Cordit nodded to bible and peered over a standing stone at the castle floating nearby. A cloud giant mounted on an enormous eagle flew around one of the castle's towers. Cordit whistled softly, shook her head, and followed as Bible and the group moved off to hug a low-lying creek for cover.
Tamanar said, "Yes, Tenibor and I were what you'd call distant cousins, though we only met once, a hundred years ago. It is saelon (which is a word in our tongue that means a thing that is both funny and sad) that I only just remembered it this morning."
He hopped over some rocks while crossing the creek with the usual elvish grace before continuing, "I will return his body to his sister, Tasia. I believe I know where she lives."
* * *
They arrived at Culligan's Cairn after a few hours of slow-going travel. Normally, the Dwarves would be offended by finding so many humans camped out in their sacred Tombs, but needs must. Lord Falldur had received a report on the arrival of the flying Castle, and he was beside himself. The return of the group, with a full compliment of liberated prisoners was a welcome sight.
I commend you for your actions," he said, after receiving them, "You have done well, indeed."