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Dwimmermount IC:

Jimmy Disco T

First Post
Jimi stands down and stows his sling, relieved that it was just a pair of kobolds and not something nastier. The state of the gore spattered cavern still unnerves him somewhat.

"If these kobolds have a captive who still lives, then we should make all efforts to rescue them. I would not want him to end up like... this..." Jimi says, pointing at the pile of bones that clattered out of the kobold's bucket. "Lead the way Midgrim, we are all with you."

He follows the group as they take the south passage.

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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
The dwarf nods, once, though he and his brother end up 'leading' from about twenty paces behind their actual scout. :)

OOC: Don't know if anybody else wanted the bucket? He's not too attached if so.


Klyman Sylar

Klyman continues scouting for the 'leaders' who are wise enough to stay a safe distance behind his reckless self.

OOC: Bucket? No thanks, I'm trying to cut down.


Yes, the bucket seems to be water tight. It's made of tin, and although the handle is a bit rusty it seems to be in fairly good shape.

As you creep further down the corridor it opens into a cavern. Upon entering you are almost immediately met by a hail of arrows from the far western exit. Eight kobolds have taken up a position there and these ones seem better equipped for combat than the ones you have seen previously. These kobolds are equipped with shortbows, leather jerkins and short swords as opposed to the rags and improvised clubs used by the other Kobolds you have fought thus far.

Party Initiative [1d6] = 2

Monster Initiative [1d6] = 5

Two arrows fly towards Midgrim, Gargrim and Jimi respectively, while Klyman and Climent are each the target of one.

Midgrim: Kobold to Hit [1d20] = 6 damage shortbow [1d6] = 1
Kobold to Hit [1d20] = 10 damage shortbow [1d6] = 5
no damage

Gargrim: Kobold to Hit [1d20] = 4 damage shortbow [1d6] = 1
Kobold to Hit [1d20] = 18 damage shortbow [1d6] = 4
four damage

Jimi: Kobold to Hit [1d20] = 11 damage shortbow [1d6] = 5
Kobold to Hit [1d20] = 7 damage shortbow [1d6] = 1
no damage

Klyman: Kobold to Hit [1d20] = 15 damage shortbow [1d6] = 1
one damage

Climent: Kobold to Hit [1d20] = 6 damage shortbow [1d6] = 1
no damage


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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"Brother!" Midgrim's brown eyes burn with sudden fury, but it's CUNNING furry. "Retreat behind the bend and then smash them," he loudly whispers to his companions, head down, before shouting: "FLEE! FLEE! THEY'RE TOO STRONG FOR US!" And doing just that.

OOC: If the others go for it, fighting retreat to behind the bend in the corridor, hoping to draw (some of) them after us and then counter-ambush.

[sblock=Scouting protocols]For future reference, we collectively failed a move silently and/or succeeded at a surprise roll to spot some ambushing kobolds here, right Imperialus? (I'm assuming these guys were hiding somewhere, else our scout would probably have spotted them BEFORE everybody just came out into the open to be attacked.)

Nothing against being ambushed, you understand (it happens), I'm just wondering if we should do/describe/specify something differently next time.[/sblock]
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OOC: Well technically speaking the only one that has the ability to move silently is Klyman, who did fail his roll (I roll 'off camera' for him any time there is an encounter) also these Kobolds are positioned as guards, whereas the other's you've encountered so far have been wandering around what they assumed to be relatively safe territory hence your ability to surprise them with greater ease. I didnt' roll for surprise for either party. You were expecting trouble on account of the voices, and they were alert on account of the number of dead and missing Kobolds from yesterday and the previous incursion by Typhon's Fists, but then they won initiative. Because of the wonky way initiative works in D&D though and our lack of a physical battlemat you weren't able to take any action to prevent the engagement to prevent them shooting at you. In situations like this I generally rule that everyone in the party is in the combat area, otherwise we'd end up with too many situations where someone like Klyman is the only available target and ends up getting pincushioned by a half dozen arrows and then we'd either have a dead thief, or a thief who from that point on refuses to take point and scout ahead both of which are suboptimal.
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Deuce Traveler

"Oi! The wee bastard shot me! Damn that hurts like the dickens. Let's lead that wee piker after us and maybe I'll get to show him what's what if he comes after without his buddies close," Gargrim yells as he follows Midgrim in fleeing to a better tactical location. He doesn't pull the arrow out for fear of worsening the wound.


Klyman Sylar

Klyman is busy trying not to bleed just now, and failing, but he makes haste to retreat with his companions, noting the sly gleam in Midgrim's eye and suspecting that he's up to something nefarious, for which Klyman has nothing but admiration and a little jealousy. He mutters quietly, "So, going to 'out-thief-the-thief' are you, Midgrim? Bravo."
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Binder Fred

3 rings to bind them all!
"The twisted things'll pay," agrees the rounder brother, puffing a bit at the sudden waddling run. He rounds the corner at full pelt and then suddenly sheers to a quiet(ish) stop, naturally taking front position for the counter-ambush.

OOC: Trying to take them by surprise, if possible. I'm assuming this is your classic 10' corridor so only two abreast, right?

Voidrunner's Codex

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