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[IC] Ari (of Aundair's Sorrow) [Closed]


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
He looks at you carefully "I could not let go of her after the war. A few of us stayed on here after the civilian refit and turning it over to the civs. Lots of memories here, besides, I have nothing to go home to. No home, No family, no wife, no children. The war made sure of that. This is my family. Good old 'Galifar's Sword'. She has never let me down.

After all those years of service I have the pride of serving my country to keep me warm at night... oh, and this bottle too. Maybe some stories will find themselves available when you return here.
" He smiles as he hiccups. His bloodshot eyes look energetic and excited and not so appropriate for his porcine demeanor.

Looking a little bit embarrassed at his lack of manners in your presence he says "Sorry! Well, I should get back before Lohl gets fidgety. I should not 'fraternize' so much! Good luck to ya." He nods goodbye and goes to make his way to outside the car. His well abused heavy mace clanging on the metal parts and rails as he makes his way.

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FreeXenon said:
He looks at you carefully "I could not let go of her after the war. A few of us stayed on here after the civilian refit and turning it over to the civs. Lots of memories here, besides, I have nothing to go home to. No home, No family, no wife, no children. The war made sure of that. This is my family. Good old 'Galifar's Sword'. She has never let me down.

After all those years of service I have the pride of serving my country to keep me warm at night... oh, and this bottle too. Maybe some stories will find themselves available when you return here.
" He smiles as he hiccups. His bloodshot eyes look energetic and excited and not so appropriate for his porcine demeanor.

Looking a little bit embarrassed at his lack of manners in your presence he says "Sorry! Well, I should get back before Lohl gets fidgety. I should not 'fraternize' so much! Good luck to ya." He nods goodbye and goes to make his way to outside the car. His well abused heavy mace clanging on the metal parts and rails as he makes his way.

"Fraternizing is fine, even a solider can rest when the war is over." Ari smiles at the shifter, "did you know Carrilot well?" He takes another nip of the nasty brew, "definately harsher than I'm used to, guess I'll say that about a lot of things now that I'm on my own."


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Carrig looks back to you and smiles. "Nope, no one really new Carrilot. The 5 of us met for the first time in a room with our majors in charge and Carrilot at a table. He looked at some papers, most likely our files, nodded and that was that. We left and found ourselves assigned to Galifar's Sword."He smiles even broader. "What is peace but preparation for war? Keep the bottle, I have more." With that he winks and exits the car.


FreeXenon said:
Carrig looks back to you and smiles. "Nope, no one really knew Carrilot. The 5 of us met for the first time in a room with our majors in charge and Carrilot at a table. He looked at some papers, most likely our files, nodded and that was that. We left and found ourselves assigned to Galifar's Sword." He smiles even broader. "What is peace but preparation for war? Keep the bottle, I have more." With that he winks and exits the car.

Ari smiles at Carrig, "thanks. I'm glad I'm aboard such an esteemed carriage, gives me something to think about. Stop in for a drink whenever you have time, I'll be glad for the company."

Once Carrig leaves, Ari will settle down into a section of the coach. His mind wandering a bit over the very fact of history itself, how the pieces of this world have fallen the way they have rather than other orientations. Perhaps in time he would understand a bit more of this, but for now he was content to watch and learn, the world was a much larger place than the university and he was glad he had the opportunity to see it.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
Getting Settled

The Sleeper Car
Ari finds himself to his assigned sleeper car with 2 beds, one on the left and one on the right with wooden storage racks above and below the bed. In the center of the car, next to the window, and between the beds is a small light wooden table. A metal curtain rod on the window is bare. The beds are thin and very firm with metal beneath the bed pad. There are blankets in rack over the door. Sparse but much better than what coach would be for such a long train ride - almost 12 hours to Passage.

The wood and metal here shows years of use and abuse. Beneath a thick and newer coat of varnish you can see nicks and a slight darkened color from a fire of sorts. The metal pipes and girders are well painted and appear to have been painted over quite a few times. You can small a slight scent of a sweet alcohol and a cigar of sorts in the air. Very faint but there, none-the-less.

Silent Lucidity
Your mind wanders a bit and you find yourself in a lucid state as much of the last few weeks seem to have been - you 'see' 2 Audairan officers sitting in this room drinking the finest ale and discussing the logistics of the next drop point. They are dressed rough for their station, like a common Aundairan enlisted soldier, but they seem quite comfortable with it. The map that they are referencing seems a little too clear for day dreaming and drifting.

