in a strange arcane language.

Gargrim's Kobolds:
to hit [1d20] = 9 Damage [1d6-1] = 5-1 = 4
to hit [1d20] = 4 Damage [1d6-1] = 6-1 = 5

Midgrim's Kobolds:
to hit [1d20] = 7 Damage [1d6-1] = 6-1 = 5
to hit [1d20] = 3 Damage [1d6-1] = 2-1 = 1

The Kobolds seem to have thrown what little skill at arms they have to the wind as they attempt to frantically beat the two dwarves into the ground. They didn't even seem to notice that Clemit was chanting.

His spell complete, three of the four kobolds collapse to the ground immediately, the fourth wavers back and forth for a moment before he too collapses into slumber..
Saves vs. Sleep [1d20] = 9 [1d20] = 14 [1d20] = 3 [1d20] = 12

*edit* missread the saving throw table. Sorry.
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Klyman Sylar

Klyman slices the throat of the nearest sleeping kobold while warily watching the kobold that was last to fall.
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Piston Honda

First Post
Gargrim catches his breath only momentarily, looking in awe as the kobolds simply fall around him. After this brief hesitation he proceeds to smash the head of one with his hammer. "Goina' ha' ta' bang some dents out." He mutters and glances over to make sure Midgrim is alright.

Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Well I'll be..." mutters a surprised Midgrim.

"I have ta say that combat hurts!" then replies the fat dwarf to Gargrim's unspoken question. "Worse than practice by a long shot..." He straightens from his kneeling position with a pained grunt nonetheless and then joins Gargrim in bashing skulls in with relish: "But FOUR of the abominations dead this day, my brother! If we do no else, that is something ta be proud of!" He includes the others with a blood-soaked grin: "All of us!"

OOC: Midgrim will search the bodies thoroughly after they are all dead, Imperialus... Don't suppose he can he tell how many generations these are removed from the original dwarves, or if this was all one 'family', issued from the same dwarf?

"Yee be careful now," he warns the non-dwarves. "If they are here, foul traps and tricks aren't far behind..."
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Voidrunner's Codex

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