(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Bible nods as Quinn speaks, her chin propped between thumb and forefinger.

"The kitchen it is then," she says. "Better to go the way we know than waske our efforks in poinkless fightin'."

"Also agree about scoutin' the chimney,"
she adds

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Quinn nods to the group and then takes a couple steps and transforms into a bird. He flies around and into the great hall looking for the location of the hill giant chief.

OOC: Not sure the time of day. If it is night I would turn int an owl, if it is daytime I would turn into an eagle or some other bird of prey.


While the others discussed approaching by nearby chimney or through the kitchen, Quinn twisted into the shape of a large sparrow-hawk and flew over the Steading. The damp, thatched roof had a large smoke-hole, circled with stones. The enormous roof was heavy, and it was supported by thick wooden rafters. He was able to quickly land on one and gaze down upon the Great Hall below.

Just as he had hoped, there was a meeting taking place. An enormously fat and jowled hill-giant sat at the center of an enormous table, heaped with food. He was arguing with an arrogant-looking stone giant who was seated at the end of the table on his right. On either side of him were other hill giants, who nodded at his every word. A stoic giantess sat at the other end of the table. She seemed to be more interested in the antics of two young hill giants, who were playing keep-away with a grizzled old bear and a straw doll about the size and shape of a dwarf.

A few other giants wandered about the room, stoking the central fire, or using it to heat meat or mull wine. One giant stood far to the south, guarding the big doors there. That giant was wearing heavy armor, most probably forged by the fire giant that the group had killed the day before in the cellar.

OOC: I cut off the bottom of the map so you could make out Quinn (little blue square), but you can see the top of the armored giant's head. Further south there's double-doors.


OOC: In case the above post is confusing to anyone, let's get our bearings. Here's an overhead map of the Steading. The group came in (this time) from the chimney in the outbuilding (1) and then killed everyone in the courtyard. We were discussing going down the chimney (2) or through the kitchen (3). There is also a door at (4). Quinn went through the smokehole at (5) and everyone has generally been avoiding being seen by the watchtower (6). I hope that's clear. Any new opinions on which way to go?


Jack nods after hearing the report from Quinn.

"Sounds like quite the welcoming party," he whispered. "Going through the kitchen still sounds best to me. Allows us to stay out of view of that watchtower. Whatever we decide to do, let's do it quick while their still unawares."



Knowing what they faced in the Great Hall did not deter the group from pressing forward - albeit sideways - through the kitchen once more. When tested, they found that the kitchen door was barred from the inside.

Cordit held up a big meaty ape-hand, and her enormous brow raised and she grunted, "Shoodeye brreck et dorn?"

Quinn nods at the others.

"Let's get moving delaying just increases our chance of being discovered."

OOC: I think we shoudl just move on to the great hall. Delaying will only cause problems. If anyone else wants to do otherwise speak now.


"Right. We'll need to move fast if our furry friend breaks down the door. But that might be the best option, give we don't want to be spotted by the lookout tower, and the other doors are untested. Let's move fast while we can."

OOC: we'll probably loose surprise knocking down the door, but we also know how to get to the great hall from the kitchen, so I say we go for it.


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
Bible puts a hand on Cordit's hairy arm and says, "Hold the wire. If we break it down, they'll hear us comin'."

She scratches the back of her neck as she nods towards the door back towards the east and says, "Seems to me that way might afford us a better chance of approachin' quietly. It's bound to lead into the chief's hall from the eask, an' they won't be expectin' us to come that way since they fear an incursion from the kitchen."

She waits for her companions to reply and abides by their decision.

Voidrunner's Codex

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