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Eberron: Curse of the Cold Sun (game thread)


"Jail?" White asks, then leaning into whisper "Why don't we just kill em, we don't need to use up state resources letting them be in jail"

White laughs at the friendly exchange between Vela and her companion. "Well that's unexpected. Maybe I should treat your more intelligently from now on." White says to Kiki. "Time for talk latter, Vela is right we shouldn't stay here too long."

White stands 15 feet away from the goblins folding his arms, holding his chakram in one of them. "Now back to you, what's so bad about the Witchwood. Or does that place not like you particularly?"

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I'll update with reactions from the warriors after work, but for now, here is the gear that Arthun and Vela find.

From the warriors -
9 potions, each found on one of the hobgoblin warriors labelled with the goblin word “healing”
10 chainmail suits
10 heavy sheilds
10 masterwork longswords
10 composite longbows
188 arrows

From the dual-wielder -
2 masterwork shortswords
Masterwork studded leather armour

From the cleric -
Masterwork heavy mace
Masterwork banded armour
2 potions labelled with the goblin word “healing”
1 scroll
Unknown holy symbol

From the clawfoot skulls -
4 purple dragonshards shot with orange veins
2 orange dragonshards shot with golden veins

From the wolf skull -
1 purple dragonshard shot with orange veins
1 orange dragonshard shot with golden veins
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“Oh, why am I not running blindly through the thick, dark jungle full of dinosaurs, hydras, crocodiles, lizardfolk, shifters and Khyber knows what else? I honestly have no clue. Have you not seen this place at night pink skin?”

As Kiki and Arthun collecting equipment from the bodies of their fallen foes, something catches their eye. It appears to be a holy symbol, That of a sun with a darkened center.


[sblock=occ, experience and other]
Had to make a small adjustment to the previous post to make the numbers correct.

I was talking with the people in my Wrath of the Righteous Game and we ended up switching to the fast experience track for that game since we are play-by-post and random encounters take longer over here. Does that make sense to you too?

And speaking of WotR, I recently got Mythic Adventures to go along with that adventure path. I’ve had a chance to take a look through MA and frankly I think its awesome. The story arch I wanted to go with this adventure would be very fitting to have the heroes become Mythic and its not actually that much extra work for me since I’m adapting as I go anyhow. Would people be interested including mythic content in this game?


When Bertram sees the holy symbol he starts as if stabbed anew. "What is that? I had a voice in my head when I was struck down. I thought it was just some sort of day dream or something from getting struck down, but the voice, it said 'This is not the end, but the beginning human. When you awaken, you will bathe in the light of Cold Sun. Hear his prayer and submit to your once and future master.' Does that make any sense? I had this weird feeling then like water was dripping into me and then next thing I knew you were bringing me around." He takes out a hip flask and has a long pull. There is a wild look in his eyes. "Can that goblin tell us something about this 'Cold Sun'?"

[sblock=OOC, EXP, ETC]I'm good with the fast track. Really in my games here I don't even track EXP any more. This fight took over a month in real time. Even if we just did nothing but fights back to back it could take a year or more to level. I just decide when the time feels right and level the party up.

I snagged a copy of Mythic Adventures too and found it very intriguing. I'm certainly game for a test run. Given that you are adapting already any increase in power we might see can be balanced easily enough.[/sblock]
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OOC: I could probably live with that. Legendary disguise-monger may not have been my initial concept, but I do not suppose it would hurt too bad.


"You forget your true masters, the ruler of the land, just has his children have. Don't worry Azur Kul will remind you in time!"

The hobgoblin looks to nearly be in ecstasy as he rants in response to Bertram's question.

You may attempt know: religion or local to gain further info.


"Hrm, this is all fascinating. Though in the long run it doesn't really have anything to do with us. Thankfully. We should really get moving before more of these deluded hobgoblins come after us. This one here has already gone nuts." White moves back towards the group keeping his eyes trained on the hobs so they don't suddenly just make a run for it.

He helps the others get the loot onto something they could carry. He does stop to think though. This is a bucket load of armour. We can't carry this all, we don't even have a cart amongst us. Maybe we could carry the shards and the masterwork gear. That should load us down too much I suppose.

I do wonder what Azur Kul has in store for us, I know this will come back to bite us I'm sure. Let us play keep away though, maybe I can get the help of the others by then. I trust those men slightly more...

White ties the masterwork weaponry together and asks Kiki "Hey I know you aren't a packmule and all.. how much do you think you can carry though?"

[sblock=OOC, EXP]
I'm fine with fast track. As for Mythic, I wasn't a big fan of the playtests. I have not looked at the finished product yet and probably will wait until it goes up on d20pfsrd or prd to have a look at it but unless vast quantities have changed I doubt my opinion of it has improved much. My character unless re-written will be at a disadvantage too as many of the feats are for paizo classes (also throwing builds still got no help except from .. I think there was a cone attack or something?) so I might be jumping through more hoops to keep up. Saying that if the majority of players want to play Mythic I won't object or kick up a fuss from the majority vote. [/sblock]


First Post
Kiki eyes the swiftly growing pile of captured booty with an odd mix of eagerness and trepidation. His handlike claws flex.

"A lot," he replies to White as Vela looks over from where she's piling stuff up. "Especially if I don't have to carry Vela. But...there's not much in it for me is there? I mean, it's not like I can use any of it. Or her, for that matter."

"Kikarten," Vela said reprovingly as she came over. "If these things do not get to a market, they won't be sold, and if they are not sold, we will get nothing but our wounds and our honor from this battle."

"Easy for you to say," the dinosaur retorted, "You don't have to carry it."

"I will carry as much as I can. And so will you."

Seeing them together, it was clear that the strange glowing brand on Kiki's forehead matched the tattoo or mark on Vela's own.

"All right. It'd just be nice to get something out of this, you know?"

Vela smiles and reached out to tickle the scales behind Kiki's neck frill. "Are you a dragon now, wanting a mountain of gold to roll lazily around on?"

"...I wouldn't say no to that."

She laughed. "Maybe one day we will learn how to send things back with you. I promise I will try."

Kiki sighed contentedly and closed his eyes, enjoying the little scratching. "Good enough for now. At least tie it all together so it doesn't keep falling off."

[sblock]I'd love to try the Mythic stuff out. I dunno if I like it or not, but I would like to find out. :) Fast progression is also good for PBPs...that or narrative progression like Scotley uses.[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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