D&D 5E (IC) Fitz's Folly


"Well, I had intended to join them, but if the encampment has been overrun (which seems likely) my efforts would be better spent in reporting this news and sending for replacements. Undril nodded to Miss Imogen while ignoring the fascination about her teeth, "I am not against discomfort, but I admit that I was not prepared for this heat. I knew it to be hot, but this thickness of air, this dampness, I hate every bit of it."

After speaking longer to Miss Imogen on various subjects, she eventually agreed to hand over her packet.

"I will remain here and work with Alastar while you are gone. Get word to me as quickly as you can on the fate of the camp and if it stands, I will come with reinforcements when they arrive." she decided and then she gave a brace of three vials to Miss Imogen, "Take these healing potions. You will need them more than I."

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OOC: Level 3 - Huzzah!! checking for portals DM

Dellrak seems more than slightly distracted as those better at battering than him talk of books and gold. After that is over he looks at the author and asks, "You do be mentioning guides. Why don't ye write der names ina da book and where we's can find 'em. Your name won't be necessary. At all thank ye."


Dusty Dragon
Rodrigo bowed deeply and respectfully to Ser Bol. "My sincere thanks"

Upon hearing Volo's comment, he gasped "Such generosity will not go unnoticed, oh most courageous of scholars! We will be sure to spread far and wide how your selfless devotion to helping those in need and furthering worthy cause. Give us but a few months, and the entire continent will know that Volo will spare no expenses when the need is great!"

He fell silent for a while and inclined his head to the priestess of Torm. He then quietly murmured to Miss Imogen "It would appear that faith is pushing us towards camp righteous, for better or worse..."

OOC: character has been updated


"To Camp Righteous then...

But before leaving... Miss Imogen found this piece of jewelry on the necromancer. Miss?", said Chrysagon reaching out to her.
"Does this look familiar to any of you? A pair of twisted snakes cast in silver."

Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen receives the package from Undril, and secures it amidst the folds of her garments. "I should be happy to save you the journey," she says. "We shall keep you informed of any progress. Do let us know where you are to be found."

When the woman offers the healing potions, Miss Imogen takes them, and places them in the outside pocket of the satchell she normally carries slung over her shoulder, but now which lies resting at her feet.

When Rodrigo indicates his expectation for the next destination, Miss Imogen nods. "Indeed. Though my intention is to travel to the Western jungle after we do so."

When Chrysagon mentions the silver snakes, she hands them over. As she does so she measures the paladin with her eyes, looking for some insight into what he might be thinking, and whether it differs from hat he might say.

Insight: [roll0].
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Kobold Stew

Last Guy in the Airlock
Miss Imogen hears Volo's inquiry, and shudders. She is here for her Uncle, not out of some sense of comraderie with these others, however pleasant their company has proven to be. There is no deeper bond, except what they choose it to be.

"We are a bundle of sticks, on an open hand," she observes enigmatically. "No more than that."


Looking closely at the twisted snakes, Alastar Bol appeared immediately concerned. "This has the look of something made by the Yaun-ti. The Wren has been searching for items related to the snake-worshipers. If you wish, I will deliver it to him, or you could do it yourselves."

Volo wrinkled his nose and said, "I have long suspected that the ancient structures here in Chult held connections to the Snake People. We would all like to believe that those devious cannibals are as dead and gone as their ancient empire, but I believe that they operate still, yet in secret."


Dellrak sits quietly sipping some ale. His mind seems afar, but he still seems to be listening to most of the conversation.

"Snakes be it then," he mumbles. "They do die just as fast when split in two by an axe, they do."

OOC: We are going to be setting out in the morning correct. A long rest before our departure?


OOC: You will absolutely get a long rest before leaving. You may want to hire some guides and possibly talk to other Representatives, if you so desire.


Harb stayed in the back of the room, generally doing his best to stay non-significant. He considered asking to deliver the charm himself, but decided it would ve easier to just report it and let them maje the delivery in their way. No reason to accidentally draw any more attention to himself than he already had.

Voidrunner's Codex

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