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[IC] The Trouble at Durbenford


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Your adventuring party has recently arrived in the town of Durbenford, a major center of business in the northern kingdom Valencia. Located on the banks of Rynas' Tears, just south of the Kal'lugus Mountains, the city subsists not only on its profitable lumber and fishing industries, but frequent visits from merchants and farmers from the surrounding villages.

Having traveled for some time in the frontier west of Durbenford, you have come to this hub of activity for well needed rest, supplies, and the chance for more adventure. The town is clean, light, and cheerful at first glance. It is protected by 10' walls, but there are no patrols, for the surrounding area is free for the most part of any dangerous activities, and the open gates and easy going guards give away the confidence the town has in its safety.

You estimate the population at 7-10 thousand, well mixed in racial population at first glance. The people are readily seen walking the streets, stopping to let the occasional guard patrol pass. As you walk the main road toward the center of town you find a marketplace bustling with activity.

Vendors shout with loud voices, offering rabbit, dove, squirrel, and the occasional shocker lizard at reasonable prices, promising unique and exotic tastes. Local craftsmen have erected temporary booths to advertise their wares. Such goods range from pewter tankards and cutlery, to the finest steel shortsword ever made by dwarven hands. More prominent than either food vendors or local eateries and craftsmen are the merchants who have stopped here to sell items. The visible wares include relics, ancient suits of armor, herbal simples, and cure-alls.

As seen from your short walk through town, the city is divided by short walls into four sections surrounding the market square. To the northwest, there are many large and architecturally impressive homes composed mostly of stone. These buildings feature turrets and short towers, and all are hedged in by walls. Beyond these grand houses is visible a castle, the black cypress of Lord Marcus Durben flying on its walls.

To the northeast is a large residential area. The homes here are much less grand than those of the presumably noble class to the west. Here the structures are more likely of wood than stone, and chimneys rather than turrets bristle the sky. To the southwest is a quarter comprised of merchant shops, factories, smaller markets, and workshops. The southeast quarter of the city holds a mess of cobbled together homes of wattle and daub. People seen over the wall are dressed in rags and rush about more hurriedly than the cheerful folk in the square.

The most obvious common thread of the various quarters of the city is the ever present green mass of a strange vine, growing in any available nook and cranny. Zagnak recognizes it as a plant known only as “rat weed”, name so for its pest-like nature and ability to survive under harsh circumstances. It’s well known to the party druid that there is little danger in the plant, but that it can be quite an effort to fight its assault on all available soil. This is evident in that, while the vine is present everywhere in the city, the nobles have gone to great effort to curb its advance, for the greenery in the northwest appears to be more manicured than malevolent.

It is here, nestled at the foot of the fabled Kal’lugus mountains and along the banks of Rynas’ tears that a mismatched band of veteran warriors, mages, army captains, and a loner hermit begins the adventure that has been awaiting them their whole lives…

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As the group enters the town, Konstantine's eyes survey the area.

Rather small. But still lively. Stories and songs are surely to be found. But whence to begin the search....

"I daresay, my good friends, that the first order of business must surely be to find a proper inn," the bard says in the light and lively tone his companions have come to expect. "From there I can both entertain the locals and begin my good work. Unless any of you have better plans..."


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This will do for a quick stop...

"I imagine that an inn will be found in any section, but the folk to the southeast might need your skills the most. The northwest is more likely to pay well though.

Jasper starts to look around at the wares presented in the center market.


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As the priest moves about in the crowd, he is beset by a number of street urchins who are quite excited by the arrival of the newcomers. Running about him, they shout, "Sir, do you need a guide?!" "Oh, I know the city much better than him!" "Do you have any treats?!"


First Post

"New town, new wonders, new places to explore!"
Gil says excitedly. He feels he is about to explode here in the bustling confusion of the marketplace, and has to force himself to keep from wandering off after some shiny trinket, unusual sound, or interesting odor.

Upon hearing Jasper's suggestion that the northwest would "pay well", he pipes up, "Ooo, the northwest sounds good. Yeah."


"Ahhh, my 'little' friend, while there is money there, I'd doubt we'd find an inn. Give me but a moment..." With tremendous ease, Konstantine passes through the crowd near Jasper. The bard deftly feeds several compliments and vague not-quite-promises to purchase wares while he probes for the information he seeks.

In a very short time he comes back to the group. "The Ox and Hammer in the merchant quarter is the place we want. No doubt!" Konstantine gives the others quick directions to the general area. "Shall we stay together, or just meet there later on? I'd like to see how this market fares. Surely there must be some tailor's daughter just pining for someone to measure for an outfit," the bard opines with a wide smirk.


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Jasper laughs and picks an urchin at random. "You there! I am in desperate need for a guide to The Ox and Hammer. Can you help me out?"

Turning back to his companions he smiles and says, "I will head there and make sure they have room for us first.


First Post
As Jasper addresses him (or at least a child somewhere in his vicinity), a young boy responds, "Certainly!" Immediately striking a pose more suited for one of the merchants in the square than a youngster, the boy proclaims, "My rate is one copper per day, plus food, of course."

The boy heads off toward the Ox and Hammer straight-away. The inn is found facing the Square. Three stories tall, with the first floor constructed of stone and the upper levels of wood, the inn bears a sign proclaiming that this is the oldest tavern in Durbenford.

Vigwyn the Unruly

First Post
Padraig: Male Human Fighter

"I'll go with you, friend," Padraig says to Jasper. "Northwind needs a bath and stabling," remarks the veteran, patting his horse. "As do I," he adds with a wry smile.

Padraig gives out a whistle as the young guide leads them to the inn. "She's a beaut, alright. Looks nearly as fine as the castle yonder," he says with a wink to Jasper. "One thing I learned in the army--if there's news to be had, the tavern is as good a place as any to find it, especially with alcohol to loosen the tongue. Mayhap they make a green beer from this strange weed that chokes the city."


First Post
As Konstantine strolls through the square, he sees more of Durbenford at work and play. The square is not only bustling with those about their shopping, but with travellers from the countryside, townsfolk simply moving from one quarter of the city, and the occasional noble apparantly on official business. As the bard is about to approach one of the more... skillful... appearing seamstresses about the edge of the square, he feels a tug at his cloak.

Turning around, he sees what was likely the disappointed failed cutpurse, little more than a child, disappear behind a pair of thuggish looking halflings. Though he is lucky that he keeps his valuables safely hidden away, Konstantine seems to have gained the interest of some unsavory folk; the halflings eye him with raised eyebrows.

Meanwhile, Jasper and Padraig find the inside of the Ox and Hammer as pleasant as could be expected. Though holding at least 50 patrons, the dining area they enter is hardly crowded. Wenches weave between the large round tables with trays of fried fish, breads, and pitchers of ale, and a stage off toward the back of the room stands empty for the moment. Two half-orcs flank the door in plain clothes. Though they hold no weapons, they are clearly bouncers.

Voidrunner's Codex

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