HM's Carrion Crown AP - CT


Thy wounds are healed!
Marshan and Gergori move towards the haunted weapon while Firvin starts to sing and Halál takes a shot at the thing. The arrow misses as positive energy explodes out from the priest towards the thing.

Toddy watches and knows that the energy is not particularly strong but it does send small cracks along the handle of the cursed weapon. He curses his indecision and gets ready to join the fight, as the scythe moves towards Marshan ready to retaliate for the cleric hurting it.

POSTED in INIT order
Inspire Courage in play.

[U]Character     AC   HP    InHand/Condition[/U]
monster       18  [COLOR=Yellow]20[/COLOR]/21  none/none
Halál         15  [COLOR=Red]06[/COLOR]/12  s.bow/[CON -1]
Firivin       13  11/11  l.bow/none
Marshan       14  [COLOR=Yellow]12[/COLOR]/13  l.hammer/none
Gergori       18  14/14  l.sword&h.water/none 
Toddy         [COLOR=Plum]18 [/COLOR] [COLOR=Yellow]05[/COLOR]/06  none/[COLOR=Plum][I]mage armor[/I][/COLOR]

OCC: Toddy's INIT has dropped to last. So he may take an action for last round and this round.



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OOC: Hmm, really? As I read it the positive energy either heals (normal people) or harms (undead) you if you are targeted. Since he doesn't have selective targeting it washes over everyone within range. But I could be wrong, I suppose.

Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
OOC: Sadly (for us): "A good cleric (or one who worships a good deity) channels positive energy and can choose to deal damage to undead creatures or to heal living creatures."


OOC: :blush: I should have read one more paragraph. It is pretty clear. I haven't run into a situation with my cleric channeling positive energy with wounded people and undead within range. In hindsight, that 1 point of damage versus healing 5 on us wasn't a good trade, but that's luck for you.

Satin Knights

First Post
After seeing the weapon crack a bit, Toddy decides to go in and attack the weapon itself, biting it.
[sblock=actions]Last round's actions, Move to K2, bite[/sblock][sblock=mini-stats] Marshan ~ Perception: +4; Stealth: +2; Initiative: +2; Low Light vision
AC: 14/12 (12 Touch, 12 Flat-footed) (2 Dex, 2 leather armor) AC: 14
HP: 13 Current HP: 12
CMB: 2 CMD: 14 Fort: +3 Reflex: +2 Will: +3; +2 vs. Enchantment

Current Weapons in Hand:
MW Lucerne Hammer +2, d12+3 @10' reach; Enlarged: MW Luc Hammer +2, 3d6+4 @15-20' reach
Cestus +2, d4+1 at 5' reach, offhand; When Enlarged: Cestus +2, d6+1 at 5-10' reach
Longbow +2, d8
Dagger +2, d4+1

Skills: +4 Perception, +1 Sense Motive, +2 Stealth; Combat Reflexes
Cantrips: Acid Splash, Mage Hand, Message, Open/Close
.Orisons: Detect Magic, Read Magic, Stabilize
Summoner 1st Level Spells: 2/1 remaining; Mage Armor, Grease
Cleric 1st Level Spells: 3; Enlarge Self*, Detect Undead, Deathwatch
Domain Power: 4/4 remaining; Enlarge self as a swift action for 1 round
Summoner Monster I: 4/4 remaining; std action SLA summon, (1 min), Celestial dog, celestial eagle
Channel Energy: 4/2 remaining; 1d6 in a 30' burst, 4/day, DC 11, Not Selective; Does not provoke AoO
20 normal arrows ~ 8 blunt arrows ~ 4 large sized arrows, more on Toddy
4 Silver Arrows ~ silver
3 White Arrows ~ +1 arrows
2 Blue Arrows ~ +1 ghost touch arrows
1 Black Arrow ~ +1 undead bane arrows
1 Haunt Siphon
1 Hide from Undead scroll (2nd CL, 20 minutes)

Active Enhancements: +1 Attack/Damage/Fear Saves, Firvin's Inspire Courage still lingering.

Toddy ~
Perception: +4; Stealth: +6; Initiative: +2; Darkvision 60 ft; Size: medium, move 40'
AC: 14/18 (12 Touch, 12 flat-footed) (2 Dex, 2 NA, usually 4 Mage Armor) Current AC: 18 for 2 hours
HP: 6 Current HP: 6
CMB: 3 CMD: 15 Fort: +3 Reflex: +4 Will: +0
Natural Weapons: Bite +3, d6+2 @10' reach; Claw +3, d4+2; Claw +3, d4+2
Skills: +14 Acrobatics, +4 Perception, +0 Sense Motive, +6 Stealth
Feats/Evolutions: Combat Reflexes
, Skilled[Acrobatics](1),Claws(legs)(1), Reach(bite)(1)[/sblock]
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Thy wounds are healed!
Toody's teeth snap at the wood but do no damage (save to his own teeth).

"Ow! This thing is tough!" the eidolon shouts to everyone.

i.e. hardness 10 - Everyone can go now for round 2


Gregori isn't sure positioning will mean much against this thing but he also doesn't want to block line of sight for the casters so he circles a bit and closes in to attack.

"Anyone have a plan on how to kill this thing?"

NOTE: forgot to include Inspire Courage in the rolls below.

[sblock=Actions]move: K2 > L3
Standard: power attack[/sblock][sblock=Mini Stats]Gregori Ostov (full sheet)
Initiative: +1
AC: 18 (17 flat-footed, 11 Touch) (+2 w/ mutagen)
HP: 14 Current: 14
CMB: +5 CMD: 16 Fort: +3 Reflex: +3 Will: +0

In Hand: longsword & holy water
-- longsword +5 (1d8+4 19-20/x2); Power Attack: longsword +4 (1d8+6 19-20/x2)
-- [Str Mutagen] longsword +7 (1d8+6); PA: longsword +6 (1d8+8)
-- cestus

Extracts Prepared Cure Light Wounds, Enlarge
Mutagen Prepared Strength

Special conditions[/sblock]
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
On hearing Marshan's proclamation that positive energy will damage the thing, Halál one-hands his bow, placing the fist holding it over the spiraling birthmark on his chest, and extends his other clawed hand to point at the ghostly scythe. A beam of coruscating energy pulses from his outstretched palm and slams into it.

[sblock=Actions]Standard: Disrupt Undead

(I'm assuming that since the spell description specifically states it's a beam of positive energy, it will harm the thing. Also, didn't take the -4 on the Attack Roll, 'cause Halál doesn't particularly care if he hits his buddies with this - it won't hurt 'em.)[/sblock]
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