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Fallen Angel [IC]


By the time you reach the entrance to the cavern the rain is coming to a finish. A light drizzle falls and you can see sunlight breaking through the clouds. You help the little angel up through the entrance using the sides to once again brace yourselves against. Exiting the caverns, Arithels spirits pick up and his face is noticably brighter. His eyes seem to shine like the sun for a moment. "Ah what a beautiful day this is. I am so grateful for your rescue."

The trek back to the village takes a bit less time now that you know where you are going. Along the way Thomas and Syfis talk with the little angel about his family and his life in the village. You arrive there at as dusk is falling. With the sun at your back you are greated by the entire community.

The smith and his wife rush out to see their adopted child. Arithel runs up to them and hugs them both in with wide arms. The mayor approaches the heroes and says, "Thank you for all you have done. You have put right a great wrong that was done here and saved the life of this child. And all in one day too. You are truely heroes of legend. We would like to offer you something, a token of our generosity." The mayor pulls out two small wooden carvings an hands them to the party. One is a delicate carving of a white swan, made from a light coloured wood and the other is a black dog made from solid rock. You can see that the swan and the dog appear on a shield hanging from a building near you. "We have kept these two items in our town for many years now as the symbols of our community. We would like to present them to you as a symbol of us and the gift you have brought us."

As you accept the presents from the mayor and thank him for everything. A white light appears in the sky above the town. Decending from the light is a great winged being. He stops just over top of the child, Arithel, and speaks with a loud voice. "Mighty heroes, you have done a great deed today. More so than you can possibly imagine." The angel descends to stand in front of you, kneeling. "We too owe you our thanks. We, the Concordium, have watched your adventures from above and we congratulate you on recovering our lost boy." The angel comes forward to offer you a his hand in greating. As you reach to grasp his hand he takes each of you in a delicate embrace, a blessing from the heavens. He goes on to tell you that you have won a great deal of prestidge among his peers and each of you can request a boon from the Concordium in the future.

Once he has finished speaking to you he flies over to Arithel and whispers a few words in his ears. He looks up grateful and hugs his adoptive parents harder. The angel then takes wing and head back up into the light, leaving Arithel and the rest of the townsfolk in awe.

((OOC there is a nice wrap up. I will get experience and a full listing of the treasure together and post it. I would be willing to continue with this. I have a few ideas of where I can go from here that I would like to explore. Fanog, I understand, thank you very much for joining us and I am glad that you enjoyed it. Good luck with your thesis.

So Thels, Someone are in for more. Any one else going to stick around?))

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OOC-I agree with the rest, the beginning part went fast, while in between things went a bit slow-I think its mostly due to the structure of WotC-made dungeons. I like your DMing style however, Erekose, and I'm up for another game as well.


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Lomas watches as the angel ascends back to heaven. He is at a loss for words. While the rumors of the child had brought them here, he honestly hadn't expected this manner of outcome. He's grateful that they were able to succeed and that the boy was returned unharmed.

[ooc - sorry, been out of state for a few days. I think this game ran just fine, minus a couple parts where it lagged such as in the split party exploration. It was my first game as a player, so I was learning right along with you. I think I will have to bow out of any continuation along this line, though. Since starting, I've joined in several other games and am DM'ing another...and I'm starting to feel like I'm unable to give satisfactory attention to all of them at once. Too much juggling. Good luck in your future DM'ing.]


Okay so that is three. I am up for continuing. Gimme a week or so to come up with something to go from here. I am going to continue to play with variations on the title that we have going.

Rybaer it was great having you I am glad that you enjoyed the game and I hope that you have fun with the others you are in. Good luck with your dming as well.

To the remaining three then, should we recruit another player or two (or even three). I think that a small group would be appreciated and I could certainly just stick with what we have.

As far as xp and treasure goes here is the total haul:
2500xp each (lots of rp and story awards cause the monsters were wussy)
5 gems (400gp ea)
1 ring (300gp)
white swan figurine
black dog figurine


OOC: The monsters were hard enough. The problem is, WOTC modules are normally designed for 4 characters, and there were a lot of us.

If we´re going to continue, we should have the dog and swan identified, buy another CLW wand and then divide the treasure up. We´ll see what do we buy with it then.


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Wow, that's a really nice wrap-up. I am now officially having second thoughts about quitting. :eek:
It seems like I need something to keep me sane while writing my thesis, and as it looks now I'l continue studying after my graduation. Would you still have me?



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Great!. :)

As for re-recruiting, I'm fine with either four or five players. No real preference here.

While we're 'between adventures', I'm sort of considering switching characters. Thomas has turned out quite flat, and I'm not sure if his timid character really lends itself to PbP roleplaying... Any chance I could make a psion, since Rybaer has left the group? What are your thoughts on that?


P.S. Should we start using the OOC thread again, or will you start a new IC thread for the next adventure?


Fanog, sure np making a new character. Psion works, I am using Mindscapes, Psi3.0, ITCK, and Mind's Eye. Start new characters with the same rules that we started with for this game, you will only be 2500xp behind. Just use this one for OOC and I will start a second IC thread for the next chapter. My sig post has links to the old OOC page for character rules i used and the RG page is there.


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Erekose13, I've created a first version of my new character, and edited my post in the Rogue's Gallery to post what I now have. Background and description is still to come. Nalya is half snow-elf (if such a thing exists) and hailing from the north. She's quite straight-forward, a little scary at times, and definately spunky. I'll write up the details later. Let me know what you think about it, and if I made any mistakes in the stats etc.


Voidrunner's Codex

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