• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is coming! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly



The sound of wet cloth hitting wood and water dripping down on him drew Dellrak's attention up to the docks.

Was that Miss Imogen's skirts up there?

With a suppressed cry of delight the dwarf ran towards the nearest post and started to climb. Once on the pier the shirtless and shoeless dwarf let out a cry.


OOC: Move: 10' ground/10' climbing to F22
Athletics check [roll0]
Action: Dodge
nakati - friends in dwarven

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The Nameless smiled in response, "Oh, nobody really." The moment of hesitation was all he needed as he brought his staff up end dashed it across the man's head, knocking him out.

The next man, who was turning to find the source of the arrow impaling his leader. Instead he found a foot flying up to meet his face.

[Sblock]Action, move (L10) bonus action. I inferred from the way you post damage and guessed that my first attack will finish him. Going for nonlethal strikes again.

Quarterstaff (V):: 1D20+5 = [19]+5 = 24
1D8+3 = [7]+3 = 10

Unarmed Strike:: 1D20+5 = [18]+5 = 23
1D4+3 = [2]+3 = 5

Squirrels are evil!


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo smiled as Harb unleashed a flurry of attacks – the man's style was unorthodox, but definitely efficient. He turned to briefly salute Miss Imogen excellent shot, and instead was rewarded with the sign of Dellrack climbing on the dock. Momentarily at a loss for words, he simply answered with "In the Shed!"

He turned back to the fight. Focus. Time to be the death that Brother Chrysagon had invoked. He rushed forward, hoping to catch Harb's opponent unaware.

(Move to L11, attack smuggleer)

The smuggler was simply too slow to dodge the lunge, but Rodrigo – still not fully used to the shorter war-blade – slightly misjudged the distance – had the stab been deep enough to hit something vital, or was it a flesh wound?

Somewhat belatedly – there was no more need for revenge was there, Rodrigo then added in a loud voice: "The artefact! We want it! Hand it over and you may leave"

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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen hears Rodrigo's words, and checks herself. She has already popped up from behind the stacked pallets, drawn the bowstring and she holds the fletching by her ear, as she stands poised ready to shoot.

Her silhouette is perfect.

She holds the shot, though, to see what happens.

OOC: Ready action: if one of the smugglers attacks or moves to attack, she will fire.


"In the Shed!" The bravado calls out towards the dwarf. which makes Dellrak slightly confused by this, but he steals a glance over at the open door of the water shed nonetheless.

He sees the backpack and bow lying near the doorway and grumbles, "Damn it! Thought I rid me'self o'that junk. Bah!"


Towering the smugglers, Chrysagon keeps swirling slowly his flail to add some weight at Rodrigo's intimidation.

[sblock=StatBlock]HP: 12 HD: 1/1d10+2
AC: 18 (Resist Nec & Rad)
PP: 10
Divine Sense: 4/4
Lay on Hands: 5/5 hp
Healing Hands: 1/1 hp
Spell slots:
1st: 0/0
Javelins: 5/5
Health Potions: 0/0
Coins: 5 gp
Last edited:



Harb spun his quarterstaff and cracked a smuggler over the head, who fell to the ground in a daze. He flipped up the staff and ran over to the next smuggler, kicking him in the face. As the man staggered back, holding his nose, Rodrigo rushed in and put the tip of his rapier an inch or two into the man's side. Pulling it free, he made his demand.

Chrysagon spun his lighted flail while miss Imogen held her taut bowstring. The two remaining smugglers saw that they were outnumbered, outgunned and outclassed. Dellrak climbed up to the dock, grumbling and wet to find the smugglers throwing down their weapons in defeat while the sailors, ignoring the entire skirmish, continued to fight the fire on their two-masted ship, eventually putting it out.

"If by "artefact" you mean that stupid necklace, well, you're too late." said one of the men, "One of those guys has it!" He pointed out in the bay, where the fire aboard a smaller boat was being put-out, and the boat turned into a dark black form in the growing darkness. A sail rose on the boat, and it put to sea, slowly disappearing into the gloom.


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo kept his blade pointed at the foe. Upon hearing that someone else - hopefully the first team! - had the necklace, his eyebrow rose up. Glancing at the others, he asked "Now how do we know if they are telling the truth?"


Harb took to directing the prisoners. Keeping his quarterstaff at the ready he directed the two over to the edge of the pier. He didn't bother with rope or tying them up so much as getting them away from their weapons. "Now, face the edge and put your hands in the air. Good, stay like that..."

With them standing in a compromising position it was a simple matter of putting a hand on each man's back and applying just enough force to send them both flailing into the water. Once they had surfaced he gave them something to think about. "You have a couple of friends tied up on the other end of your cave. You might want to go help them out."

Squirrels are evil!

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