Eberron: The Plumbers OOC



So I really love Eberron since I was introduced to it in 4E, but I've never really had any luck with getting a game going since then (and it didn't last long!) I thought I would wait and see if anyone on ENWorld would offer a game after Rising came out, but no one has, so I figured I'd just have to do it myself then. Maybe start with the adventure in Rising, or maybe one of the other opening adventures (4E, or Forgotten Forge? I'm open to suggestions). Or we can discuss other options.

Game system will be 5e. Official products only. I figure 4-6 players is a good group. Speed will generally be a post from the GM at least once a week, more likely twice or three, depending on RL and RP vs Combat.

No need to work up a full character yet, but pitch an idea, if interested, and not just character ideas, either. If there's something about Eberron you really like, maybe throw it out there and we can see what we can do with it.
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Never had the opportunity to play Eberron, but I’ve always found the basic concept intriguing, so I’d be interested in joining. Time to hit the books!


the magical equivalent to the number zero
Yes please!

I'm working up an Eberron campaign myself, but with all the RL stuff going on it won't be soon. I would love to play in yours and I can save you a spot for when mine starts, eventually?

I love the daelkyr and the overlords, so anything with them is a big plus for me. And the Mournlands and Xendrik. I'm not too familiar with the various Eberron adventures so can't help you there. (My idea was to just convert one of the Tales of the Yawning Portal ones to fit in the setting. Maybe you can, too?)

Character pitches:
  • a dwarf warlock who fled his clan in the Mror Holds because he draws on the powers of Xoriat or the daelkyr to increase his own power; or
  • a warforged cleric of the Wanderer or Moon druid, obsessed with keeping his plating clean; or
  • a Sharn bugbear rogue/fighter seeking a new job opportunity after being fired as a bouncer for taking 'bouncing' too literal.


Character pitches:
  • a dour Valenar elf, dragged on the unusual path of paladinhood (oath of ancients) by a strange ancestor spirit, who was a worshiper of the Silver Flame tens of thousands of years ago.
  • an eccentric half orc ranger with the mark of finding, roaming the countryside on his cart, selling his services as tracker, prospector, dentist, veterinary, and monster hunter.

Should I come up with more ideas, I'll edit this post.
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I haven't really thought much about Eb since the original hardcover came out in 3.x times. But I'm game. Rising, need to find out where that is....


I am not really looking to play 5e anymore online, but I still think Eberron is a worthy setting - I have all the original edition books, though I have not cracked any of them in years. Maybe one day I will figure out a solution for playing it in PF2 - other than the "make do with what we have" approach, like alchemist w/ wizard dedication for artificer. Good luck with this game.


So that's three players interested. We can definitely run with that, but let's see if we can pick up a fourth.


Player Interests
JustinCase: Daelkyr and Overlords, Mournland, Xendrik

Player Character Ideas
  • Dwarf warlock
  • Warforged cleric or Moon druid
  • Bugbear rogue/fighter

  • Valenar elf, Ancients paladin (Silver Flame)
  • Half orc ranger, Mark of Finding


Possibly a Idiot.
I adore Eberron, and I would like to do a game in it.

If you are still taking character ideas, I have some:

  • A small-time House Lyrandar Pilot, who was experimentally bound to an elemental in an attempt to gain more favor with his house. He has begun to have doubts about the procedure. (Half-Elf Mark of the Storm, with a Warlock Pact of some flavor)
  • A Kobold Artificer from Darguun, doing journeyman work across the lands, looking to pick up all kinds of tricks of the trade and nifty doodads, in the hopes of eventually establishing a proper trade school back home.
  • A middle-aged House Jorrsco Doctor from Karrnath, who has recently become enamored with the philosophy of The Blood of Vol ( Mark of Healing Halfling Necromancer)


the magical equivalent to the number zero
I think the warforged druid is what I’m most interested in. A gentle giant who loves the little birds and critters, and children. Sort of like Callibretto from the Battle Chasers comics (and video game).

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