(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1

Jack squinted at the floating castle in disbelief. He then shook his head, glanced back at the others, and turned back towards to the cave.

"No. Not well at all."

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"Nothin' lurkin' down here in the misk, but there's a castle up in the clouds!" Bible exclaims as the cloud giants' castle comes into view.

"You know Cordit," she says as she pauses to regard the castle and scratches her head thoughtfully, "thisk reminds of the time I chopped off a cloud giank's head with a bean stalk I told you about, or was it all jusk a dream?"

Bible urges the group to continue on to the Cairn, keeping out of sight of the castle by exploiting the contours of the terrain as much as possible.

"Le's get these innocenk folks to safety so we can deal with the gianks without puttin' 'em in harm's way," she says.

While traveling, Bible politely asks Tamanar if he has any connection with Tenibor's people so the elf's kin can be located and his body returned to them.


Cordit nodded to bible and peered over a standing stone at the castle floating nearby. A cloud giant mounted on an enormous eagle flew around one of the castle's towers. Cordit whistled softly, shook her head, and followed as Bible and the group moved off to hug a low-lying creek for cover.

Tamanar said, "Yes, Tenibor and I were what you'd call distant cousins, though we only met once, a hundred years ago. It is saelon (which is a word in our tongue that means a thing that is both funny and sad) that I only just remembered it this morning."

He hopped over some rocks while crossing the creek with the usual elvish grace before continuing, "I will return his body to his sister, Tasia. I believe I know where she lives."

* * *

They arrived at Culligan's Cairn after a few hours of slow-going travel. Normally, the Dwarves would be offended by finding so many humans camped out in their sacred Tombs, but needs must. Lord Falldur had received a report on the arrival of the flying Castle, and he was beside himself. The return of the group, with a full compliment of liberated prisoners was a welcome sight.

I commend you for your actions," he said, after receiving them, "You have done well, indeed."

"Well, it wasn't @!* easy, m'lord, was it?" Bible chuckles as she claps the old knight on the back, greeting him and the other people in the Cairn warmly.

Coming close to him, she says, "And we might have a way back in, if they ain't found it yet."

She goes to check on Memory to make sure she's fed and watered and to replenish her rations from her saddlebags.

Lord Faldur interviewed the group, going over their progress.

They had liberated dwarves, orcs, elf, and human prisoners; killed stone giants excavators, hill giant cook, jailor, and guards; killed a fire giant smith; chased off or killed lurking cave-dwellers. They had slaughtered bugbear troops and a dire wolf pack.

What had caused the giants to form an alliance and raid the human settlements remained a mystery. They hadn't confronted the Chief, nor did they have information regarding the arrival of the Cloud Giant Castle, or what it meant for the alliance or the danger that the giants posed.

It was early in the afternoon, on the third day after the night that they had arrived. Lord Faldur received their report, and said with a sigh, "I admit that I am at a loss as to what to ask you to do next. I welcome your suggestions. The flying castle seems the most important, but I feel that it is a lot to ask of you, who have done so much already."

Bible, having taken the opportunity to indulge liberally in whatever grog was available in the Cairn for the last three days, agrees with the lord's assessment. Addressing any of her comrades who are left, she says, "If the cloud gianks're helpin' Nosnra with his raidin', le's board their castkle and take it down! Then we can drop down into his steadin' an' deal with him, once'k an' for all!"

OOC: Bible AC20* HP94/94 HD 10/10 PP16 AS 1/1 2W 1/1 Ind 1/1
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Jack nodded at Bible's suggestion. "Only trick is getting up to it. Don't know about you all, but most of the castle's I've scaled (and I've done my fair share of climbing walls) were planted firmly on the ground. Doubt my trusty coil of rope here is gonna reach it."

Squatting on the Cairn's floor, he then proceeded to sketch out the positions of the steading, floating castle, and surrounding terrain with a stick. "The way I see it, we either need magic to fly up to the castle under cover of darkness, or we try to go back into the caverns below the steading again to see if we can somehow fight our way back up. I'd mightily prefer the first option, but I'm all outa flying boots."

Quinn shrugs at Bible's suggestion.

"That suggestion is as good as any. If the cloud giants are helping they will need to be confronted eventually. It would probably be best to try and get the cloud giants to leave before we confront Chief Nosnra."

When Jack suggests flying Quinn speaks up.

"I could carry us up as a giant owl. It would be slow but I can carry one person at a time."

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