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D&D 5E Has D&D spoiled you on other RPGs?

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Nope. I enjoy playing a lot of different games, with lots of various different systems.

D&D 5e is ok, for some some types of games. For others, it would be horribly, horribly bad bad.

Are there bad systems out there? Yes.
Are there games where the system does not mesh with the setting? Yes.

At the moment my group is playing the following:
  • Tianxia: Blood, Jade, & Silk. Will later this year be put on hiatus and a Scion 2e-campaign will resume
  • Vampire the Masuerade 5e. Will be ended/put on hiatus and a Starfinder-campaign will resume

I will run a campaign inn The Troubleshooters.
We might get a return to a Mage the Awakening 2e-campaign.


Not at all. While 5E is definitely my favorite RPG at the moment, other systems are good games for what they do. I'm currently playing Scum and Villainy, a spacefaring offshoot of Blades in the Dark. I played Legend of the Five Rings for decades using the original d10 roll & keep system. Back in college I got to play the original Deadlands system, which was absolutely fantastic, but I had a hard time find a group for it afterwards.

I mostly play Pathfinder (1st edition) and have a long list of other games I'd like to play one day.

What 5th edition has done for me is actually make me want to play or run D&D - looking through the books has made me nostalgic for mind flayers, yuan-ti, the rod of seven parts, demogorgon, Chult, Tiamat etc. etc. Of course, I could just add that kind of stuff to my Pathfinder game!


After 7+ years of DMing for 5E, I'd say D&D hasn't spoiled me on other systems at all. I've read through a lot of rule systems (Cortex Prime - Marvel Heroic RPG and Tales of Xadia in particular -, Vampire 20 and Mage 20, Continuum, PbtA games like Masks, and even other D&D offshoots like 2E, OSE and Pathfinder 1E/2E) and I would prefer running them if that system will fit the kind of story I want to create. But I have to admit that I feel the most comfortable with 5E. But I'm definitely seeing the limitations of the system, and I wouldn't hesitate abandoning it when it doesn't serve me.

As a player, it's not that I'm spoiled by 5E, but it's that I can't find anything else. Everyone around me runs 5E, and try as I might to show interesting other systems to friends, they seem to stay with 5E no matter what they're trying to do.

Lord Shark

No. I have zero interest in 5E. If I want to play D&D-style fantasy, I'd be more likely to reach for 13th Age, PF2, or Beyond the Wall first.

Art Waring

For me its the opposite in a way. I'm completely burned out on generic fantasy settings ATM, but people still prefer 5e, so I'm making the genre and game I want to see using 5e as a base.

However, I do agree that I am less willing to run other rules heavy systems now as a GM. Used to run PF games for years, it can become a chore.

Saying that, lately I have been branching out and looking at a wide variety of games, new and old, to see what they are doing. Looked at the old shadowrun books, and I don't think I would ever run it again, but I have and would prefer to run shadowrun type games in 5e atm.


This is hard to answer objectively. I played D&D for a decade before venturing into other games at university. I will say it's very hard for any other system to make a serious impression on me. I've played my fair share and greatly enjoyed many of them (the recent Free League Alien RPG is a good example, but that's because I have an affinity for the source material), but whenever I contemplate a long campaign, it's not going to be anything except D&D, and right now that means 5E.


Not really- but i'm really good at learning new systems.

I've been learning to run OSR and 5e modules in GURPS and it's been an interesting ride. It's really hard to pass up the freeform character generation.

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