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Forgotten Heroes IC


Chester rolls his eyes slightly at the convoluted flowing logic that ripples around these tests. Everybody always likes to make things more complicated than they should be. What is the point of all this? He throws his hands up in frustration. And stares the lizard woman in the eyes.

"You said that only the Ungotu could see the book. Is this a different book? Or hey, I can see the book right now, it's floating right in front of Skitha. I still haven't gotten a straight answer about how many of us there should be. If one of us choses the book, do the rest continue onwards?"

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Amazing Triangle

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"The number of Ungotu was never given in our texts, it could be five or it could be five hundred," the lizardwomen answers her eyes then begin to glow again.
'You have all passed the test of the soul, the book is not as it seems,' as this is said the book falls into a mess of snakes that quickly scatter, 'All before you have choosen the easy way out, and left with their prize earlier than they were suppose to. Your final test is that of body.'

The 8 lizard men around begin to chant, "To the balde we are true, to cut is to live, to the battle we commit, to our blades we are true."

'They will not show you any mercy once they start they will not stop. They have trained their whole lives to test the Ungotu. Give them the warriors ultimate reward, a honorable fight.'

"Alright fine, if you won't give me anything to drink I'll just find some of my own."
Skitha reaches into her bag and pulls out a handful of bottles, attempting to down each one in a single huge gulp.


Eglath Goliath Fighter

The Goliath grins, "As a warrior by trade, I've trained for this all my life too." Raising his axe high he goes into battle with a wordless cry of battle.


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Seifer's face shows some relief.

"A respectful battle between civilized people. This is a fight I can understand. May the worthy side be victorious. May the losing side fight with honor."

Seifer draws his blade and salutes the lizardmen.


The mace in one hand, Voadam draws a blackened root shaving from his belt pouch with his other and invokes magical power to infuse his comrades with arcane powered might for the combat.

Five foot step back if threatened. Cast Haste on Zzerki, Elgath, Chester, Dagmar, Skitha.


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Lily shoots up into the air, violet curls of energy twining around her arms and hands, and a smirk coming to her face.

"Okay then, if you want a fight, lets go."

She rises to just under thirty feet and rotates warily around, ready to blast the first lizardman that moves.

(rise up to 25' or so, within PBS range, ready action to use Eldritch Blast on the first lizardman to close to melee with a party member.)


Chester sighs heavily and hefts his axe into his hands as he considers the surrounding lizard men.

"So eager to die, are they? They wait their whole lives to fight the Ungotu, only to never actually meet them. What a senseless waste."

Although his words show no eagerness for battle, Chester prepares himself nonetheless. He recognizes a real fight when it presents itself, and knows the risks of anything less than total commitment.

[sblock=ooc]Ready an action to swing at the first lizard man who gets close enough.
Attack +10 1d12+4 20/x3[/sblock]
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"Well, I haven't trained for this all my life," Kay remarks, "or even part of it. But if I must..."

[SBLOCK=OOC]Kay will cast Shield of Faith on herself and fight defensively, primarily focussing on healing her allies.[/SBLOCK]

Voidrunner's Codex

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