D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo did his morning kinestetics to keep limber. He felt better - it had been tight, but they had been victorious. The lessons of yesterday would be heeded.

He asked their companions more details about their mapping and how soon they would be. Afterwards, he conferred with Qawasha:

I'm glad you're back with us, we need you out here. Besides, you don't strike me as the type of person who deserves to get eaten by terror folks! Or creepy old ladies for that matter...

He looked on at the Heart of Ubtao and the strange ship and added

(OOC: is the ship on the heart or in a separate location)

This land is so vast and so big that we are going to need a lot of luck to find our quest - fate even perhaps. Finding you was fate. And now here... we have the whispering of a cannibal woman, telling us about this Acerak and this Omu place... clearly we should go there. But when I see the Heart of Ubtao so clearly before us, I can't help but wonder what were we fated to see here... whispers, or THAT? ... what does your wisdom tell you?

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Dusty Dragon
Later, after checking on Chrysagon and Delrak and making sure they had recovered well from their injuries, he approached Miss Imogen while they were breaking camp.

"During the battle... I briefly saw you use some sort of icy spell. I know that you don't bear the ring anymore so... what happened? Did some of the ring's power linger?"



The monkey tried any food that Harb shared with her. She appeared happy to eat meat but suspicious of bread. Her face showed high pleasure and surprise when he gave her something sweet, as if she did not know such a wonder had existed.


"I should very much like to visit the Heart if it is possible." said Qawasha with some excitement, but he added "I have been thinking about our best route to Omu. It is, if I am not mistaken, west of the Peaks of Flame and east of the Valley of Lost Honour."

He pointed southward to a range of volcanoes shrouded in smoke clouds and then west of that to a deep depression that disappeared behind a range of mountains, then continued, "So it is directly south of here. But that is many miles of untamed jungle - and only that after we clear the swamp."

Rodrigo looked at the area for awhile, considering. It was on the east side, but the Heart of Ubtao floated over the southern part of the swamp, somewhat on their way. The ship was definitely on their way - it was south and a little to the west. Neither were close. It would be a long slog through the very wettest part of a wet land.

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Later, after checking on Chrysagon and Delrak and making sure they had recovered well from their injuries, he approached Miss Imogen while they were breaking camp.

"During the battle... I briefly saw you use some sort of icy spell. I know that you don't bear the ring anymore so... what happened? Did some of the ring's power linger?"

Miss Imogen looks at Rodrigo. She is thinking, and after a long pause she makes a decision.

"It is true that I find myself different now than I was before.

I thank you for asking, and I do not wish to be misunderstood. I am myself, as I ever was, but I am also different, since soon after the ring was, um. Returned.

Moments ago you were speaking of coincidence, and of fate. We found the ring and its carrier against all probability, and, well, I was able to master it almost immediately. I know I am mistrusted as a result of that, and so I am concerned that you might think this is some residue from that experience, a film that might wear away or need to be washed off."

She pauses, and notices others listening as well.

"I ask you all to believe that is not the case. Nothing from the ring lingers with me, but the experience has shown me that its power is also part of myself. The power, the authority, is mine, in a way that is not the case for the one who carries it now, somewhere in these jungles.

So yes, it appears that I have the ability to create some frost and ice. I am still learning what it is I am capable of. This is who I am now."


Dusty Dragon
So yes, it appears that I have the ability to create some frost and ice. I am still learning what it is I am capable of. This is who I am now."

Rodrigo nodded. "My father spoke of men - or women - who did not have the years of study of wizards, or the fierce devotions to gods, who came upon their magical powers suddenly, after contact with a powerful magical event. Such things are not unheard of. Perhaps this is why you were able to reject the ring?

I have no such magic, only my training - and my faith in my companions. We'll need every edge we can get in this jungle, and a bit of ice magic doesn't seem like a bad thing in this infernal heat!

So... if I may ask... I saw you make a shield of ice. What else can you do?"

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen shrugs. He is measuring her, she knows, but she tells what she knows. "What you saw was instinctive, not something I chose. As was the icy speed with which I slid along the floor when I rescued the cartographer."

She pauses. "I do not know of what your father spoke, only that the illness that I endured led to this. And I do not know what I can do, but it feels comfortable, like I have grown into a person I was meant to be. Here..."

She reaches for a mug and fills it with water. She holds it in her hand, as if she were finding comfort in the warmth of a hot tea on a winter night. But when she passes it to Rodrigo, the mug and its contents are icy cold.

"There. That is something new."


When Tarri was done her maps (including grilling the others on what could be seen on the western and south-western sides of the plateau - she would have liked to have seen for herself but it was deemed too dangerous) they began to strike camp.

Wulf Rygor came up beside Chrysagon and said softly, "I thank you for helping us to complete this mapping. You've told me of your mission and I have been thinking - I think it may be too important to leave any longer. If you return with us to Camp Vengeance, Commander Breakbone is going to try to keep you. You are too valuable as agents. He means to do his duty and damn the cost. You can't go back. In the very least it will delay you, harm you, or cause you to have to harm soldier who are following orders (as they must)."

He shook his head and finished with, "I think it's best that when we reach the bottom of this cliff, we part ways with you. I will tell the commander that we were separated by a mud-slide. We have worked together for many years and I have never lied to him before. He'll believe me."

The scoutmaster ran his fingers through his damp hair and frowned. He clearly did not like the idea of lying to his leader, but he seemed convinced that it was the best option.


First time Chrysagon felt its grasp and it was not so pleasant. No peace, no delight, no epiphany. Only darkness... Were the Fathers wrong?
Wait. The curse, the Death Curse. That was it, he felt it. Something was harnessing his soul to prevent him from reaching his God's realm. It's the only explanation.
Then this angel brought him back...

Chysagon emerged form his thoughts and saw Miss Imogen, drinking her Tea...
May Kelemvor give him the strength to save her when the time will come, he thought.

The Heart of Ubtao, Omu, Acererak... Chrysagon was to weak to give attention to those questions. He took some distance to pray and get his focus back.

When Wulf proposed to lie for him he said, "I agree we should split. But do not break your friend trust. Truth is the only path my friend. Do not stray from it. Tell the Commander we accomplished what he asked from us and we went back to our mission. I can wait to claim our 550 gold pieces but I need to consult the Sticks about that matter." Chrysagon turned toward his friends to hear their opinion.
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Dusty Dragon
"Some of the greatest tragedies have been when two honorable persons come in conflict because of duty.

Avoiding such a conflict is a worthy goal, even if it requires a touch of deception. "
He paused and added "are you going to be ok to reach camp without escort?"

"But all of this is moot if we don't have the supplies to continue..."


Regarding supplies, Qawasha said, "We can find food, and we have rain-catchers for water. My biggest regret is that we left our canoe at Camp Vengeance."

Wulf Rygor answered Rodrigo, "I think we can make it back with just the three of us, if you take us within sight of the River Soshenstar."

It was not for navigation sake that he made the request, but everyone remembered the quick-moving clawed lizard-birds that hunted the grasslands. A larger group might be enough to scare them off this time.

Voidrunner's Codex

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