(IC) Against the Giants PBP Group 1


Bible and Valda split the gourd, each drinking about half of the strange, thick liquid inside (that Quinn insisted was a version of a healing potion). They didn't like the taste, and left a few drops inside when they were done.

OOC: I rolled 27 for Bible and 23 for Valda - a little low. But gets Bible to full and Valda to 88/92. Good to go?

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Jack called out in a horse whisper for Valda and Bible to open the doors while he positioned himself near Quinn. He then leveled Darling carefully towards the portal.

"Let's do this."


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
OOC: What about the prisoner? I was waiting for some kind of resolution. Is it just "nothing to see here - move along"? Also, I think we're in Nosnra's bedchamber. Don't you think it's worth a quick look around? I was hoping the prisoner might help with that as well, but she hasn't responded, and I've been on standby. @FitzTheRuke, let me know if I'm barking up the wrong tree here.


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
OOC: Also, @Lidgar, you're at the doors at the southwest corner of the room, right? I'm pretty sure from comparing the maps that have been posted that the chief's hall is through the pair of doors at the center of the room.


OOC: OK, thought the hall was through the southern ones. Let's assume we going through the middle ones then once we're done interrogating the prisoners (forgot about them!)


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
OOC: I was trying to be more subtle, but maybe this will help move things along.

Assuming the young giant is Nosnra's daughter, Bible makes a last effort to glean some information.

::There, there, my dear,:: she says consolingly, looking around the room at the blood and gore of the fallen giants, ::an unpleasank busikness this is, to be sure. All will be over soon if you will jus' please tell us where your pappy keeps his importank things. Then we will be on our way and trouble you no more.::



The young giantess had been too afraid to answer Bible earlier, but she snapped out of it, saying, "Important fings? Uh. He keeps most ovvem on him. He's got some tredge-ah inna chest, I bet! Will that buy me freedum?"

She pointed toward the big room to the north, where Bible recalled seeing two large chests.

OOC: I'd forgotten about her! Sorry!


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
OOC: No worries! It seems I was asking you to "reveal" something about her that isn't there.

"Ja talk common speech," Bible says with surprise to the frightened giant, "a sign of your superior edumacation, no doubt! Le's see what treasure your pappy's got in his chesks, shall we?"

Bible makes her way back into the big room to examine the chests.


Dungeon Master of Middle-earth (He/him)
As she walks towards the chests, Bible adds to the giantess, "If the treasure is enough to buy a ship for me to go orf in search of my cap'n, then you will have earned your ransom."

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