The map shows troops locations and a few other things which you are not sure what they represent around the Thaliost/Star Peaks/Aundair River region. You see the map for what seems like quite a while with one location on the map that stands out from the rest. It stands out not for any particular reason, but it does. A single dot what may be 10 miles into the Starpeaks from the Aundair River and does not appear to have strategic significance. It seems to have been a part of the original map that was just picked up and used for their logistics and does not bear significance for you.

The officers are discussing potential tactics. You do not hear there voices, but you do see them pointing and understand their intercourse. Officer One is suggesting the tactics that were used in the Siege of Delta Point which was a very direct and bloody, but successful operation to return a strategic point near the Star Peaks and Aundair River from Thrane's hands. It was a direct throw-your-troops-at-em sort of siege. The other officer is suggesting a little magical tactical support and some stealth with the threat of a direct assault as a diversion.

They discuss it a little bit, then they argue about what they both find trivial logistics then the second officers' throat is cut and the body tossed out of the window of the moving train. Officer One smiles confidently and business like and in the depths of his open shirt you see what might be a hint of tatoo of sorts. You do not recognize it, but it is also pretty clear [a black field with a crimson shining crystal ball and and eye in the center] . Their faces are never really seen - all but a blur.

You come too as you find yourself nestled in the hard bed of the sleeper car. You hear the warning bell that you are coming to a stop. A few moments later you hear what is probably an attendant walking though and with a gruff and forceful saying "Next stop - Passage.". The voice sounds familiar - most likely Carrig. The left side of you neck is a little sore from sleeping strangely and your suitcase is sitting upright on the center table.

[OOC: BTW, sometime soon this will stop happening to you - things happening and you not remembering! :)

I have applied you knowledges to this scene and the dice were not nice to you! :(


Stretching the soreness in his neck Ari flicks his eyes open scanning the sleeper car, the vision was definately an intriguing one, although albeit in the opposite direction of his current path and he didn't have the coin to run the rail all the way back to the river.

Looking sideways at his suitcase he doesn't even remember packing, yet he brought it along anyways. The ring, the carved holy symbol, they ranged through his head in concord with these odd visions.

What was in those mountains that was so important to kill a fellow officer for. Rising from the stiff bed, his joints sigh from the uncomfortable positioning he had assumed. Looking around the cabin he went over to the window where the second officer had been tossed out, running his fingers along its edge. Then proceeded back to the table to look down upon it, as if studying a map. Although his gaze fell upon his suitcase.

Reaching out he laid it flat and opened it once again. Leafing through his folded clothes and touching his hand to the Arcanix ring, before clipping it closed once again.

He awaited their arrival in Passage, he would have to take a couch to Arcanix, a jolting ride that he did not envy.


American Male (he/him); INTP ADHD Introverted Geek
As you walk your way through the vision your movements and feelings seem oddly unfamiliar, foreign in a way that us wholely unsettling. Your heart rate increases a little and so does your breathing. Possibly anger, anxiousness, and adrenalin left over from your vision-dream. Once your mind settles on thoughts elsewhere the feeling vanishes as if it was never there..

You begin to hear the rustling of people starting to stir and prepare for arrival at Passage to go on to their ways. The scuffling of feet, the muted conversations of others, an occasional accidental knock on the walls, and the scrape and bump of hurried luggage gathering of those who are in sleeper cars such as yours.

The sun is bright as is shines in through the window of the 'rail in the late after noon with the evening coming in a few hours. You feel oddly refreshed and ready to go from your 11 or so hours of sleep. Something just seems right about being here. You do not know what but you feel like this is where you should be.

The 'rail comes slowly to a staggered stop and you can feel the energy being emitted from the bound elemental that powers the lightening rail as the stop is completed and people begin to disembark from their trip. You hear the doors open to let out the passengers and the air here is fresh and inviting.


Ari breathes in deeply, the air invigorating him and clearing the odd sensation from the vision. Taking up his suitcase, he steps off of the rail and into the afternoon light. He had a short time here before he was to take the coach to Arcanix, perhaps he could see some of Passage again. It had been a couple years since he had been here.

He looks around the rail station, watching the people unload their baggage and depart, he walks slowly along the side of Galifar's Sword keeping at eye out for Carrig, to say goodbye and thanks. Making his way off of the rail platform he surveys the city, a smile on his face and a city to explore. Arcanix can wait a day or two.

Voidrunner's Codex

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