D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


Round 0

“We’re just gaein’ t’ let bluidy gold lie there on the table?” Dellrak protested, He may work for the Emerald Enclave, but he was still a dwarf! “Bah.” He didn’t really have anything he could argue against Wulf, though. “We’ll get ye t’ the river,” he promised Wulf. “We’ll ‘ave t’ make dae wi’oot the canoe, I guess,” he mused.

[sblock=Dellrak Actions]
Free Object Interaction:
Bonus Action: Planar Warrior
Reaction: Opportunity Attack

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Dellrak Character Sheet
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 15
HP: 40/40 HD: 3/4d10+2

Bolts: 19
Bolts used: 0
Arrows: 19
Arrows used:

Detect Portal (1/R): Within 1 mile
Planar Warrior: As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Primeval Awareness (action and spell slot): For one minute per level of spell slot, detect within 1 mile (6 in favored terrain) aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.

1) 2/3 Protection from Evil/Good (Horizon Walker), Jump, Goodberry, Longstrider


Rodrigo Di Castalone - male human fighter
Miss Imogen - female samurai, party member, Zhentarim
Chrysagon - male aasimar paladin, Order of the Gauntlet, Kelemvor
Harb - male human monk
Qawasha (NPC) - Chultan druid
Kupalue (Weed, NPC) - vegepygmy
Wulf Rygor (NPC) - Half-elf scoutmaster, Camp Vengeance
Tarri (NPC) - cartographer, Camp Vengeance
Kasqa (NPC) - Chultan warrior, Camp Vengeance

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The journey down the cliff was as treacherous as the trip up had been, but it was a little bit easier. They arrived at the bottom without injury and travelled across the grasslands. It took two days to arrive at the origin of the River Soshenstar and by then, their discussions had led to a very different plan. It seemed that the consensus was that they would face Commander Breakbone at Camp Vengeance, get their reward, and gather their canoe for the return trip to Port Nyanzaru.

Down river, they made two days travel without incident (though they had spent an afternoon hiding from a very large sail-backed lizard-bird with a great many teeth, before it moved on) and they found themselves within sight of the Camp. The walls were intact and the Order of the Gauntlet flag flew proudly over the gatehouse, but there was little activity.

The rain was light and as they made their way toward the gatehouse, Harb and Dellrak noticed that their canoe was not there. When they had departed, there had been four rowboats and their canoe at the landing where the river turned eastward. Now, one lone rowboat (in bad repair) sat on the damp bank.

It had been nine days since they left. The mission had been expected to take ten to twelve days - they were early. A horn blew from the gatehouse to announce their arrival, and soon the dwarf second-in command, Captain Ord Firebeard called down to them, "Gud t'see ye alive, Wulf m'lad. An' welcome back t'camp, ye Sticks. I hoop yer quest went as well as kin be. Oopen th'gaits!"


Dusty Dragon
"Greetings!" Replied Rodrigo. "... how goes the camp?"

As quietly as he could, he said to the others "let's find out what is going on before stepping in shall we? I think coming here was a mistake".
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
When the gates open, Miss Imogen, who has made a point of cleaning her hair and clothes for the return (such a quick process since her change), leans her bow carefully on a boulder to which she knows their canoe had once been tied, and sits down on it. Her posture is straight, as she had been taught at school, and she leans over and begins to unbuckle one of her boots, as if to remove a stone that has worked its way in.

"You go ahead," she says. "I'll catch up."


Whispering to Rod, "I don't like it neither. They planned to bring back the wounded to Nyanzaru by boat. They aren't back yet, I suppose."

"Mission complete, Captain. Everybody is still alive, but not without some new scars added to the collection. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, isn't it? Or crippled, one may say... Anyway, I'd like to speak to Captain Perne."
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Round 0

“Aye, went roight well enough,” Dellrak said. “Bit o’ fun wi’ the terror-folk, but we showed ‘em. Picked up a monkey, too. I cuild use a guid ale.” The weary dwarf stretched and cracked his back.

[sblock=Dellrak Actions]
Free Object Interaction:
Bonus Action: Planar Warrior
Reaction: Opportunity Attack

[sblock=Mini Stats]
Dellrak Character Sheet
Initiative: +1
Perception: +4
Speed: 25
AC: 15
HP: 40/40 HD: 3/4d10+2

Bolts: 19
Bolts used: 0
Arrows: 19
Arrows used:

Detect Portal (1/R): Within 1 mile
Planar Warrior: As a bonus action, choose one creature you can see within 30 feet of you. The next time you hit that creature on this turn with a weapon attack, all damage dealt by the attack becomes force damage, and the creature takes an extra 1d8 force damage from the attack. When you reach 11th level in this class, the extra damage increases to 2d8.
Primeval Awareness (action and spell slot): For one minute per level of spell slot, detect within 1 mile (6 in favored terrain) aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This feature doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.

1) 2/3 Protection from Evil/Good (Horizon Walker), Jump, Goodberry, Longstrider


Rodrigo Di Castalone - male human fighter
Miss Imogen - female samurai, party member, Zhentarim
Chrysagon - male aasimar paladin, Order of the Gauntlet, Kelemvor
Harb - male human monk
Qawasha (NPC) - Chultan druid
Kupalue (Weed, NPC) - vegepygmy
Wulf Rygor (NPC) - Half-elf scoutmaster, Camp Vengeance
Tarri (NPC) - cartographer, Camp Vengeance
Kasqa (NPC) - Chultan warrior, Camp Vengeance


Captain Firebeard answered Chrysagon as they entered the camp. "Cap'n Perne is off tae Port Nyanzaru with the warst of the sick. I'm afraed she took yer boat. Big as it was, it carried the most of 'em we cuid manage."

Indeed, the camp held less men than it had previously, though there appeared to be no fewer sick and wounded than there had been before.

"I will be reporting to the Commander right away," said Wulf Rygor, "Would you like to accompany me? The success of our mission should have the Commander in a better mood than last you spoke with him."

Captain Firebeard nodded, but both of them looked unsure of the truth of his words.


Harb nodded as he waited, glancing about the camp with only mild interest. He could probably learn a lot about death by simply sitting and watching this place slowly die around him. But this mission was too important for such distractions.


In the event, Commander Breakbone was in a better mood this meeting. Scoutmaster Rygor reported and Tarri presented her maps. The Commander listened with interest to the tale of the hardships and nodded his appreciation on the outcome.

When the tale was told, he said, "Very well done indeed. These maps give us a much better picture of the lay of the land, and now we know more of the nature of these Terror Folk and a little of the Aldanii Lobster-men. I am sorry to have sent your boat away with Captain Perne, but you understand that you will have saved some lives by the use of it. I have given it much thought while you were gone, and if, as you say, you can end this death-curse at the source, well... it is an Important mission indeed. I will not hold you. You are released from my service."

He presented six bags of gold, all market with the Order of the Gauntlet's symbol and a banker's rune for one-hundred.

Wulf Rygor appeared to be surprised and relieved, but he hid the emotion from the commander, while catching the eyes of the Sticks.

Voidrunner's Codex

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