(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1


The group set out on foot, leaving Eoghan to help Lord Faldur in the task of penning a letter to the King, requesting more men. It was not far before they could see the flying castle, floating above the hills. The sky was clear, and a cool breeze blew through the hills. The usual damp fog had cleared, with only wisps of evaporation from the various ponds, bogs, and seepage at the base of hills. Birds and insects were out, fluttering and buzzing by.

The hills would have been quite lovely this afternoon, were it not for the ominous presence of the flying castle, with its giant eagle-riding guards spinning in circles overhead, on the lookout for trouble. It would be near impossible to approach without being spotted.

OOC: Do you want to try to sneak up to under the castle, or would you like to try a parlay?

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Valda watched the eagle riders flying in the distance while trying to keep an ear to any discussion from the group, and possibly any other dangers in hills. She was sure that the others were far more capable thinkers than her and would be better suited to come up with the details of a plan. As long as she knew what role they needed her in, whether that be stealth or muscle, she would be ready.

Fine with either personally, what is everyone else thinking?


OOC: Jack's not one to lead a parlay - but would be open to it. We could also wait around to see if they still patrol at night. Trying to stealth in one at a time sounds risky however.


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Assessing the unlikely prospect of approaching the castle unnoticed, Bible confers with her three companions.

Eyeing Jack and Valda, she says, "Maybe let's one of you and Quinn fly up to the guards and call for a parley with the cap'n of their vessel. I'll do it if you twisk my arm."
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Not long after they had decided on a parlay, the group was spotted by an eagle-rider. As the rider approached (two more not far behind him), they made universal gestures that indicated that they wished to avoid conflict and speak. Taking them at their word, the giant landed his eagle while the other two circled ominously overhead.

Both the giant and his eagle were enormous this close up - half again as tall as the Hill Giants had been. He had long silver hair under his brass helm and he placed on the ground the butt-end of a pike that was no less than thirty feet long. He nodded his head (the closest he would come to a bow) and said, "I take it that it is you that has caused so much anguish for Chief Nosnra these past days. My Prince, Lord Thyffon would wish to speak to you. You are not permitted in the Castle, but I believe that he is willing to meet you here, or a place of your choosing. If you agree, I will invite him on your behalf."


The eagle, a bird so massive that it boggled the mind, shifted back and forth from one taloned foot to the other, as if it hated standing on the ground and wished to take to the sky once more.

The group looked around at each other, waiting to see who would step forth to speak first while wishing that Eoghan had not stayed back at the Cairn to advise Lord Faldur.

"Well?" demanded the giant impatiently, "Should I inform my prince that you will speak with him?"
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Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Bible mutters to herself as she steps forward, standing as straight and tall as she can muster and looking the giant in the eye, and says, "Call down your prinsk. We'll meet him here."

Quinn watches the giant fly away and nods at Valda's comment.

"Let's hope we can convince them to leave. We have enough problems with the hill giants. It would be bad if we upset the cloud giants and cause them to join the fight."


Jack silently agreed with the others. He had little trust for these folk, but would honor the flag of truce.

Nevertheless, he checked to make sure Darling was at the ready as he watched the skies for any sign of trouble.

Voidrunner's Codex

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